Show NEAR SEDITION CHAR CHARGED ED UP I TO RASKOB IN MEET I Scott McBride D Declares lares Wets Plot Against Hoover W WASHINGTON Oct 19 AP AP P. P. P Scott McBride general superintendent superintend superintend- ent of ot the tho saloon anti league to tonight tonight tonight to- to night said it had been revealed that John J. J Raskob chairman n of ot the Democratic national committee sets aside annually to get PresIdent President Pres Pros ident Hoover In bad and that the lithe prohibition question comes In hi for Its full share of ot misrepresentation In this program This assertion was made in the c course urse of ot an ri address delivered be before be be- foro fore the closing session of ot the International in international In- In convention of oC tho the Disciples Disc Disc- pies ples of Christ In his speech McBride did not net men mention lon Raskob by name but afterward at af he said the Democratic national na na- na chairman was waa the man t to whom he referred He said it had been brought to his attention In a magazine n a alne article by Frank Kent of ot the Baltimore Sun With re reference rence to the charge against Raskob said laid it may not be sedition but it bud hud dl dies s up pretty close to that in In Jn addition he asserted hat lIa granting the prediction of the tho wets the coming elections will Trill leave ten more mor drys in the senate senat and 20 30 more in tho house houe than voted orl nally for the eighteenth amendment |