Show biNo ESiNO Mont MOlt Ferry Says No Ho i tax Amendments Bas Baseless Theories ic es el Left Open to Raids Raids' lUo nd and Untried Y W. W MONT FERRY er Mayor of Salt Lake American Silver reducers Association I j observations which follow b result of ot some of my own is Its on this important riles ean and of of taxa- taxa should i i r sd- sd i 4 I a r Mont Ferry Ferrye e i of the constitutional Wi before the thc voters S' S Hi action privilege to attend a tout of tile J joint sessions of and legislative I wa I in the thc contest there twits twits' nn and theory J n i in so i far as the work s uon was was concerned rem remains to be seen fel cf e not the voters of this thil toN the the rec I se Ie theorists and their ta j who have utterly p port rt their theories with sir aId t nO g f fa facts ts based on ac- ac of revealing to us what HI option of these thes am amend nd- nd I have the c. c up upon n present D elfare of our state i. i said Id about equalizing eh en and taxing forms IVAN pa nAi la untaxed No n tit dIed Ut object to this this- idea 4 known man from e folia wants to bo be shown I aad au d rda i ds how Is this to b bc be 0 n much tax money moncy will u t d cf cd tax on every r He and every saving ac- ac 7 l 1 will be raised by the theP P P. P O 0 to t. 1 me me tax on the hard of skilled killed lIed and un un- n. n i o order e 1 well as' as on the ined ined in- in ni n i ed d as an aried and lver G w me mep y I H l s and and their stock- stock tc If It large lars b balances lances wb bi was fo from m the local i e ernt nt ri outside ed tile the 4 Is affect the loaning to our own citizens cr f. f J money money will be raised raise l lIf If I t many thousands thousand of off f homes a arid and d farms alt 7 or gage tax be added s ich the borrower pays r YI I IB B entitled to have l ve d delit deli n t church 0 o these vital qu questions s l s st t ill uI Jear asked to Ve e the then n mor lira an 3 a great many of ot the thet t fc this proposed theo theo- A Bruce stem tem have it no homes ice Sp d z rio o mortgages and it J f that an d w. w lure tura tur may cven even exempt L' L he personal tax re ire what about this IRth If Will Will WillIt It rc reach ch the t t the Ih Jh lc corner orner groc grocer r. r the thc lf 1 Uso so how much I must l be bo deemed liIS ht The c s 's small business libo bo taxed in exact proe pro pro- ir e e tax lax laxon on big bg ont bo boo tooled fooled about T r. r lines inn of this state ar are b backbone Even n now flow w re being taxed faxed on a aion ion tion than is used in inte inte te to 0 of tho Union except is con conceded to wJ y in n n mine taxation d dJ mine mic amendment d only ly to increase e e ethe the x metal meta metal rr mines in but after short time tim all protection thus per per- legislative raid which taken against the It Of It lift herself by her herps acc cc ps to Industrial pros pros- r r and nd m money ney must be bC bei i here to help u us dc- dc e- e atch natural l reI rc- rc c- c I 0 noyo r and cap cap- of ot stability InI In h. h If It the they come to help heip I ts task tak of bf digging ll d and Teapot reap t Id lie 1 1 ot of con constitutional unrestricted d the 1 i u 1 r wh which ch these pro- pro tL tt 4 Ints Ms may well wll if In the stability of oC oft t 4 this his theoretical tax taxi i lia d I Itt because program AdU as it tt trio L J. J Not sufficient lent II 2 no research sea ch Of Sa y the ta tax commit lets etc are submitted r the thc th that wi we e I I that hat we to 10 others others' gJ f October 1 l r 7 L article en rh's ms i tax Kf debate e H y- y 1 Bw w wan en an I Rat th affirmative n. n I |