Show Mrs Mr Jane D. D Isgreen Is green Dies at T Tooele o el H Home om TOOELE Oct OcL 18 U 15 Mrs Jane Jan Dick Isgreen logreen 70 10 Tooele county pioneer plo pio neer died at the family home here Friday following a lingering illness A native of ot Glasgow V. V Scotland d he the came to America with her parents parents par par- at the ago ago of of 8 and crossed the plains by ox team ox-team team in 1868 Surviving are the following children chil chil- dren John E. E Isgreen een Mrs Annie Bev Bevan n 1 W. W Sidney Isgreen n. n W. W Leo Isgreen Mrs Mae McBride Mrs Mis Amu u Mrs Rub Ruby Halladay all of ot Tooele Mrs Jr Agnes of ot Salt Lak Lake and one grandson Sidney Sid Sid- 1 ney fey George Atkin Funeral services S will be held a at 2 p. p m. m Sunday in the Tooele South Sooth Southward ward vard chapel under the direction of ot Bishop p Samuel Park Inter Interment ent will b be i in t the e Tooele cemetery |