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Show Th Sons, of the Plaint. No liiiip Iiiim 1 for the fdndiiE, nor lln-Rtis lln-Rtis fUHhlimrd (or skill. N01 lm .-duill wold t-xptenn It. tlio koiik thnt l In my hum, A fiiKii, Kwept fiom the dlHtant hoilzon I.CJOIlil tilt! hill, SIhkIiik of life und endiirunce, and bidding bid-ding inf hfar m putt. Kor thin Is untiK. H I "liiK It, the sbur Hint I lor the lirnt. Thu teadx tiiinip In the (urtow, the (.rlnil of the KlrnmliiK ntcil, An nullum xuiik to Hip noonday, a chant of thi' tiptn Went. KcIioiiIiik Ufi In in spirit to Klnddrn mid lit lit and IkhI. And thli It Life, iim 1 lend It, nnd life In Itx fiihiHt foim. To hirnlliu t lie wind on the rnnRcn, the Mt-ut of the upturned nod, To Ml lilt and tile, und he thtinkfiil. to wiuthii the nlilue hiiiI Mulln, rctullliiK ov,r the iuiiIiIih, the di Ktlny plHiiiiid hy (!od And no leu. ltd do 1 hfK foi. nne only to wmk and wait To tiriilxt' the Uod of my fathers, to lnliot 1 1 in nth hlH nky. To dwill nlcnip In IiIh Krentne, to strike nnd to li How HtlHlKht, Silent, nnil KtioiiK nnd contentid the llnillliio' philtiH nnd I Jl II IMMifoid In the Spectator. |