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Show H I PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. H ' B Comult County Clerk or the Respective Sign B ert for further Information. B to the District Court, Probate Division In aid B for Cache County, Stale of Utah. BY H . NOTICK TO CUKDITOIIH KMttuuf Chariot Kl ward I'rler. iln-rasiil, Cridllori will prcwnloUliai with yniichiTii H lotliotitidrnilk'nt'il nt lili offleo ri-ldciii-c .No. m tu North Main -irccl. Ixigaii. IJtali, In tint H oountyof Carlio ami Htti of Utah oror lm- H i foru tlio till day ofOclolicr, llOJ. .latni-i O. Waller, adtnlnlitrator of tialil H , . , Dalu of 1st inihlli-atlon .limit .. lail .hi IV .. NOTICK TO CltKIMTOIIH. F.i I ate of Thcnnus McNrll. ilfci'iivil. Criilltur wllliiri'MTilclalini with iimi'lit-rn B tit ilio iindrMlKiiiil at hit rpslilcin-i In Uicnn Inlhn count vol Cni'lwand atatvof lltali on S orln'forntlHiMlidaviif tvioluT, IKO. S MtiMn .1. Ilallanl, ailmliiMrator with the will anni'-i'il or Tliiimai Mi-NIH. ill a-id. ,1. C. Wallcri, Atty. BBS TiatiMif 1st iiuli:nllon .lunnT. lail Jul) ft. B notici: to ciii:i)iTiiii H Ustalr of t'arulliii' Click', iliyravil, H Crtillloii will lili'srnl i-lallni with Miirrli- BBS cm to tlio unilnnilKlii'il at IiIh icslililii'd -In BBS Lok'an. t'tuli. In the I'oiimy or ( ni'lic nml BBS Statu of Utah, on orlxifniL' tint tli dnyuf BBS piiH-tiilMT. IKO. TIum. Oli-M. BBS KxiH'iitorof tliK la-it will anil u-ilaiin'iit of BBS Caroline cii en. ilwi-awil. BBS .1. P. WnlliTH. Alfr BBS til inililli-ntliin Maj .'I, latt .lun.O. H In tlm HMrli-l I'mirlnf tin- I lrl .luilli'lal BBS ilUtrli't In nml fur th iinm of I'm-hi- nml BBS ttnti'of Utah Noili'i' of MiliMif ii'iil rxtaif. BBl In lliu liialti rr tin' cilatc or Mulln'W I, BBS lli'll, iln'l'UMil. BBi TlmiinilrrMk-iiril will M'll ai iirlvati' kiiIin BBkl tlm folliwIllirili'i'-rllMil reali'ilnl''. !. BBI Lot four (I) nml tin1 mmiIIi rlirlil I") rodi nlni' BBi and onn half WIS) ri'i'l of loia MwiS) Mill BBi li',)lal"A"iif CrlrkviiiN plat of llm t'lty of BBi Itti'liiiiniiil. Cni'l oiinty. Diah, Ami wilt- I , ten Mils will Ih' ri'i'i'lMdal tin' ri'nlili'in'L' or BBi ihiiailiiiliil'liutor at llli'hinoiiil. tJlnh. on or BBi tifliT tlii'-'llli iluy or .luim. Hi'-' Terms or BBi saK', li'ii ht i'i'IiI wllh Mil. Imlanrc on run- BB llrnialli.n hy onrl m.TIIri.i.. H AdinliiMtatorof tin' esialeof Mntlieu I'. BB B Notice of Sale of Real and Per- B sonal Property. 1 rotate of Peter Affleck, deceased. H The uudei signed ailtiiltiKtrator of H Mild estate will sell ill private sale to H the highest, bidder for cash, on or after H Saturday tlio lsl day of .Inly, li0.", H at his residence at 111'.. K. 1st. S. St., Bf Logan City, Utah, the following do- Bf scribed real and personal pioperty, BB H lleglnnlng at the north east corner H of lot seven (7) of block CI) of plat "A" Bf Lilian city survey, and tunning Bf thence south fourteen (14) feet; thence Bf west twelve (12) tods; thence south BB seventy-two ("2) feet; thence east f twelve VI) mils; thence south sixty- H two and one half feet more or less to H the southeast coi ner of said lot seven m (7) and itiniiltit; thence west eighteen B (IK) rods moie or less to the southwest B corner of said lot; thence north nine B (li) tods more or less to the northwest B corner of said lot; thence east eighteen B (18) rods, more or less to tlio place of B beglnnlnt,'. Subject however to a H rluht of way of the following part of H the above described tract of land: H Commcnulnt; (14) feet south of the B northeast corner of said lot (7) and M running thence west (12) rods; thence B south (72) feet; thence west (10) feet; H thence north (60) feet to the north H line of said lot (7); thence cast alontf B tho north lino of said lot (12) rods and M (111) feet moie or loss to the notlh B cast corner of said lot; thence south H (14) feet to the place of beginning. 1 ToKCther with all thelmpiovciiients P on said piopeity. B What is commonly known as BBi Allleck's machino shop, dcsciibed as BBJ follows: BH UeKinuini; at a point tlilrly-tluec BH (III) feet ICast of a point one bundled BBJ ninety-two and tlnee fourths feet N BBJ '-) decrees " inlnutes East of a BB point one hundred lifty - nine PPJ and 7-12 feet south of the south-west PPJ corner of lot live (i) block one (1) Flat PPJ "A" Logan City Sun ey, and lunnlng BBJ thence N 21 degrees 2.'i minutes K PB forty-eight (4S) feet; thence N ,'is de- PPJ grces 45 minutes islxty-sl (tiii) feet; BB thence S II) degrees 21 minutes V s;t BBB feet; thence West forty-eight and 1.2 BBa feet to the place of beginning, and H containing (27H4) feet, and situated in H the south part of block one (1) l'lat H "A" Logan City Suney. Together BBB with all the machinery thetcin, or BBV ' used in connection llu'iewlth, and PB about 12D0 minute feet per second of BBa water used to operate the said ma-BBa ma-BBa BBJ Also, beginning at the south east PH comer of the northwest (piancr of BBJ section eleven ill) township eleven H (II) north of range one (1) east of the BH Salt Lake meridian, running thence BBBi north four and ..to chains;thcncc north V t-Mlegrees :!0 minutes west fifteen and BY .11) chains, thence north 1 degree 'M BBV minutes east three and .25 chains; BBJ thence south ss degrees 'M minutes BBJ east to a point seven and .tiO chains BBJ north of the place of beginning; thence BBJ J cast twenty (20) chains; thence south BBJ seven and .i0 (7.00) chains; thence BBJ west twenty t20) chains to the place BBJ of beginning, containing (20) acies BBJ more or less. BBJ Also ten shares of the capital slock BBJ of the Spring Creek Water Company, BBJ a corporation ccrllllcate No. 39 used BBJ to water the tract above described. BBJ Also Lot one (1) block ninc(O) plat BBJ "A" Providence Townsltc survey in BBS Providence, Cache county, Utah, to- BBV gellier with all the Improvements BBJ, thereon. Also the following water BBV right used thereon: BBJkf BBBBBj iaBBYJBkh. W V'bbbbbm KJVBBbbL l'le shares of the capital stock of tho lll.icksmlth Fork Irrigation Co. Certlllcatc No. 7'i. Promissory note for M200. due on or before Dec. Nth 100!) signed by the Danlelson Manufacturing company, Interest (! percent. One hundred and thirty one shares of capital stock of the farmers Union Mills of Smlthlleld, being certificates Nos. llMlUil-l 18-117-208-172 and :i7f). One watct wheel. Logan city water scrip ccrtlticate No. 2221 fors. Logan city water scrip certlllcatc No. 20:t8 for ?10. One heifer, one horse, one cow, one single buggy, one single buggy harness. Promissory note of Norman St. Claire for thoO. , , Itccclpt or Norman St. Claire for tl(K). Any other property belonging to the said estate, If any there be, not herein mentioned. Written bids will be recclcd at any time prior to the sale of the property. Terms of sale, cash, ten per cent of the puichaso price down, balance In full upon continuation of sale by the court. Dated this loth day of . I line 1!)0.. WlM.IAM AVKI.KCK, Admlnisliatci. .1. .. Stewart. ,lr., Attorney. wrier, ion i'ijiii.uatio.n. Nii. Ji.'y. Di'imrlini'iil ofllm liiliTlor. I.aiul olllri' al Hall l.aKi' City. Utah, .tiilinti, lli.". Niillrr It liori'liy Klvi'ii thai lliu followlnir-niuiii'il followlnir-niuiii'il si'ltli'r hits llli'd notlri of hit Intt'ii-ilim Intt'ii-ilim to mnkf llnal proof in siipimrt of his I it I in nml Hint snhl proof will In' innilii l-riiinlhi'Cli'rk l-riiinlhi'Cli'rk of llm lllKtrli't Court In nml for Cni'liri'iHiiitA. I'lah. al Ijiifan. Utah, oil .1 1 1 1 V 15. I I"."n !' .loliii I'skidsoii, II. I.. I.ll-tf. lor tliu H. H . W. 4 Sin- 7 and N. W N. . '4 ('' I" Tn li N. It. si:. H. I.. Jl. Ill' iiauii's the followlint wltncisri to inirti' hlseoiilliiiious ri'sldi'iiri' iiikui nml I'ulllvn-llnii I'ulllvn-llnii of nld land. l: tii'iirifi- llaj. I.ll W'll-Ihllns. W'll-Ihllns. I.i"lrr llulr. .lohn C. Lurson. all of (.'in i'. Illnh. .1. .. NrinAIIT. .Ill I'llANk I). llDIIIN, Attorni'). Id'nlstrr NOTlCt: or l'UIII.If!.TION. Ik'linriiiniU of tlniliitiTlur. I. nml onii-ii ntSnlt l.aku City. Illnh. Ma j i". ltnV. Notleo Is hiTi'hy k'l en tlial tlm follonlnir iihiiiiiI M'ttler hastlli'il mith'oof his liilcnllon toninki'tlnnl priHif In niipipott or his elalm, and Hint said pniof will Ixi Hindu lii'fom thn idcrk of 'tlm (IMth't I'onrt, In and for Cnehu I'onnty, 111 ah. it t 1iitnn. t'lnh. on .Inly Slh lloj. l: A If i ill .li'iiM'ii.rnrthc lots 1,2. a and 4 Ms-h THN. Hl S. I. M. tin nnnii's tin- rolliiwliiir wllni-s-n- to iinitc hlsroiitlnuoii-. u-slili-m-u upon nml i-nltlvn-tlimiif-uid lund. i: Myrnn W. llutlrr. I.ph-rulin I.ph-rulin lliTKi'ii'-i'ii. lEiifiis P.. llutliT und Ch in-iiii'i' in-iiii'i' llnllrr. all orTrt'iiton. Illnli I'lM.Sk I). lll'MIH, KlKlstlT Notice to Water Users. State Ktiginccr's Olllcc, Salt Lake Cltv, Iiah. May 2:1, 1D0.1. Notice is hereby given that .lames I. Shepaid, Joseph Monson and K. ('. f-'chaub, whose postot-" address is Logan, Utah, iia-s nui'i application In accordaiiLV with tin r iuirunienls of chapter 10S, Session Law of Utah, UiO.", to appropi late tliti-i n l.'Osccond-feet l.'Osccond-feet of water Mowing 111 High Creek, Cache County, Utah. Said water will be delivered by meansof a dam and pipe line at a poiu'. which bears north 71 degrees 11 minutes cast Ali4.li feet distant dis-tant fioin the ninth east corner of Section 8 Township 14 north, Range 2 east, Salt Lake base and meridian, from where It will be conveyed for a distance or about 11,000 feet and there be used from January 1st to December :ilst, lnclusle, of each year, to develop power which will be used for the pur-nose pur-nose of electric lighting and propelling propell-ing machinery at Klchmond, Coveville and Lcwislon In Cacho county, Utah. After having passed through said wheels, the water will be returned to the natural channel at a point which bears north ti3 degrees 4.1 minutes west o21.8 feet distant from the north cast corner of the south cast quarter of the north west quarter of Section 7, Township 14 north, Ilango 2 cast, Salt Lake base and meridian. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by ailidavil in duplicate, and tiled In this olllcc within thirty (110) days after the completion com-pletion of the publication of this notice. Cai.kiiTannkk, State Kngineer. May 27th. .luue 20th. Found a cure for Dyspepsia. .Mis. Lindsay, of Fort William, Out. who has Mitlered quite a number of years from dyspepsia and great pains In the stomach, was advised by her druggist to take Chamberlain's liver and stomach tablets. She did so and sajs, '1 tint) that they have done me a great deal of good anil have never had any sutlcring since 1 began using tliein. If troubled with dyspepsia why not take these tablets, get well and stay well? For sale by all druggists. Bids Wanted. The lloatd of Education of Logan city Utah, will receive sealed bids for the erection of a boiler house and the Installing of a now heating system at the Woo ru it school, Inaccordanco with plans and speclllcatlons orepared by-Messrs. by-Messrs. Monson & Schaub. Such plans may bo seen at the olllco of the atchltectsor at the olllco of the clerk of the Hoard. lllds will be opened and considered Friday June 2Jrd, 1005, at 6 p. in. at the Noam's ottlec in tho Woodruff building. All bids must bo accompanied accompani-ed by a certllled check made payable to The Hoard of Education of Logan city, for 5 per cent of tho amount bid lor such labor, such check to bo forfeited for-feited to said Hoard by the successful bidder In case he falls to excuto tho necessary bond and contract demanded de-manded bv law. Illds will bo received until Juno 2:ird, at 8 p. m. 1005 The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Hy order of tho Hoard of Education, ot Logan citv. Utah, Dated this 13th, day of June llKtt. Notice to Contractors. The lloaid of 'County Commission-eisof Commission-eisof Cache county, 11. II. Hendricks, chairman, will receive sealed piopos-als piopos-als up to 12 o'clock noon, July 1st, 11)03, for the erection of an addition to the present county court house In accordance ac-cordance wllh plans and speclllcatlons piepared by Monson & Schaub aichl-tccts aichl-tccts and englneeis. at u:i North Main sticet, Logan. Utah. Each contractor will submit with his proposal a certllled check made payable to the older of II. II. Ilcnd-licks, Ilcnd-licks, chairman county commissioners, In the amount of 10 per cent of the proposal. Illds unaccompanied bv certified check will not be considered. For fnither information apply to Monson & Schaub, atchltects. The right Is reserved by the Hoard to i eject any and all bids. Huge Task. It was a huge task to undoitake .1 . 1. l.n.l ...,.-.. ,.f I.1.1..M1, IIIU CHIC III 1IIVII il uau i-ust ui niuuj disease as that of C. F. Collier, of Cherokee, la., but electric bitters did It. He wiltes: "My kidneys were so far gone, 1 could not sit on a chair without a cushion: and suffered fioin dreadful backache, headache, and depression. de-pression. In Electric Hitters, however, how-ever, I found a cine, and by them was testored to perfect health. 1 iccom-mend iccom-mend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by Itltcr Hros. drug store, price 50c. Notice of Sale. Hy older of the Hoard of County Commissioners and In accordance with Subdivision III, of Sec. 511 Session Ses-sion laws of 100.5 the following described de-scribed piece of land will be sold at public auction at the front door of the court house hi Cacho county, Utah, on June 20th, 1003 at 2 p. m. Lot 1 block 1 plat C Logan Island survey, i:i0-lti0 acre. In witness whereof 1 hereunto set my hand and affix my official seal this 10th day of May, 1!)05. m:ai. J. N. Lahskn. County Clerk. Ttn Times Eaiitr. It Is ten times easier to cure coughs, crouD. whooping cough and all lung and bronchial affections when the bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxative Laxa-tive Honey and Tar is the orignal Laativc Cough Syrup. Gently moves tho bowels, and expels all cold fiom the system, cuLs tho phlegm cures, all coughs and strengthens weak lungs. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar contains no opiates, is pleasant to tho the taste and Is the best and safest for child or adult. Sold by Hiler Hros. DtugCo. Wanted. General blacksmithlng and repair work of all kinds. 1 have a largo shop and iiood workmen and can give honest work fot honest prices. Am located half block South of People's store, Klchmond, Utah. Pon't forget for-get the name. C. M. l'eterscn. Proprietor. Pro-prietor. St 1 Official Directory, District Judge- W. W. Maughan. District Attorney Fred J. Holton. COUNTY OPPIL'EKS. County Commissioners B. A Hendricks, Hend-ricks, Joseph Knowles, W. II. Parley. Par-ley. County Clerk -Jacob N. Larsen. County Recorder Rebecca Eames. County Attorney J. C. Walters. County Treasurer W. C. Parkinson. County Assessor Jos. J. Richardson. County Sheriff T. II. Smith. County Surveyor K. C. Schaub. County Physician-W. H. Parklrrson. County Supt. Schools Lewis McCar rcy County Fish add G mc Wardcn-Chas. II WISon Water C ommlssloncr James Mclklc. Fruit tree ItiDcsctors 'icls R. Hroby Wcllsville Precinct Justices of the Peace and; Constables of ( ache County, electe I November 8lh. 1004. Justice -A ,'on.Cico. W. DavIs;Ilenson L. I . Roundv: College, C. R Jepp-scn: Jepp-scn: Coveville, E. S. Larsen; 'ireomillc, iScls A. Madscn; Hyde Park, Albert Klrby; Hyrum, .las. I. ensen; i.ogan.Thos. X. Smith; L Aistun, i iHer E. VanOrden, Jr.; Hllvllle, .Martin Olsen; Mention. -;Mt. Sterling, David! llenrv; Newton, Lorcno f1 Lar-1 sen; Peterboro, E Ilallanl; Prov-. Idenci . Loieno R. Tibbitts; Paradise, Para-dise, W. J. Willis: Richmond, W. L. Harris, Smlthlleld, Wm. Doug;1 last; Trenon, Charles G. Wood-; Wcllsville, R. Rasmusscn: Wheel-1 er, James M. Anderson;Clarkston, .lame H lardinc. i Constables-Avon, William C. Hub-1 bard Hen .on, J. E. Harney; Col-1 lego Walter A. Jensen; Coveville-F. Coveville-F. I.. Tltcnsor; Greenville, Wil, lard Nyman; Hyde Park. Fred O-Woolf; O-Woolf; Hyrum, Robert H. McFar. lean; fogan, George 1. Fames-Lewiston.Joijcph Fames-Lewiston.Joijcph W.Lcavitt, Mil ville, Fredrick T. Yc.ites; Mcndon, ; Mt. Sterling, Daniel Ioid; Newton, Franklin T. Griffin Peterboro. - - i i'ioldetice. Hoiace Hammond Ham-mond Paradise. R. W. James; Richmond, William F. bmilh; Smlthlleld, Walter Fisher; Trenton Alvin McCombs; Wcllsville, Fred 1 Darley; Wheeler, William Hy-bce;Clarkston, Hy-bce;Clarkston, Asiah Thompson. No Secret About It. It Is no secret that for cuts, burns, ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, boils, etc., nothing is so effective as Hucklcn's Atnlca salve. "It didn't take long to cute a bad sore I had, and It is all O. K. for sore eyes," writes I). L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 25c at Rlter Hros drug Co. WHY SHE DIDNT GET MAD. Fair Traveler Had Had Experience with Sterner Sex. "I made a queer mistake going down to Uoston the other day," said the man with the fat cigar. "Sitting across from me In the Pullman was a young woman that I sized up as being n lady I'd met at a dinner party one night last fail. Mighty good-looking she was, and I didn't feel as though I'd be at all ashamed to have people see me talking to her, so I stepped acr"s tho aisle and immediately began be-gan telling her all about my affairs and asKIng where she was going, be- KlrVfi L'lvln? llfr n filunennt 1IH1 Insh about how glad I was that we hap- ' pened to be on the same train, and all that sort of thing, you know. Well, after I'd sat there and talked to her for half nn hour or ko I found out that she wasn't the lady I hnd thought she was at all. In fact. I'd never seen her before nor she me." "Wasn't sfie IfTendeiV at the way ou butted In without wnltlug for an introduction ?' "Oh. no no, not at all. I found out later that she was a widow." The Children's Favorite. For coughs, croup whooping cough, etc., One Minute cough cure is the children's favorite. This is because It contains no opiate. Is perfectly harmless, tastes good and cures. Sold by Rlter Hros. DiugCo. A Bad Scare, Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a naln In your bowels, and fear oupedlcltls. Safety lies In Dr. Kings New Llfo Pills, a sure cure, I for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, bllliousne.ss;costlve-ness, bllliousne.ss;costlve-ness, ect. Guatantced at Ritcr Hros. drug Co., only 25c. Try them. Sail Lake City Directory v JZZ Richard Evans PP florist Salt Lake City's Leading Hotel M Soilt" Mttln Strcct' 1,,,0ne m EUROPEAN PLAN Horal Designs a Specialty, Local aAnLongDUtanLtAp1,0ne In n&f " Pl,nC Pr0n'Pt'y I every room. ' C u Hen Hotel. R. H . Officer & Co J WCaSnldSuCp0-?od.dSr" Rttes-K 10U sSeTeS'leet. J per day. Samples sent by mall or express 1 S. C. EWING, Prop. reef c prompt and careful alien- 1 Windsor Hotel B. C. Morris Floral Co., ,,,.. TII0S. HOBDAY. Manager. Centrally located. South of Ken- ,.,,,., . ., yon iiotci, Main street. Floral Dcsirjnsand Decorations European plan. Rates reasonable. 11.....1. r.. v -n.i c ,nne RVt State trade solicited. Rates " p'u"4Vp"d .f nir oOcentsand up, McCORMClv HI ILDlrsO Lindsay Rogers Fluff Rug Works When you are In Salt Lake HwBPj'E'S'k 2?i I Look for Big 7 BKfefefe; I IT'S NAUR'S CIGAR STORf. "J" C"AI,E MVEWSinLE UUGB made from old Carpets. No. 230 West Jd 7 West Second South Street. South Tetanic Pamphlet on application 9 AotliPDGRAll ftPAMDEWE5JlW !! l ne ocenic Line To Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Sprlugs, J Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points a East. Connecting at Ogdcn Union Depot with all Southern Pa- 1 citic and Oregon Short Line trains. H The only Transcontinental d Line passing directly through Salt Lake City. I 3 Splendidly Equipped Trains between M OGDEN AND DENVER U Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes. y. 3 THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CARS To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago without v r change. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Personally Conducted Ex- U cursions. DINING CARS, Service a la Carte on all through trains. 'J For rates, folders, free illustrated booklets, etc., inquire of your i nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rio Grande ....route, or address. . , . v. ui-ii vi, ii fc, wi irfuic v-ii.y I The FIRST NATIONAL BANK I 1 OF LOGAN, UTAH. I Capital, .'.... j.iO.OOOtOO ! SUUl'LUS AND UNDIV2DKD PltOFITS $25,000.00 Do your banking business at the First National, the only National Hank in Cache county. Under supervision of the United States Government. Safety for deposits. Pmmpt, progressive and up to date. Vfo want your business. We pu, four percent Interest on time deposits. Interest compounded quarterly W. S. McCounick, President. Allan M. Flkmino, Cashier. .Iakks Quaylk, Vice President II. E. Ckockktt. Ass't. Cashier. LIST OF DIRECTORS: W. S. McCounick. .Iajiks Quavle .'oski'u F. Smith John II. Andkuson. Titos. Smaut Sojikn Hanskn. C. C. Goodwin. C. W. Niiilky. Allan M. Flkmino Ei IT I m J HOTEL EAGLE I Hk Jlyinil European Plan. gsOiPBllSyp WK WSB R00MS 50c' 75c and $,01) fMWSuk Wm ) YwSrlW RESTAURANT in Connection. liMft f Jafejf n J 3 SMim li Tllonias' Mer' Main St., Logan, Utah ADVER1 ISE IN The Republican 4 |