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Show 1 1 Logan Real Estate I - V and Loan Company m has a number of First-class Drj and Irrigated ... ... I Farms For sale I on terms or for Cash. City proper- I ty In all parts of town. Long time J Farms Loans a specialty. I Optional payment. Local money 1 money placed. A No. 1 Security LOUIS S. CARDON, Mgr., Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. Tithing Office corner, Logan, Utah 8 lias plcntv of MON'KY AT ;aLT, TJMfcS for """ FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged Your Opportunity to visit the "Old Home" and the "Old Friends" In the Kast and return to the West, with as little expense as Is ordinarily required to make the one way trip, has come. Reduced Rates. On May 27 to 20; June .1, ., 10 and 12 tickets wiy be on s.ile from Salt Lake To Chicago and return -f 44 50 " Milwaukee' " 15 0 " 1'corla ' " ..41 2.r " St. Paul " 41 !X) " Minneapolis " 41 00 Proportionately low rates will be In ctlcct from all points In Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada to every section reached by the Chicago & Xorth-Wes-tcru lines. C. A. Wai.kkii, General agent, C. & N. W. Hy., P. O, M box 730 Salt Lake, Utah. I $ Oregon Short Line R. R. 1 - CA'CIIE VALLEY TIME CARD o No. II, Dally. No. 15. Dally Mixed. I'ocaK'llo 2s45 j. m 2:.T0 a. rn fait Lake :I0 " ll:5p.m Ocden i:M " 1:S5 " Cache.IcU 7:00 &:30am Mendon 7:18 " tl.00 " Lcwan 7:35 " :25 " Hmlthfleld 7:53 " 7.00 " Iilcbraond S:0I " 7: " Franklin 8:23 " :15 " AllltlVES I'rbton ;40 " UilO.a.m iOUTIl HOUND. I LEAVE. No. 12 Dally, No. ID. Dally Mine Preston 7:10a. m 9:0a.m Franklin 7:27 " 10.00 " Richmond 7:2 " 10:40 " Pinlthfleld 7:W " 11:10 " Locan 6:15 " 12:50p.ra Mendon S:3.1 " 1:10 " CaclieJct. ('SO " ...... . 1:35 " AltlllVEH. Ocden 10.35 " '.:00 " fait Lake 11:15 " I MO " I'ooatello 4 45 " For further Information apply to W W. WoodsldaAecnt. HARDWARE !! Tools of every description - Nails, Staples, Holts, Chains, Rope, Poultry Netting, Wire Cloth, Rubber Hose, Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Picks, Crowbars, Crow-bars, Wheelbarrows, Hrushcs, llrooms nousc Furnishings of all kinds, Tinware, Tin-ware, Galvanized Iron and Granite-ware. Granite-ware. Largest stock In Cache Valley. Quality the best, price the lowest. See our windows and compare prices with others. R. La Fount & Co. 3S Center Street 3tj Peter A, Pehrson Cement Contractor is prepared to do any size cement ce-ment work on short notice. Cnrbs, Cellars. General cement ce-ment work done. List me your work. Phone 90y. Res. 50 N. 5th E DON'T BLAME YOUR BOY for wearing out his shoes. It is not his fault. Our "Anchor Hrand"seam-less Hrand"seam-less alvvas gives satisfaction, and are warranted!. SPECIAL SALE PRICE. Hoysslcs .. 2tofl ...,tl !i.i Youth " 10 to R 1 7." Mens ' (I to 10 2 45 Baker Sells GOod Shoes. 1.1 W Center street, Logan. Utah. Griffin Bros., The Machinists. Have a complete stock of Wagon Wa-gon and Buggy materials. Can do all kinds of repairing including in-cluding buggy top and uphol-tering uphol-tering work. Have recently purchased a machine for setting set-ting rubber tires, or channel, s thus converting steel to rubber rub-ber tire buggies. All work guaranteed. I TO UFA I THE 1 3iHEst lungs r i? I to stay hoaled, and to remove every trace of a Ef i I COUCH or a COLD quickly and pleasantly, w c H don't fail to ask for the only remedy in all the K I H world that does it gl 1 1 D. KIIMG'S I 1 , -NEW- & I DISCOVERY! I I FOR CONSUMPTION I 2 H Sims, Akk., Oct. 14, 1903. H I H I had lung trouble for two years. It confined me to my H I I bed four weeks. I got three bottles of Dr. King's New H I H Discovery and it cured me. Have not had a pain in m" H I lungs since. J. W. Johnson. M I I soc and Absolutely Guaranteed I J H 1 1 .OO M V flHIMi SOLD AND REGOMMEKCED BY I ltlter Bros. Drug Co Logan, Utah, Montpeller Preston and FrankJIn Idaho i Send Me The Names of jour friends or relatives In theKast who are contemplating movement to the west during the spring or summer There will be In effect during the spring months, from all eastern points to every section of the west, greatly leduced rates (both one way and toutitl trip), and It will be to their Interest that j oil give me the names of parties who may be Induced by these rates to come West. No matter where they may be located, we will have our representatives rep-resentatives call upon or write to them and advise them of the cheapest cheap-est and best way to make the trip. Call upon or address C. A. Walker, General Agent, Chicago & North-Western Hy., 1". O. Hox 750, Salt Lake, Utah Just what mrjonc should do. .I.T. Harbor, of Irwlnvlllu. (in., always al-ways keeps a bottle of Chambei Iain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea leincdv at hand lead) for Instant use Attacks of colic, I'holcia morbus and dl.mhoca come on so suddenly that theic Is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the stoic for medicine. "1 have tried Chamberlain's leinedles which aie the bust medicine I eci saw. 1 keep a bottle of It In my 100111 as 1 have had seveial attacks of colic and II has piovcd to be the best medicine 1 ever used. Sold by all mugglsis That Tired Feeling! If you aie languid, depressed and incapable in-capable foi work it Indicates that your liver Is out of older Ilerblne will assist nature to throw off head-aches, head-aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and icstoic the energies ener-gies and vitality of sound and perfect health. J.J. Hubbard, Temple, Texas writes, March 22, 1002: "1 have used Ilerblne for the past two ycais, it has done me more good than all the doctors doc-tors When I feel bad and have that tired feeling, 1 tukc a dose of Ilerblne It is the bet medicine ever made for chills and fever." ftuc a bottle. Sola by Hiter Hros. Drur Co. Have You a Cough? A dose of Ballard's Horchound Syrup will relieve it. Have jou a cold? A dose of Herblne at bed time and frequent small doses or Hore-hound Hore-hound syrup during the day will remove re-move It. Try it for whooping cough, asthma, for consumption, for bion-chills. bion-chills. Mrs. Joe McOrath, :J27 E. 1st. street, Hutchinson, Kan,, writes: "I have used Hallard's Horchound syrup In my family for 5 years, and llnd It the best and most palatable medicine I ever used." 2T)C, 50c, $1.00. Sold by Hiter Hros. Drug company. If in a kind of blllious mood, You wish an aid to digest food, No other pill is half so good As HeWltt's Little Early Risers. The famous little pills Early Klsc.s cure constipation, sick headaches, biliousness, etc. They never gripe or sicken, but Impart early rising energy, flood for children or adults. Sold by niter Bros. Drug Co. Cuban diarrhoea. 1'. S. soldleis who m-iumI hi Tula during the Sp.uiKh wai know what this ilNense Is, and that onliii,u lem-edles lem-edles hae little mote ellecl th.in water. Cuban ll.uihoea K almost as seere and tl.iiigeiotis as a mild attack of cholci.i. Theie Is oue iemed,how-i ever, that can alwus be depended up-1 on as will be seen fiom the follow lug! ceit incite from Minnie Jacobs of Te.-1 as: "1 heiebi ceitlfj that Chamber Iain's colic. cholera and diaiihoea lem-edlesctiretl lem-edlesctiretl my husband of a severe attack at-tack of Cuban diairhoci, which he biought home fiom Cuba. We had several doetois but they ilitl him no good. One bottle of this lomedy emed him, as our neighbois will testify. test-ify. I thank ("Sod for so valuable a icincdy. Sold by all diuggists . Quality and Quantity, llaid muscles and strong body tlo not depend on the ipiaullty of food ou cat, but on its perfect digestion and proper assimilation. When jou take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure jour sis-tern sis-tern gets all the nourishment out of all the food jou cat. It digests what you eat legardlcss of the condition of the stomach and conveys tho nutilent properties to the blood and tissues. This builds up and strengthens the entire system. Kodo! cuies Indigestion, Indiges-tion, dyspepsia, belching, sour stomach weak heart, etc. Sold by Hiter Hios. Drug Co. Srraincd ankle, stilf neck, lame shoulder. These arc three common ailments for which Chamberlain's pain balm Is especially valuable. If promptly ap-olied ap-olied it will save you time, money and suffering when troubled with these ailments. Sold by all druggists Notice of Intention to Tax. N is hi M lij sit , n in lb, iij , l.irn I mli iliai li InieuiN to let i u im hi tax on lb, real cMati lien matter it, , riissl for the puriMM' of lajlntr a cement vldennlk four feel wldi and for that purim-it oMetjIni; " . ,."i " ,'l"','ll1 UvlnirdMrlel tn l kmmii , '.',' ' situated as sidewalk IMMrli I . II 1 will U'l'i-ciitcd within the Niundarles of t. I district tn ls affected and Nmll1.1l 1,1 t. Mild Impnit fluent. J I'be said liiiprotctmnl Kill Iseln at tlielu-I tlielu-I terjwtlon of I'lrst West ami Center streets I and run tin nco south on tin, wotsldcof 1st 1 West st net adlstatii'c of fmir blocks to tin ciirntrof I mirth south street 1 he PMts-rt to lw alTvi-ted and U'liilllid lij llio said Improvement will bo that almtt In nlonirtlic said linproteiiieiit, fniutliik' the j saim, along t, west side of tin strict and ileserlls d as follows, t u Uits tl, I. 8 and I In b ivk 4: plat II. All lots In the east balfitf iisikse. plat II: All lots In tliutMst half of blivk III plat 1). IxntanCltv Surtei i riiat tin) estlmatiHl cost uf the mi d tin I pnni'tneiit lsi. is'r front or lltuar fmit. I or di frnjlni: the whotn thensif. the city ln-lenils ln-lenils toleti n siss-lal tax on tlm frontiiee of tboproiM-rtt as aluve mentioned. mr,,-tM ami Is uiiltisl b) the said ltniiroteii out 1 lie ell) eouiii'll will consider the iimistMil less and hear olijis-tlous thereto In writing on Wisliiesdat, the .Mlidav or.lulj. I'HV lit spin at the, 'lit oniui'l! I'bainls'r llallli s'lnith.citi Ihsonli r Nt piibll, .H Ion. lime 10, llmi D)ln of Famine is, in Its tin ments, like dvlng of con sumption The pi ogi ess of consumption, consump-tion, fiom tho beginning to the veij end, is a long torluie, both lo victim and f i lends "When 1 had consumption consump-tion in llrsl stage," vvi lies Win Mveis. of Ce.iifoss, Md , "aftei trying dlllei ent ineillcliies autl a good tlocloi in vain, 1 at last took Or. Kings New Dlscoveiy. which ipilcklj and peifect ly cuied me." Prompt lellef ami sine for coughs, colds, soie thiu.it, liion chltls. etc. 1'ositlvelj pieveuts pneumonia pneu-monia (Stiaianteed at Hiter lltos (hug store, pi ice ."ilk! and $l.noa bottle Tilal bottle flee. The Salve That Penetrates. DeWllt's Whltch lluel Salve pent-tiato't pent-tiato't the potes of the skin, and by its antiseptic, uiblfoclenl mid healing iiilluence It subdues lnllamui.it ion anil cures bolls, bums, cuts, Kcema, let-leis, let-leis, ring vvonn and all skin d I vases. A specillc for blind, bleeding Itching and piotiuding piles. The original and genuine Witch llattl Salve Is made by K. 0. DeWItt & Co , and sold by Hiter Hios. Drug Co. Acuhe Rheumatism. Deep tearing or vvienchlng pains, occasioned by getting wet thoriigh; worse when at lest, or on Hirst moving the limbs and In cold ord.unp weather, Is cuied ipiickly by Hallaid's Snow Liniment. Oscar Ofeson, (Jlbsoncitj Illinois, writes, Feb ID, 1002: ve.u ago 1 was troubled with a pain In my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Hallard's Snow Liniment cured mo." i'jc, SUcM. Sold by Hiter Hros.Drugeompany. Curtd Old Sores. Westmoreland, Kans., May C, 1U0J, Hallaid Snow Liniment Co.: Your Snow Liniment cured anoldsoieon the side of chin that was supposed to be a cancer Tho sore was stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until un-til I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work In short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson, Allensvllle, Mlfllln Co. l'a., has a sore and mistrusts mis-trusts that It Is a cancer. Please send her a Mo bottle. Sold by Hltcr 'Jxos. Drug company. v V" TJr' ' L 'vT'S'i S-aiiJafcsC A Pleasing Husband H makes a contented woman. Hint to H the wife. Use Cent i.il Hour In biscuit H milking and see a seieu- smile creep H ovei the plijsiogiiiimi of vour spouse. M Trvltoiicc inu'ii ii. i it .iiway. H Centra! IfJingCo. I ' Ml M The Only Double-Track Railway between H the Missouri Klvcr anil Chicago. H The I Overland I J- Jk aai LwlllHLCU The Most Luxurious Train In the World H Compartment and drawing -room H sleeping cars, observation cirs, din- H lug cars, buffct-smoklng and library H cars with hather, bath and Hook- lovers Library; entire train electric lighted, through to Chic.igo without H fl chnnge Direct cenncctlon for 1 St. Paul and Minneapolis I I kr(K irsrrvjillnnst and full In- S for nit Ion am W nhntncj from H 9 Walkir Aijfnt, I H J Chicago & North-Western Ry.I H I 206 Smith Main .Street, I M Ihwho Salt Lake City, Utah. I M High Heat. . H is the kind oflie.it pioiluccd by the H almost cni lie comhustlonofthcco.il H we supply. One ton of coal may cost H asiuuchiis .mother, vol not furnish H auvthlng like the licit. Hv buying H coal from Us i on gel heat, fuel value H for your value. H M. & L. Wood & Coal Co Phone (98 k. H STRONG I nTW Again I Tj5Prj ' wlat Mrs. Lucy M m&tfjWUjl Stovall.ofTilton.aa., H La Yfc ''' a'ter 'n2 5Ss VV Kl Dyspopsla M nMigl Cure. Hundreds iaV K of other woak M aSI Bfffv' woman aro r I yk stored to perfect M I Vk 11 healtn by thil rem- H mil cdy' Y0U may b aLI I LlKr well if you will taks M . J Indlgestioncaiuti M SX& nearly all tho tick- M ness that women fl have. It deprives tho system of nourish- fl ment and the delicate organs peculiar to U women suffer weaken, and become M diseased. M Kodol Dyspepsia Cure H enables the stomach and digestivo organs M to dices t and assimilate all of the whole- U some food that may be eaten. It nourishes U the body, and rebuilds the weak organs, M restorine health and strenjrth. Kodol cures jH Indigestion, constipation, dyspopsia, sour M risings, belching, heartburn and all stomach M disorders. M Digests Wliat You Eat H I lllvbuia14il)4 I i tnwi at u. Lb- I H IIbm a. Bath n ta. or.Urr .IE. O.D.Will 1 TV tii.i, .r to nt ittfc o...caut.,n 1 A. I H Sold und guaranteed by Hiter Hros S Drug Co. Logan, Utah; Montpeller, IH Franklin and Preston, Idaho. H |