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Show BURGLARS WORK AT SMITHFIELD Are New Hands And Fail To Get Much of a Haul Accident, Improvements i And Other News. Smitiikikli),.Iuiic lu The ('aimers' & Union Mill and the Mack Mill were J .jfcbroken Into last Saturday while Jt- Sralthtleld was in Logan clobrattng. Entrance was effected thru a window ' on the lower floor In the Fanners Mill and the till pried open, but nothing obtained, as cash had been banked. At the Mark Mill 51.0". was taken from the till, .lolin Rain's desk was attempted but the burglais were gieen hands and $10 remained safe. The key Is missing. John Cavcy's house, north of the Mack Mill, was also burglarized but nothing of value has been missed. Peter Tldwell escaped a serious loss by lire only thru the efforts of passers-by. passers-by. A tire had been lighted In thesum-mcr thesum-mcr kitchen and by some means the woodwork and roof became Ignited and for a time threatened the house with destruction Peter was dragged from the house overcome by smoke. Mr. Wheelwright's horse ran away Thursday about noon, the tlnec occupants oc-cupants aftcra vain attempt to stop the runaway, were thiown out, one, .lohn Horn, being badly bruised and having a rib broken, the others escaping escap-ing with slight bruises. The rig was smashed to pieces. The runaway occurred oc-curred just below the reservoir, and It seems wonderful that the injuiles rc- ivceivcd were not more serious. "" There is no better way of adver-tising adver-tising a town than by setting apart a dav such as July t for a celcbtatlon, Inviting the people of the surround- """"f, ing communities to partake. If any progiam is to be ai ranged, the city fathers should get at It at once, and make our 4th a livel) one. Already K. IX. Miles, .Jr. is displaying a large and vailed assoitmcnt of fireworks and since noise Is a requisite to any celebration the boys will no doubt give us a rousing time. It Is rumoicd that a diug stoie is to be started In the near future by two or three or our leading citiens, locating locat-ing in E. R. Miles Jr.'s old store. Willis Smith is said to be at the back of It. Wenecdadiug stoie and bc-. bc-. licve it w III be well patronized. With a bank, a thug store and central telephone tele-phone exchange under way, and a lumber and planing mill In contemplation, contem-plation, Smlthlield ceilalnh is right In It. Many of oui cltlens are awaking to the fact that a little paint and a few shingles make a gieat Improvement Improve-ment In their piopeit). Win. Sciow-thers Sciow-thers has given his house a fine appearance ap-pearance by a coat of paint. Peter Kelson has shingled and painted his house on Main street. Others are le-novating le-novating and improving and the city certainly shows ptosperit). Smlthlield is pioud of the reptesent-Tg-MJIatlon she got at the celebration at vLogan in the way of a lloat. It was neatly designed, and well executed, and received ravorable comment from all. Smlthfleld's lesources were well advertised. The lloat now advertises these resources to the traveling public pub-lic In a conspicuous place near the O. S. L. station Saturday (this) afternoon nt :i o'clock Wlllard and the Smlthlield ball teams will engage In a game at the home grounds. The Smlthlield team Is In good shape and Wlllaul Is said to be a strong team. A great timo is anticipated. The Carlson blacksmith shop on the corner or Main and Station Stieets has been removed to the lot east, and the ejavatlon for the new bank building, build-ing, to bo erected on this comer, is I ready for the foundation. I Mr. Colfax, representing the Con tinental Life InsuiaticcCo. of Utah, Is Is town locating u. local agent to represent repre-sent his company. It Is reported that Alf Chambers will take up this work at once. Iw, Mis. Mae Cantwell spent a few dajs ppJtetVismi)R her relatives Geo. Harbor and " family In Logan the past week. J ames IC 1 1 bi iue a nif Mi s. tvTi Icbi Ido I are going bv wagon to Wyoming to ranch on a ha) farm. The prlmarj grades gave an en-tertalnment en-tertalnment consisting of a cantata and musical piogratn .June 10. Orson Heath and Mrs. Sally Rich-atdson Rich-atdson were married In Logan on June 5th Hatinon Price has removed his famil) to his ranch. |