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Show ZION INVADED DY CALIFORNIAN8 Return Visit Recently Made by Salt Lakers to Los Angeles. Salt Lnko City Tho visit recently mndo by members of tho Salt Uiko Commorclnl club nnd other prominent Snlt Inkers to Los Angeles was returned re-turned by tho good people from tho const this week, tho speclnl trains carrying car-rying tho visitors arriving In Snlt Lnko City on Monday, Tho visitors camo as guests of Senator Sen-ator W. A. Clnrk and tho Salt Lako Commercial club, aided and abutted by tho Salt Lnke Heal Kstnto nssocln-tlon, nssocln-tlon, tho locnl officials nnd tho peoplo of tho city nnd statu generally. Tho llrst section of tho special bringing the 1ms Angeles men arrived over tho Salt Lako ltouto at 11.30 o'clock In tho forenoon, laden with city, county and stato olllclnls of Callfomln, representatives represent-atives of nrIoiis commercial bodies of southern California, Los Angeles nowspnper men nnd others. Tho second sec-ond section, cnrrjlng over 200 members mem-bers of tho Los Angeles chninboi of commerce, arilved nt 2:C5 In tho nfter-noon. nfter-noon. Passengers on both trains hail nothing but pleasant experiences to report ns results of tho Journey, nnd willingly submitted to tho plans thnt had been prepared for their fuither pleasure. At bedtluio they agieed that tho first day In Snlt Ijiko had been nn unqunllflcd success from the visitors' standpoint. |