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Show EVIDENTLY MEANT COR THEM. Clergyman's Vain Endeavor to Get Rid of Fine Turkey. A popular minister In Fifeshlre, In tho good old times, used at Chrlstmai to be Inundated with hampers filled with good things, says Tit lilts On one occasion an enormous turkey was sent to him by the thoughtful kindness of a membor of his congre gallon, a neighboring farmer, but, as the minister's family had already pro Tided for tho Chilstmas dinner, the bird was sent to tho market and sold A pussor-by, seeing thh flno sped men of poultry said, "What a splendid turkey! Just the thing for Urn min Istor's Christmas dinner!" To the mlntstor It was again sent. Tho provident wlfo sent It off again to the market, whero It was once more disposed of for a handsomo sum Another friend, similarly struck with the splendid proportions of the turkey, purchased It and sent It to the minister The good woman, not wish Ing to fly In tho faco of providence said nt last "It Is clear thnt this turkey wan meant for us," and with tho npprobn tlon of tho family It formed part of the Christmas dinner |