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Show Advert Isement, The Republican county committee assumes all responsibility for any matter contained In the two columns following and the supplement. THE PUBLISHERS. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. For CHARLES W, FAIRBANKS. Vice-Presiden- t, JUDICIAL TICKET. For Judge, 7th Distriot, WM. D. LIVINGSTON, of Sanpete county. For Distriot Attorney, F. E. WOODS, of Emery county. COUNTY TICKET For Representatives, Abram Johnson of Mt, Pleasant. N. C. Christensen of Sterling. If any one is in doubt ChsmbtrUlo's Cough Remedy 1$ Picasso to Take. The finest quality of granulated loaf which is the sugar is used in the manufacture of better man for Prseident, Roosevelt or Parker, let him or her read what the Review of Reviews" a magazine of high standing, says in its October number. In dealing with the subject Judge Parker as the Country sees him," the Review" says, In discussing the question of trusts in his speech of acceptance Judge Parker said that his studies of the question had convinced him that the oommou law provided adequate remedies. Subsequently lawyers of his own party call hia attention to the fact that the common law has no application in matters of national concern, and that railroads and industrial corporations doing interstate business could only be 'dealt with from the national standpoint by virtue of the enactment of federal statutes. When this was pointed out to Judge Parker he recognized bis mistake and it was understood he would correct it in his letter of acceptance." How would the Democrats rejoice if Roosevelt had made suoh a blunder I non-partisa- n Chamberlains Cough Remedy, and the roots used in its preparatiou give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. L. Roderick, of Poolesville, Md., in speaking of this remedy, says; I have Used Chamberlains Cough Remedy with my childreu for several years and can truthfully say it Is the best preparation of the kind I know of. The children like it and it has no injurious after effect." For sale by Gunnison Co op. Anwpiue Ranch, ASSESSMENT NOTICE. GUNNISON IRRIGATION COMPANY.-Prlncl- pal place of business, Gunnison, Sanpete county, Utah. Notice la hereby given that at a meeting cf the stockholders, held on the 1st day of February, 1004, an assessment. No. &, of fifteen and one-ha- lf W. H. GRIBBLE (15)4) cents per hare was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, said assessment to be applied fi r purposes, towlt: Twelve and one-ha- lf (12K) cents for general purposes and three (3) cents . Utah. Gunnison on the reservoir, and by an order of the board of director made on the 1st day of October, 1004, Is payable Immediately to J. II. Eoylance, VA. C. CHRISTENSEN. secretary of the company, at his office In room S, town hall, Gunnison, Utah. Dealer Iff nd Applier of Any stock upon which this assessment may remain on the 1st day of December, Then the Review of Reviews" 1304, willunpaid he delinquent and advertised for states that although the Philippine ale at public auction, and unless payment la mado before will he sold on the 20th day of question was settled four years ago December, 1904, to pay delinquent assessment, HOUSB.SION end by the votes of the American people together tflth the cost of advertising and DECORATIVE PAINTING. and the decisions of the courts, yet in expense of sale. GRAINING, J. n. ROYLANOE. Secretary. . Utah. GUNNISON. his speech of acceptance Judge Office in room 2, town hall, Ounnlson, Utah. Parker speaks in such a vague un- First publication, Oct. T, 1004. Live Stock wall Paper zz: and Moulding i 4 Dr. C.H.BIRD certain way that he has to set himself with his party by an open letter SUMMONS. Clerk E. D. Anderson, Moroni right to a prominent citizen of Buffalo In the District Court of the Seventh JudiTreasurer, cial District, State of Utah, Sitting In and for J, M. Johnson, Spring City. City, Sanpete County. L. II. Erickson, Plaintiff, Recorder, vs John A, Anderson, Dcfendan: Summons. Office, MANTI Hans Christensen, Ephraim. Vote for the Republican party The State of Utah to the said Defendant: AND Lewis Larson, Manti. which not only saved the Union 40 You are hereby summoned to appear within Attorney sumservice after the of this days Sheriff. . . John Kuudsen, Mt. Pleasant years ago, but by its polioy of pro- twenty GUNNISON. mons upon you, If served within the County tection has reduced the intorest bear- In which this action Is brought, otherwise, Assessor, Herbert E. Smyth, Fountain Green ing debt from 2,391 million dollars within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action, and in case of your LEWIS LARSON Surveyor. . . . John L. Bench, Fairview on June 30, 1865 to 914 million failure to do so. Judgment will he rendered dollars on June 30, 1903. ATTORNEY-AT-LAagainst you according to the demand of the Supt, of Schools, A. L. Larson, Ephraim complaint, of whloh a oopy is herewith served All legal matters receive prompt and cara upon you. Commissioner, four year term, fnl attention. W, E. REID, Put your X under the eagle and Sidney S. Sanderson, Fairview Attorney for Plaintiff vote office Post address: for continued two Manti, Sanpete County I Loan Money on Farms. prosperity. year term, Comissioner, 1st pub o21 Utah. Easy Terms. Henry D. Rees, Wales buy and Fell Real Estate, farms We have tried President Roosevelt Albert Swain Precinct Justice and town property. Precinct Constable . . A. D. Dimmick and found him true blue. Put your Estray Notice. cross under the eagle and let it go State of Office over Poe ffice, MANTI, Utah Utah, county of Sanpete, ss: In qentist W. at that, the Gunnison precinct of said county. I have In my possession the following described animal, which If not claimed and taken away When you go to mark your ballot will be sold at public auction to the highest remember the four years of Grover, cash bidder at my residence In Gunnison precinct, on Wednesday the 0th day of Novote then Republicans stand pat, put your X under the eagle and vember, 1904, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. Description of animal: One red and white straight and keep in step with the let it go at that. spotted heifer, about S years old. brand Grand Old Party. Vote the Republican ticket straight and let it go at that. resembling on right hip; upper slope Roosevelt has been loyal to Utah out to make Demoorats The and Utah will be loyal to Roosevelt. and under hit In right ear aad square crop off try the left. is warlike a Roosevelt President that Vote for Theodore Roosevelt and Said animal Is held by me to secure the man and liable to bring war upon the cents damages done by said show your appreciation of the Irriga- payment of 10the We have had him at the animal upon Nation. premises of A. D. Dlmmlok tion Law. of 20th on October, 1904. the day head af the Nation for three years. A. D. DIMMICK, We want to ask our Democratic friends Poundkeeper of Gunnison precinct. first Roosevelt the is President if safe for three has been if he years will be safe President, thoroughly aequainted with he not is that it likely the needs and conditions of the West. publican ticket straight, and take no for four years more. Let us stand by the President for he chances, has been and is a true friend to Utah. The Democratic platform says Voters should remember that the Protection is a robbery." Judge and House President Roosevelt is sure to be President needs the Senate Powers says he will vote to protect of Representatives to support the sugar, wool, lead, hides etc. Judge our next President. That being so it A of good government. Parker is running on a telegram and would be folly to send a Democratic principles Utahs vote for a Democratic Congressman Judge Powers brushes aside the Congressman from Utah. or for a Democratic Legislature is a Democratic plitform, Neither seem best interests will be served best by vote to tie the hands of the President. to have any confidence in true De- being in line with the Nation. mocracy . The people see the deVoters, put your cross in the circle ception and will vote for Roosevelt Do not run a chance of losing your under the eagle and let it go at that. nnd a Republican Congress. Vote the Re- (vote by scratching. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. Kings New Discovery ONSrHPTIOJI OUHU4 and OLM A Perfect Cure : Price 90c A $1.00 For All Throat and Lung Troubles. Monsy back If It falls. Trial Bottles free. We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign Send model, sketch or photo ol invention tci For free book, froereport on patentability. 'HowSTRABE-MAriK- $ ' ' 'T' l ? ppcslto 0. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. |