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Show HU1ILI2MI!NT TO WAGES AND COST OF LIVING The Gunnison Gazette Gunnison, Utah, Nov. Another Glaring Instance of Democratic Juggling with Government Statistics. 4, 1904. REVIEW OF THE CAMPAIGN LABOR Great Issues at Stake, but There Has Been No Feverish Excitement. MINDS Present and OF VOTERS Conditions BULLETIN IGNOREO 11 la OrJcr to .Make Political Capital Also to Misrepresent ConJilloos Cato and I)acie Voters paiga MADE UP Tevl-Itoo- ( Trukerjr. k An eximiiiatinn of the flies of tha Deuiucrttic napsp-for the psvt few Detuo-creta ek sad of lba 'lex! dixp.mi i.ui ou (he putt u! the managerdiscredit of the Drmoeraln pa gu the report on u.tgr .in I mi nf hvin In its July made by the Bureau of ltb-Bulletin (No. 53i. In view nf the reputation of (tunmifd'itirr Wright fur bo-lutand presfairness iu the ccilo-tmentation nf m.il.atics it i of some Interest al tins lime In renew his report in the light of tile Ini;, unit criticisms aid it may which it has brought be amd at the out-i- -t th.it a o.ueful exrexe.als (lie some-s- i amination of the hat remarkable fait tbit practically answered every criticism made his in the Bulletin itself. Indeed, it would almost appear lint the compilers of the Text Rook either did not make use of the Bulletin or had no desire to be convinced of the trill li of the figure published therein, and that their insinuaof tins"tatemeut tions aud clnm were made for the purpose of mts.esd-luthe public miml. Let us proceed to the most specific of the somewhat vague charges that are made. It is first charged tb.it the report published in the Bulletin was (quoting tbs Text Rook) prepared ostensibly aa an official document, but in reality, It seems, for the special use of the Republican The Campaign Committee. conclusive" evidence submitted in support of this charge consists of a state-menby Secretary Shaw iu June last that such a report would be published. As a mutter of fact, it bad been known to the public for several year that tbs Bureau of Labor was engaged in collecting data for such a report nml the portion of th reei't relating to cost of living was actually published in Bulletin 49 as early as November, 1903 nearly to Secretary eight mouths previous Miuw's statement. Are Satisfactory, Will Elect Fair- reniy the People banks and Roosetell and a e.-- Republican Congress n tA-ie,- div-'lw- I r o Tha Presidential campaign which is Just closing has mime u u: ue features. There has been, from first to last, an absence of spectacular features. The unusual feverish excitement, the election year collapse of business, the general uncertainty and auxiety which usej to characterize a national campaign are Vet the issues at lacking this year. take, with choice to be maJc between the two great parties, are trememloiyi. The cause of the general calm, the even carrying ou of business, the of public excitement, is not the "apathy" of which so much Is saiil just now. The people are not apathetic. They are only satislieJ. They bare what they want, they have msje j up their minds to keep it, and they know they are amply able to keep it by casting their votes on election day. Itepublic.nl rule, Republican work, lie- Jinblicnu prosperity, peace amt justice, that is wlint the people of the United States have, and that is what they are determined to keep, by the election of j Roosevelt and Fairbanks, and a Republican Congress. The two great nntlonnl parties stand for the two kinds of people into whieh, broadly speaking, the whole complicated mass of human beings may be divided. carried on by John Hay, greatest of DO WE WANT THAT AGAIN? and his WHAT DO YOU WANT? policy destroyed that prosperity, undo The people who work, the people who modem diplomats, receives nothing but iu a would-bfew mouths adminthe the iug conJcnuiatioti good from ltepubli afeach the best that day liye day for had Harrison Republican President an work of the years since Lincoln's If You Dcairs tlio Countrvs Welfar fords, the people who accomplish things, istrators of the affairs of the nation. Vote fur HiiuKvrll. $386,000, HH) government receipts in bis first election. Io we want thst again? task of The Retoilsome these are naturally and inevitably serious, making last fiscal year, 1S93; the next year Vole for Roosevelt and Fairbanks auj Democratic en President Cleveland's the mixed out of a peofree uew, people publicans. The other kind of people, the i ele t a Democratic President Cleveland Congress lire second term engagement was played lookers-on- , the critics, the ples of the Philippine Islands, a labor If you waul I In- honor am! dignity of able to show $298,000,060, a d to wothe deliberaof characterised be which must weeping the prpmisers of great things aud doers by (lie country upheld. crease of $88,000,000. Do we want tha! men amiaccompaniment wailing children, hungry for of nothing, these make up the Demo- tion, care and the highest conscience, and again? If you want present prosperous confood. Do wc want Net M bat Democrats Wanted. is that which again? cratic party. only at its beginning, has been ditions continued bad an Hnrrison President Republican is stated in the Bulletin BALLARD. WALTER J. It The Republican party acts. The Dem- ignorantly and wantonly assailed and If the affairs of you waul government itself thatclearly the investigation was begun And in connection with excess of receipts over expenditures of Schenectady, N. Y. ocratic party protests. misrepresented. u economiJiniuistered and intelligently in the winter of and without this gigantic task, which must try the $2,341,000 in his last fiscal year, 1893; Policies of the Party. cally; President Democratic the next year, for unInrker. doubt the records of the bureau and statesmen American of Sympathy yet strength If This programme of the two parties, the aud bonks want yon open kept an of had excess Cleveland expenditures the testimony of hundreds of manufacPossibly some Democrats may want carried out fur many years, has never born, the bogey man" of Imperialism over receipts of $69,803,000. Do we to rote for Parker, because tbev would dishonesty punished wherever found; turers whose pay tolls were examined has been constructed. rebeen so clearly shown as during the If want you monopolies grasping want that feel very sorry for linn iu the event of again? would have proved the truth of the stato- It is all, literally, great cry and lit su.l forced to obey the law; - also of national affairs which has pressed ClevelandDemocratic President But it is a matter of com b;s defeat., wool. tie If you want justice administered to all. ment, had the truth lieeu desired in been going on this year. The Republiremou gossip in New York that Parker, The Democratic candidate, in one of had au excess of expenditures over quarters. But no for political rich and poor alike: can party came before the country, and in of of elts-te1894, $42,000,000 if not President, is to have a fat has given out ceipts his few If you want a hungry horde of Demo- reasons, the facts disclosed were not through President Roosevelt, to give an a childishpublic speeches, Do want that 1895. we iu to job anyway; that iu f.n t ho lias already-bee- cratic looters pleasing, and it seemed necessary expression of fear of this $25,000,000 account of its stewardship from the day kept out of office; offered by August Belmont the posi again? any adopt some met hod. apparently h tricksters ns D. B. mu If want when President McKinley took the chair amusing bogey man of American you had tion of counsel of the luterhorough Trail Republican President Harrison method that would detract from an exHistory teaches, he said, of Chief Executive in 1897. The first last sit Railway at a salary of $50,000 a Hill given no place in the cabinet; hibit of a remarkable condition of industhat from Republicanism to imperial- $75,890,000 postal receipts iu hisDemorebuked for If want trusts four years of the administration of Presiyou illegal fiscal year, 1893; the next year trial depression was desired. Conclusive year, the same salary he would get as contributing t tie Democratic cam to dent McKiulcy must be considered in ism the movement is gradual and evidence is at hand tb.it the gathering of the people.. Its ominous pro- cratic President Clot eland had nearly a President of the United States, and that paign fund; counectiou with the last four yestrs of wtu-te- r iu this position he may also do outside when discovered, leaves open but million le.ss. Io we want that again? If you want corrupt Tammany not to ol these statistics was begun iu the McKinley and Roosevelt, for the carry-iu- gress, Democratic President Cleveland, in his legal work as member of a law firm to were and to that of they be a chance the to raid national out of Republican policy under Re- two courses submission or resort given four fiscal years, 1894 to 1897, had consist of Hill, Sheehan and Parker. In violence. as for the occasion not "cooked uii publican principles during those years of railway securities wiped any event Mr. Parker has secured a fine treasury; A Hnniilistlnic Cry. If is the basis upon which Republicans ask you want the Tammany grafting charged, but it is not to be expected Do we want that advertisement for himself bv bis candiout receiverships. by It is humiliating that an American for another term of power. system not to fasten its clutch on every that this absurd charge will be withdacy for President, so that there will lie branch of the federal government; man who has hail the benefit of a com- again? drawn, although as u matter of fact th The Republican platform and Presino can Democratic President Cleveland danger whatever of his not being able a muuly man retained in figures as to wages and cost of living If want you dent Roosevelt's speech aud letter of ac- mon school education shouid so mistake show" $821,000,000 of manufactures to earn a good living in private life by the White House; referred to have been corroborated by Inthe philosophy of history as to raise iu only ceptance show' how closely the Republiin his four fiscal years, the practice of law. It would seem to a Democratic nonetity, a dependent investigations which have been want can party sticks to the practical work his own mind, or that of anyone else, exported If you against $1,672,000,000 so exported be better for Mr. Parker to get $50,000 weak tool of tricky politicians, concluded by the State bureaus of sevof the present, how well it knows what the ancient fear of kings and emperors in kept out four fiscal years, per year from Mr. Belmont as direct of the Presidential eral important States. the people want, and how surely it is a country whieh has been governed by in Roosevelts chair; a shortage of $851,000,000. Do we counsel for that gentleman, than to get It is charged also that by giving equal the nation to retain its If want you planning and moving to carry out the the people for a hundred years. $50,000 per year from the United States lead All the trend of human thought and want that again? weight to unimportant articles of conthe world desires of the people. Upon the money a as among powers peace Republican President Roosevelt shows government for official services that may promoter; sumption and articles of prime necesHuestion the party occupies the same human destiny is toward the government $3,300,000,000 on deposit in our savings be largely influenced by the suggestions the for Even in of the people. people in If you want firmness displayed when sity an unduly small increase in cost of it under where stood, ground attack, in Mr. who Democratic President of is while the trusts Belmont, banks, the old world the principle works, and 1896 and 1900. firmness will protect American lives and living is secured. It is gravely asserted The planet upon Cleveland could only show $1,939,000,-00- 0 neck high, and who once organized a property interests; that nutmegs, pepper, n In in, etc., are In its internal policy it stands for pro- is ever advancing. rake-of- f savings-banin a his best which so of syndicate got deposited nearly In short, if you want everything that given equal weight with such important tection, the irrigation of arid lands, the whieh we live may fall into the sun, or it 0 $1,261,000,-001897. bonds words. issued In other oil $3,000,000 during the a articles as lard, beef, eggs, flour, etc. construction of the Panama canal, the may be snuffed out like a candle by year, good, patriotic citizen should want, less of such deposits. Do we want second Cleveland administration to make vote for Roosevelt and Fairbanks and This charge might, indeed, be convincregulation of illegal trusts that run coun- some of the mysterious powers of the that again? Wildeficits the good resulting from the ing if it contained even a slight element ter to the Interstate commerce laws, the universe. But in the epoch of the elect a Republican Congress. Republican President Roosevelt can son tariff for revenue only bill. of truth. Unfortunately for the criticism, payment of just, pensions to disabled, worlds history in whieh we live no In the minds of voters the personal nation of free people will take show $5,748,000,000 total exports in his however, the Bulletin itself states that honorably discharged veterans of the fiscal years, Democratic prosperity of thousands of Americans Republican Policies Promote Foreign all articles of food me weighed exactly War for the Union, and other measures the road back to subjection. And of four Trade. Cleveland in his four fiscal who would be adversely affected by Demto the amount consumed in the official figures of foreign The com and ideas familiar to the people. The ail people the Americans are the last President according only reached a total ocratic victory should count for more merce rears, Ia this show average family. the workingmans that during .hopes and labors of the government have to look fearfully forward to such an September than sympathy for the Democratic canexport of $3,031,000,000, or $2,117,000,-00was $1.670, 000 a day, a record Bulletin the exact quantities are given been to bring the Philippines into close will doubtless continue to gain less. Do we want that again? who didate; these No one Imperialistic regards which has been equaled only once in the and ths method clearly explained, so relations with the American people, to Republican President Roosevelt can grow personally more prosperous, not- September fit them for self government, and to give warnings seriously, but they show what exports in a number of years, that the charge cun only be construed a commerce a a show of in his total foreign withstanding disappointment make the Democratic up and which is $370,000 a day more than a deliberate attempt to mislead the votthem a form of self government so kind of people his in fiscal four Presidential years, aspirations. for they say, Anything, the average gain of the preceding six ers of the country and not ns an error clearly defined as to its future and so party. Democratic President Cleveland for on the part of the compiler of the text well set forth that all may see what has cry! anything, from a whine to a shriek years. This is shown by the followin of Growth can fiscal his four 1894rl897, years, only And book. As a matter of fact the most been done since the fortunes and fate of anything, to get ns a hearing! never attained much table; Manufacturing or show 1,0X1,000 $2,93 $6,559,000,000, careful search of Bulletin 53 shows that war threw upon the United States the perhaps, such foois these mortals be less. Do we want that under the old Democratic regime. growth again? well howl ourselves into power! Ouce the unimportant articles referred to, such direct responsibility for millions of Democratic President Cleveland wit- Democratic legislation and Democratic -beings in the Asiatic seas. The foras putty, nutmegs, alum, pepper, etc., again, all shriek! administration were not favorable to it. in steam miles of 13,730 1896, But 1S93 is not far enough back. The nessed, are not even mentioned therein. These favored the importation of manueign policy is but a record of peace and railways sold under foreclosure, an ex- They articles are found, however, among the good will with all the nations of the black shadow of Democratic rule is still cess over the 1904 foreclosure sales of factured products from foreign countries. 260 articles entering into an index of earth. Prosperity, industry aud hopeful remembered, ruefully, by American vot- 13.275 miles. Do we want that The real development of our manufacturagain? wholesale prices which has been publishness at home, confidence and respect ers. industries dates the from ing practically in Democratic President Cleveland, The people have made np their minds, ed annually by the bureau for the past the birth abroad, such is the brief story of Reof and the Republican party in had less $1,015,000,000 money can- 1S96, three years, but this index has no conpublican rule during the past eight years. and the shouting of the captains President establishment of protection. In 1860 not turn them one point from their circulation than Republican nection whatever with the report ou cost What has the opposition to offer? Roosevelt has now. Do we want that there were only 140,433 manufacturing elect Presiwill source. Roosevelt, They It is evident from these figures that of living. One pauses to wonder at th Upon the gold standard its platform is establishments in the United States; in again? Vice reand President, dent; Fairbanks, eilent. Its candidate, who voted for fact that the Democratic managers are In 1860 the Republican policies cannot lie unwholeCleveland in 1900 there were 512,734. Democratic President some for this country in any particular. so lacking iu resource as to adopt the Bryan in 1896 and 1900, now firmly de- turn a Republican Congress. was paying $10,000,000 more an- value of our manufactures was 1896, we preserve clares his conversion to honest money in 1900 it was $13,039,279,000. Thus notwithstanding clumsy trick of injecting figures from nual interest on our public debt than is Domestic Manufactures. markets under the protective tariff, another report into a discussion of the doctrines. Bryan is on the stump for The figures show that our present great we Do' now want that paid. being The exports of domestic manufactures we are able to increase our business Mr. Parker, and the mass of Democrats report on cost of living, and pretend that manufacturing system dates from the or- yet in foreign markets as well. The trade they were a part of the latter report. It are for free silver, or any kind from the United States have grown from again? of the Republican party. ganization Democratic President in Cleveland, follows the flag doctrine and the open must be assumed that iu this section $40,345,892 in I860 to $403,641,401 in cf money that will serve to call the 1896, had $614,wX).U00 less gold in the How la This, Mr Cleveland? door help accomplish this result. to their standard. there was the studied intention to misUpon all the 1902. Nearly all of this growth was treasury President than Republican Grover Cleveland says in Since questions of government policy and prac- under Republican administrations. represent and convey an impression to has. Do now we want that Roosevelt a solemn letter advising young men, that An Extravasant Outlay, tice the Democrats are as much at sea 1S99 the exportation of manufactures the public utterly contrary to the truth his first vote was cast for the experiTalking about the alleged extravagance and entirely unwarranted by the facts. as they are upon finance. Their whole has averaged over $400,000,000 per an- again? Democratic President Cleveland, in rather of the war department under RepubliThe entire portion of the Text Book unplan of campaign, so far as any plan num, being more than twice as much as 1896, had $4,757,000,000 less total bank enced, undramatic Buchanan, Acin any year prior to 1896, four times than for Fremont, the Pathfinder. can rule. Judge Taft reminds the Atlanhas been developed, is the der the caption "Absurdity of Republi' than President Republican scheme of finding fault with every- as much as in any year prior to 1877, deposits cording to the record, Grover Cleveland tic seaboard that one item in the increase can Averages (pages 124 and 125). and now show. Do can we want Roosevelt was born on the 18th day of March, of recent expenditures has been the guns much that follows on pages 126 and 127, body and every institution which accom- and ten times as much as in any year that again? 1837. He could not have reached the to effectually protect the great harbors s of the character just mentioned. prior to 1867. Could there be a stronger plishes things.' in President Democratic Cleveland, In Mr. Clevelands day years in 1856, when of the East. age of twenty-on- e argument in favor of Republican policies Democracys Weak Protests. insurless had life A Lndicrous Complaint. $5,000,000,000 1896, was elected. Not Buchanan 1858 until these was afforded one there than that mounted by figures? gun just along There are feeble and more or less inance in force, than is now protecting was Grover Cleveland of legal The further complaint that the flgurss whole line of the Atlantic coast from the voting us. telligent protests against protection. Not Do we want age. for cost of living are based on retail Witbin the limits defined by the those dependent upon Maine to the Florida keys. daring to oppose the Panama canal, the National Constitution the National that again? prices itiatead of wholesale can only b But, as the Washington Star remarks, with protestors content Democratic President Cleveland, in protesting Administration has sought to aecnre understood by assuming that the use of they used to vote early and often in It Is a striking evidence of onr op- the gainst everything that has been done. latter would have given the Demoman the foil enjoyment of his 1896, exported $78,000,000 more gold those days! in this matter' ponents insincerity eo far, to make the Panama canal a to eachto live his life and while Republican dispose of hie than he imported, of Americane abroad that cratic campaign managers a little less protection real thing. Upon the gigantic trust right in Overconfidence has lost many politi1904, imported property and his labor aa he deems President Roosevelt, their demand for radical action discomfort. Bulletin 53 clearly explains evil, which menaces individual prosper- best, so long as he wrongs no one else. $17,000,000 more than he exported, thns cal battlea. It is well to feel sanguine, with State Department they coup'e the reasons for the use of retail prices the by a not word of sincerity has been It has shown in effective fashion that, making a showing against Cleveland of but dont be cocksure until the enemy a demand for a redaction in ity, onr email as a basis for cost of living in preferDemocrat. a The a Do wa capitulates; and the only way to force efforts of in endeavoring spoken by to make good thia $95,000,000 in single year. establishment. Yet they must ence to the wholesale. It is tru thst military President Roosevelt to apply the United guarantee, it treats all men, rich or want that again? capitulation is to overwhelm your op- know that the heed paid to our pro- wholesale prices have been used at tunes States laws to infractions of the In- poor, whatever their creed, their color, Democratic President Cleveland haul- ponents with an avalanche of votes. Cast tests s to indicate the trend of cost of living, of onr against terstate commerce laws by the trusts, or aa standing alike ed down his country's flag in Honolulu. your ballot early on November 8 for their birth-placwill be exactly proportionate to but they re considered by economist been letter have of Roosevelt's roundly condemned by the before the la w. Judge Parker and his party say they Roosevelt and Fairbanks. the belief In onr ability to make these as unreliable for the purpose of indicatDemocratic candidate and his followers. will do the same in tha Philippines. Do effective should the need ing the extent of the increase or protests Roosevelt's of to return to we the disastrous arise. want that again? The payment If you wish disability pensions to letter of scceptanos. Until the present day investigamiml certainties the hear Never civil the yoa of followed veterans the election of war has been aged Republican President Harrison's last times that no records tion by the Bureau of Roosevelt's election. to Do as about resented the iu Cleveland same candidate, calendar year, ft.92. was one of the Grover by 1892, stay away Get out and vote ou election day. bitterly f retail prices covering any conslder-bl- e or rain Cast vote, shine, your his most prosperous years the eoantry bad from tha polio or vote No Parker aad Thats the only way yon can help elect yaur part. and by political associates. -gerioj had ever been collected, as-nCleveland Davie. enjoyed; DetfrdhrXtic folic, inaugurated - and mud, suovr or dust, cast our vets! (hr Reyffblieaa ticket, now. to the very great expense of asskisg rt 1 e far-faui- ft I j well-nig- t free-trad- e e e 1 1 wa-on- ly fault-finder- s, - ; ) 1900-190- n Dem-ocrnti- c d unpre-ceive- g 1906-190- -' 1894-189- 1901-190- k d 1901-190- 1894-189- 0 1901-190- Manu-ucturing- . fellow- $1,885,-861,00- to-da- y d citi-sen- e, g fe-ei- . |