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Show t COST OF TOE PHILIPPINES native Filipino. More than 8,000 natives are on the pay roils, and it is tlia opinion of the uew spnper of Manila, Democratic and Itepublican, and of every n, American, that foreigner, European 'our lilt! brown brother' already has ialeoit a min-lindependence and as lie call sisiol. it is a little provoking for Judge Taft ami his to be condemned in this country for gtuiig the n itires too small a lure lit the goverii.iie.it ami ill the Philippines tor giving them too milch. "No. 7. 'I'li.v produced iii the are censored. vvh. never in j "Tiler- - is ni tin I'liUppIne iti'l there lias was leeu poiie sjiu-- civil g iv crinio-ii.oM.vMi-.lu-l- . li.is evlleiitly Somebody ' hi en telling Judge Porker aleull tin- slip-of a pi i.v lcrsc.l upon incidents iu the iiiiirri-.-;Ion- , iu which the United Sillies III.' was pilled loss'll by the iu a very drimiiu- in. inner, torn into pie.-eand t up u. The play I e was hut If tile .i c. b a second pro In lion, had Imt r would have the an. I tinhceti totn iu by a mob of iud.g mint soldiers and i:ietia who h id To satisfy (or that purpi-- e. the Seunr pt.lcir- clam or. lie was released j until ir, was arrested, under ImmN. but jomH-- l U'4 and rail away, lie afterward fell III with Hiearte. the sUjirioue eh.cf of the National Demo- of the Philippine Is-- j liepnbhe lands.' anil prepared Ins nuleu. c. for mi l c iud.n ted bi eorn-sliiearle on I tea I or write. Until of these gisiih-meare now- iu the "The traidiiy with lth RECKLESS AND CHARGE - Which Has Been Repeated by Bryan, Olney, . Hill and Other Democrats Real Cost of Islands in Money and Life. Wa titate.l that Judge Iarker, the during the l. Demow-.it- lr i (or Ilia Bivideiii y. i a ti!wii of It. H. lliil. ill li. ledged to ha ilia craali-.- t trick-lc- r iar!y, lull few that Barker tn.l r.nvl lo lie Midi au i.j I mI'.I tint he ivnUl g:v his iint to t a.O'h mentor oi easily l hit. in tile art of tai-i- li alio.-; has oiitliillr.l lliil in a i be the rase. Judge that will is into it ill untraihs uoJ itiivreireeut.-i:.oMiivurdlo riser for I i bietory as eM-'li, in wU.i-l- i he Jo! i.ted the fails ns to the m-- l of the Blitlii-jiiIn niiniey and life, is tuti-l- i n of tin? farts that William 11. Curtis, one of t'ae most oouMWolive amt iio irlj.tl writers in the country, rails au Parker to tuvuunl ih tile Chicago lieu spa ier, whirl) has not aluay heeii fair to It soeiviL Iu a lelit-- dated Wnslu.gloD, 1). C, 17ih. Mr. Cuni.s uvs: ha cr-a- ;.q-c.-r- i cu:i-a!g.- . j rent r a few admirers "In order to p!eu be (Parker) ile idel the destiny and i in periled tile welfare of several millions oi people ail hunt regard to the taels or eon idvriiia the cousrquriH-elie arnlse. President lloosexeli of rerkless ainyivin but lloosetelt uerer made half as reek-lea apeeeh. Judge Parker demon sirs I eel whit bia t itigii that ho is nut hi to eien-i-the. authority ami assume the teaponsibilitirs of the prcsideney. "Ha la either a demai;.it:ue without Conscience or else the victim of tualici-ouThe eneuiica or foolish advisers. taienipnia ha utter are ao false and absurd and ridiculous that be deserve-mor- e pity than blame. For example, lie tells us that 'We have wasted over of the people's money and sscri-reover 200.000 lives' in the Philippines. Mr. Bryan, Mr. Hill and several other gentlemen have asserted that the Philippine have cost the people of the United States $1500.000,1 WO. Mr. Olnej Judge put the fin u re at $7(M,000.0U0. Parker splits the difference. It would be interesting to know where he gets . e rat a ttifitt.-000,00- "A resolution was introduced iu the Senate in the spriug of 1902 inquiring of the War Itepartment as to the exact mount of money expended for uiilitarj purposes in the Philippine Islands from May 1, ISOS, and a detailed statement then submitted by the Secretary of War which foot up $170,326,586.11. The principal items are as follows: Quartermaster's drpartment ....$74,344.30.-- 1 " Subsistence department Pay department. 3. STS. 73d Medical department Urdus nee department 4.Sn2.u;i:t 1,323,711: service Signal s 1 iJ A maxing exaggeration. That hriug the accounts down to April 30, 1002. Since that date the expenditures have probably been $10,000,-00a year. At the outside figures the total expenditures of the United States government since Admiral Dewey entered the Bay of Manila with bis fleet bave been under $223,000,000, including (he $20,0t0,000 paid to Spain under tbr treaty, and every other charge, direct or Indirect, that could possibly be construed s connected with the acquisition and retention of the Philippine archipelago, If Judge civil, naval and military. Parker Bhould add to this total all the money that has been spent since May 1. 1808, for the support of the army and navy, for the construction of ships, fortification and navy yards, and for the pay of the clerks in the War and Navy Departments at Washington, be could not pile up the figures as high as he makes them in his speech. His assertion that 200,000 lives have been sacrificed is even more absurd and sensational, and it would not be true if every man, soldier, sailor and civilian, who has gone to the Philippine archi pelago for any reason since May 1, 180.8, had died and were buried there. The total number of soldiers, regulars and volunteers, that have served in the Philippines at any time does not exceed I cannot get the exact figures 150,000. ince the islands were turned over to civil authorities, but between June 30, 1808, and July 4, 1902, 4,007 officers aud 122,401 enlisted meu were seut to the islands. Of these 2,185 officers and 47,807 enlisted men were volunteers, and 1,882 officers and 74.534 were regulars. Total Is Leas Than 4,500. Of these the entire death list, including those killed in battle, those who died from wounds, disease, accidents, homicide, suicide, drowning aud all other causes was 140 officers and 4,234 enlisted men. "The mortality for the year ending June 30, 1903, was thirteen officers and 457 men, aud for the year ending June 80, 1904, it was two officers and seventy-eigh- t men, making the total number of deaths in the army in the Philippine Islands during the six years of American occupation .155 officers and 4,769 enlisted men. The number of pensions applied for by soldiers who were engaged in the Spanish war jn Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines and by the families of those who died in battle or from wounds and disease up to date is 68,193. This Includes men, women and children. Hence you will perceive that Judge Parker has either been betrayed or is Whichguilty of gross prevarication. ever way you loci at it everybody will agree that such absurd and reckless tatements do not recommend the man for President of the United States. Too Preposterous to Deny. Judge Parker quotes some anonymous person whohas been giving him information about conditions in the islands. If he would name his informant the public might judge of the value of the statements, but be appears to vouch for them, and may therefore be held responsible. Some of them are infamous; some of them are ridiculous, aud some are too preposterous to deny. They are quite as reckless as Judge Parkers owa assertions to which I have just referred. It would I- - difficult for anybody to rowd so many falsehoods into the same 0 pa-e- tim: "No. I ill take suit of them seria- offi'-ia- ne. ini-'F- i H ii otrMtisill.v t 'f ilN t iin i Mr. whm 1, i I ln'Kr U" 'Flu , I i mi o.Tm li , t t'l' iii i :: Ami-rii-a- ladi-ones- e, v t!r of ilio-is.- tlie i i . ol !i Jt . I r. N. I .. V rt .r .10 I :,!$ u - I i , i . . I! I I ,i . . i f I. - . li. III !i ill. I.. t J . . I : i o.i I t ill ot s , . I h i I o. , . ..... 7 t .1 .!' ! . zre.-- I ii ,! i; . . oi .1 o, o..,,,: I. d iii., i on t i t o y "IH o.i . i . . Bo , , i of A-- ..i-t ,n-.i ip the lo .. Jui,e l,.i.-.,t-u itoih-the s,,,.., u ! e o.-t . t t . ..t iu en-i'i i i.P m i t o er poi.ti.,1 cf uoo-o- Jil i e !,llB ! I r ic t o.-- g ; out !. jImt r..i Contliiultlof) of Prosperity Wilt P Much to tri-nrIt. T'.e Pcmoi r.ilie !.,tf--nthe i! iMo iu of an attempt to "kt. die a iew the (l iters of racnil aid arc-Titl Stride. Au in. I, r".i-ilm- l .It the rr. ant Americas s' i o.i in Netv Yoik the f - : y of this and ' uv, ou the ci:.t;aiv, the Itcpiibhraa l w Il.-lyby p, tb pnoio-lIII loe-- s Laa cf the pn.sp-rit- y .i.Ucd also a fseiu.g cf moiun! good jr w. tlie be'ler e'eniei ts, at Iwaat, (if the two A ichred I'Sokcr from Itichoicnd Va., ' Joint l. ni.ide a spec, h which ' 111101110.1 appWe la William II. T.,ft an I his f( h. l1'' from the Keith Join- ;t'-in Mi. nit ns . associates Slid Ml t j e with the from I lie Nrth. f ,,t prop.i. anituig tin- d:v ! Mr. th Ir Judge IVtt ' r further ipudcs fn.i this vention m I (iii'v w.th the Miutenf, bui iiituis difuiMir ?f Ancuici.i r ile i.i tlHn the rt h Ire. f Pie whhe Imslboao the Philipp nes: Agriciiltm Xy, Pm me? of ihe "on:!), lie then went on t for tlie time ruined. country ehmv how (he pnrpet fy ..f the Southtra is going nut of ciihivat cm, t.n pi,i!i i.egrues wn.4 oiif i it ua !y and tion is ill fed and in some pine iMiVe th.'f Pits wns landing s!l th time to mer-iit!- . is The work. country ti get n a :iili jig hetneen Hie better delict with tuXiltiou, disease is prev.lic;!, letter idert ftenienfs ()f rses As to tii the fann anim iU dcid. Pie tuivcs in eli.i e of file Meg r. m p$e pi eeei.4 pdttSHOD-cnits i i many places hi ruins, whole di of the South he nmt!ie price i.f pr the hands of I idr. knrnr II.M we prodiM-- $171 IVS.iyjO t : vi.Ucts p mr and u re h(oii of crops ohi l(t you knois th If this wetc n t.m or even au :in,i.ui U ll.e SoiMlieni .i8ti i ,i y our people pro hHYV pi niatelv true indictment of the rn i!it.ms Mill Cf fh$t IttltSlM'O Op. nm that we oegroca pro rtj ? )o i existing h, the IMiilippincM as Pm $4,1 iue .i of woiiii wheet si 70 of ur p'cup:ithm, whit won!. he t.: cut a hi'hiici ci.t! t It ( the Miniket bat e to $ J( erdirt of micikitid 'f Wouhl it md he I.iiPd'IV J lo jou know tbtl $4o ;i worth of outs? Do that the American Million w is im I t t to we profluce ion know t h. r iu pi'oiii' iJifl.ppM worth govern itself, let alone A beini civilie of lye? I in you mow Ihet we nrodme $766, and dependent nee? f t4 woit.'i of k liiloci? Do ou know 5V i.'cldCIl S.i that we wiorlb of Affects ihe Wlm'e iVon'e, A (t itn you know V'ttf pclHtMf8? lhl In this matter it is impxdiU to disModci-$ Ui.us" a: n 74 wonh i f oru. mnkt tinguish between the Kcpuhlh an p:ul.t h:g a to!il prodic-- km of ihe iK groca of fbo -r l,r year nnd the American people. The former M lien lie had hn.slicl. Col. Hobsrt is merely the inMrumei.t of the l.iPerj in the Philippine, and if Jti Ue I 1; ko j Uuwry, a Georgia h.inki r, uindo an s loiu wlmh lie s.nd: spee.-It tb it in NovcitiKi, it wer e elcctt'd Would uot, con It) not change the ch :v- - I"iig negro and the loshug wliite man actor of the American government in tht makes ii ImtiI: .lie! thr t It 1. c gr.Mi dr. ij of phasurr to heAr from 01. r colored brother of Virginia. He baa Mated the fads, and 1 am giotl to hava Iihn here. llcpuhlirflii prosperity. like the rajna A lietter till?.l to of Taintiianj, any im-sllll; (li'lip's k'liami wherever it aoe. . ,,I:'K "illiout as to i t y of ao l upliolJ tlie hiiiioi-- jiislii-niaUes men hap Amerii-n!io liavej1'0- ,',vl11' ,,r telig-onrule, titan 111 men fielter and more niitulfoi (f tlielr r. seiueiia, anil ptalilihel in the islands? The j .s;io:isililit.es tn society, it fulfills In rniirtK of Bryans detmition of a pro. its own answer he question Siitrc-stiiidi "readies the rnssses and (I ttld not, tlioUL'li lie were to dr ift his l,ei':t.v own favorite counselors. David B. lid!, tiien norks up and tliroualt every is no William F. Sheehan, Charles way Murphy UK I.I' SETTLE THE RACE QUES-Ti- l and Bat MeCarren to assist iu the t.N THAN TO GIVE THE OOIJN. task. Upon such absolutely falae and malig- TRY FOUR MORE YEARS OF BROSBKIUTY. nant premises Judge Barker proceeds to arraign the American administration iu the 'hilippincs in terms which from ttryon'a Hevelnftoo. tlie dawn of history demagogues have Bryan's reception in Indiana nhowa, of Ih. employed in their attacks upon suciess-- f eoneliisively, tlut tlie Deiiio-'intWest are not yet cured of th. ul government. Here is a specimen N I O.I free silver craze, niili its ai((iinmnyliif passage: The silence of tl.e St. laxiia (isions. Hut aside from the duty we owe the Philration for the enjoyment cf platfoinii on (lie money () n t ie.n was eloippines In IIm PIcnmmI prh Pi'ircN Barker's satisfied tb. vi ponmchh. vc fIiddM quent. minl carefully aynhisf tbe (lunger to onr- - Neiv Y'orkers ami euali.ed tliem to preHll of KclvcH inip4TI;lli.--t lc polity. JlMoj-a sent andidutn to th. "xnld st.indnid" ti'HctM8 that from repi liJiranisni to e w itijf f tinthe ii.o. ineiii is gr.uluii oiul nlijl th. of Die people, ominous prog(is si.wr wiiiz' " is coolly set aside to b. ress, when diyowruh Iihih open Put two tooled and cajoled il.to K"d linmnr duv-ior n sort to vlolonee, eourM tin- canipa!'ii. (ohme! 'Wp can picture (oJinan As a nnl ter of fact, the rank and fll. a;m1 the aorried ks of the Dcm critic ami Mr. Iliinl-parly aland on th. Hie nf the Avon Beach Regular Dem-icami on all others Juat Island shivering in aweClub of , ,,,v sj,K)1 in 18911. The logic of struck unison over this horrible allerna- - evelits ,.,8 11(,t cotn iitet-their raaooa, niin-nia five conjured out of the of t,,,.a use, on economic tb.y question, Joseph Bulitzers diseased imagination. j,ve no reisou. That Judge Barker should clutch at it hit as a drowning man at a straw onl, proven the deipenttimi of his campa-iy or ixuy ot!ier fnr pKrkef. Not content with citing history to supHe hiiH, however, rcve.Ded the n'1 hick port notoriously false testimony niraint hides under tlie Ihws sasi,. ;isuiiied, for his countrymen in the Philippines, he h purpose, by a ome gie.it nntlmm nin invokes its aid in support of the party. gcner.ilir.ution that there is "no instance of a nation receiving from her colonies The People Know and koonevelt, anything like an adiMpntte return for ft is fortunate for the Republican the lto.d and treasure spent. Engpirty that its andhlale for tlie Presiland? National debt, he solemnly but dency is so well known to the people of was doubled by the the United St Des that no story, no re- ignorantly averred, icvolt of tlie thirteen colonies it had cost flection up a h's ch or his work so much to secure. The American ex- a fields the public mind in the alighteet pansionist, following European argument, decree. The American people have had of the Rhilip-phiealleges? tb.it annexation tiie'r eyes on President Roosevelt for must promote progress, commany jenrs; they know him. They r merce and industry, and introduce the spect and tnit him. The falsihctioiiA leaven of ch ilizatiou into a backward cl tlie enemy against him are useless. and inferior race. The evidence of his- . tory is to the contrary. f Everybody profits uv the growth However such appeals to history may f, e.s, 1 hose who are engaged In inannfact!i: have tickled the ears of the Avon i he business either as capitalists or wag Bca h Regular Democratic (Hub of Ing earners profit tirt of all, but in addi Island. they must have made (Colonel' fltf O f to fbrs--' t Uodnian and Mr. Ilnrion wince. Ii indie m i.iuf.K tore prodm ts the Truth of llmtory. thst distrib-Dthem, the fanner Tlie evidence of history and of contei;i for iblf whienj y :r i.icrei-.-- i aflurd incontruverl an vho aliura all dije. ci poraneous conditjons produ ts, iMe that lOnglutidhs great. less t - i; general prosperity day is tbe dir't rei.irn for her col mi.-- i In his speech before the (boon Rphua nent, in Asi i, in ng efforts on tics T- ft said Africa, him! in tin islands of every ocei.i (Hub of New York, Seueii-Hood h s gone jnt- fr on ami goj.l that wlip.i !e lb iV'or Yinceut h returned lo her a hundred fdl abut h of the University of all the blood aipl .treasure spent iu the t!i letter of ae of f;i !e Pnrk-.r'e. Ionizing sin has d me in tin f nir correp!. el, Ud, it recpti.ice the d ners of tlie earth- minds me of a reiMnia.p'.d'Rmn of a This republic, tlie ii g ie- -t and most goo. I old family h .re vt hit it runs, ! Indies and climbej m l:hve It-development of li a i.i-1 .l .1 iii.mu-fgctnrer- i- atati-iii,-r- rui-cs- inero.-t-a-d- , 1 nn-'ti- ui.in.i-facture- liicrf-stiiiig- i al fy i.. H I I i ed-n- I m m , ..; 1 1 j ln-- y i P- j flnjimc frnui Abroad. Pre-hli'i- The less the United States, through a protective tariff, import of the thinp e that its own labor at home can just as well as foreigners, the more it is able to import of necessaries and luxuries that cannot be purchased at home. Tlie consumption of eoflW per capita in tbe United States, which iu JKJX) was eitfbt pounds, is unw twelve pounds. Our imports of suar, teas, spices, silks, laces, etc., have increased considerably during the last eight years. With the American workingman sure of a good home market for what he produces, it goes almost without saying that he will have enough money to buy fur himself foreign luxuries that he could not dream of having in Democratic times. .1 maun-lectur- d. e - s there dim-cul- Cor-telyo- s i u iiupur-liilisi- be possible - at the preaeot time to prevent any of the trusts from remaining prosperous by the timpe expedient of making each a iweeplnc change in the tariff a to pnralize the induetrica of the country. The trnat would ceati to proeptrt but their imuller competitora would m ' - j utd i starve while it would not par the farmer to haul b e prodnee to market.9 Roosevelt's letter of acceptance. v If Bryan Democrats are sincere iu their expressed desire to rebuke the Hill- - combination for tlie af- front to their leader, they could make the rebuke more stinirimt hv votiiijr far The greater the plurality Roosevelt. against 1arker in Bryan strongholds, tlie of greater will be the W. J. Bryan, for Mr. Bryan is hat no man licks the hand that human, and smites him with sincere relish. j r Sfrealhd iudopendent voters who profess to se little iroutl in cither of the great parties uiighr profitably follow tlie wise maxim "of two tviN, choose the No man cm be o blindly lesser as not to see that the Republican party has done more good for the country than the Democracy. ' s j tt-- a Affairs. n J ' f fr F!;..-a..s 1 FOR NtHY VOTK! TALK I NO IS rad-n.i- I government la in omrol of the oppo- ition. If Republican policies are to be continued it is absolutely necessary that all branches of tbs icovernmen bs In accord. If you wish a conrimiam-- of the pres- nt prosperous times, vote to retain the Republican party in control of national lrnt ; fo-t- cr Dont fail to retn i a Pepubican Coocres. 1 be election of Roosevelt and Fairbanks wit! be almnat a barren victory if the letgialal ive branch of the THE TIME to better t 1 has extorted contrilmtioun from wealthy business enterprises on pledges redeemable on the of I 'resident Roosevelt. They have boon urged and challenged to name a single concrete case and have replied by merely reiterating the slander. As a result tlie charge is recoiling upon its inventors with the proper effect of impairing their credibility on every issue of the campaign. w , - . Day after day the New York Times, the New York World and the Brooklyn Engle repeat the lie that Chairman OVER. hc-l- - ye-tr- Sheehan-Barke- '(-- a I u..i,.u-facturc- s be ruined and the wage worker irsesil. Lie A i, if . In tn pi-p- l a cie. I,,;. ms def.imer cf tb gov iif It vtnka Judgv f ir lo . uv the level hi parly. , I ,,f a lou e;.s.. sc.-os- . Bolivlra. It lus bcn the aim cf Am.-r- i au to of our ami tic- increase tlie expels of m inufact t r. . Under tlie old Demin r.tli.- - regime ccnst-tutea stii.tl! item "t cur Under BepaUlicuu rule tic-experts. . have steadily Duriig the ten years ending with 1V.K) they a erased 10 cent, of our expirts, ,in, ending with lt'4i during the ten i they averaged 11 pi r icnt. of During the la- -t ten years of Denua-ratirule our cximrls of products increased only cue per cent. Tlie Republican party came into power In It 50, and during the ten year ending with 1S70 our exports cf manufactured products formed l'J per cent. Of the total exports; during the ten years ending with IV HI they averaged 18 per cent, of the total, and during the ten years ending with 1900 they were In tlie fiscal 31 per cent, of tlie total. year 1901 they were 28 per cent, of the total, and iu 1902 they were 30 per cent, of the total. The figures show conclusively that the great system of American manufactures aud our increased exports of manufactured products which contribute so largely to the wealth and prosperity of the isniu-trare due to Republican policies ami administrations. It won) b n .z.1 RACIAL GOOD WILL ua-- Itriiiit-tivn- v i tf Barki-- j Cuba. Undoubtedl i k ,nini to a iix.u.iti i;ii. aul UuailU.'iil l$i( .( Dnc to i .i Mini Si rk of i'.'niiic-Mi- rdn. l.Uittiu , D i oi ... ! i I Ur t.-- Cou-gie- ! I i .! t i l new-pape- ill-le- Of fcftf fit'll . i r-.- liM.liial firpH .in-- of tin ! i.; of thi IMiRijijiiiH' t ' niiiti'x'iou. uurrmit! in f'lort Imh Hhufiu. 4 i 1 t t t ii!.. rti.i-a-u i.ivi4dUtitu. I'HIjr, liul lts'l i'irr tftkr of o.l. A Aijnai ioMt .1 . I t ittt" I . i in !iit!e ilontliH umI'iK v- ll'l ol lirr iltH'i.l '.il w, a,t. ll .t Mill: uiijHirt.int routnimtory umiIt. tn m iiii'Ji, iiiin"! i'.tiM'i, tavioiH (i;.i' i n.o,,l IMV.ip'd A luot'M'fiiiK .lii'l FiliUn -. oi tujatiMi !i loM, INM Aiiturif.iii i..w tu f r tA .! .1. r. . - aiol of Aimricuti i Aiihmu .mi. fron ti i I to 4,04(7 Hiiittilil-'nil ' J. i' ;i vt. lot tl of 4 -- JJ mom f Iv i i .OIu tn tlii iHuitU-- tin ' i Mir: !, .i I.IhhmI um mi to o. " ! the (lint Mr. r.uLir'a if.itfi 14.0 m. ;ii,iMt '. ii 01 K r Trials A (' Ji hdtit 1. .. Imi ti Wr,fii!ir of 10 .ft 4uf ..t in.it KimUihI i.i" u'iit n m for t i I i I f l . il.-iti- t 4 M I i i . lilt' $r. i I t r.4. ' ) l.-- It'll! Li i w tLt I :t j( in lint iiir U i of the govern-incu- t 'The are dishonest, corrupt and The islands teem t. have muveeded iu gelling i lie very drega of onr people.' "No government in the world lus a . more gent, honest or industrious corps of employes than is serving under the Philippine commission, and the assertion is a u insult to the families ami friends who remain in the United Slates. The records of the Philippine government to date will show a degree of efficiency, honesty nod fidelity equal to the executive and j i licial branches of any government in the world. the country No. 2. 'Agriculturally is fur the time ruined. Land is going out of cultivation, tlie population U and in some places unable to get work. Irnaperltir Now Relana. Two year ago tlire was a terrible drought ail over the lliilippine aud the fa riners lost their crops. Famine was averted by an appropriation from which was expended for rice and other foods and distributed where it was needed among the people. But is it honest for Judge Parker to hold the government resKinsible for an act of Providence? Last year, however, prosperity was restored and at the present date there is no spot on earth where the agricultural population is in better condition than in the Philippine Islands. The Kxtraord inner Statement. only difficulty is the lack of labor. It is No. 9. Judge Barker himself declares impossible for farmers or other employy utterly ers to obtain the help needed, although that the islands remain wages are three, and in some cases four untouched fur any good' that the United times as high as they were before Amer- States might have done for them. "This is a most extraordinary stateican occupation. Tbe. peopie are clamcitizen to make. oring for Chinese coolies, who are pro- ment for an hibited from seeking employment in the It can only be accounted for by ignorltoes Judge Philippine Islands under the same ex- ance, malice or prejudice, clusion laws that prevail in the United Barker see no good in the establishment of 4.1X10 schools ami the education of States. more than 200,100 children? loes he No. 3. 'The country is overburdened with taxation; disease is prevalent aud realize the value of the purdic improvements that have beeu made, the new the farm animals are dead. The rate of taxation will average 35 harbors at Manila, which have cost Spanish $2,lRxi,311 to date, and $071o'o'i at Iloilo per cent, lower than under rule and Cebu; the widened streets, the pavedomination, but under American taxes are collected front everybody im- ments, the parks, the sewers, the new partially. Formerly those who had a water systems, the public highways that pull or were disposed to bribe the col- have been extended ami improved at a lectors evaded payment, while others oust of $stxi,UOO: the 1.211 school houses were compelled to pay the last penny. that have beeu built, and the various The revenues, therefore, are three and other improvements usin which millions four times as large as they ever were. of dollars have been expended, not from Since the enforcement of sanitary laws the treasury of the United States, but and regulations, the construction of sew- from the local treasuries of the islands? ers and the purification of the water It would require a page iti a newspaper in tbe way of supply the death rate has been decreased to tell what lias beeu done 50 per cent. It is true that more than public utilities alone by the American half the farm animals in the Philippines government. S If-- !' n p port I n g. died from the plague during the great And, finally, tbe Democratic candidrought of 1902, but is it honest for Judge Parker to charge that calamity to date for the Dresideney asks: 'Are the comthe administration? lhilippine Islands a Whole districts are in the munity? No, 4. hands of He confesses his ignorance upon this point in almost the same breath that lie Lad rones Kx terminated. declares them fit for independence and Ladrones are highwaymen, freebootIf Judge Barker had ers, who live in gangs in the woods, raid the settlements and blackmail tbe plant- made any preparation for his speech, if ers. In Spanish times they used to he bad taken the trouble to inform himflourish, but the vigorous aud vigilant self tipon the most important conditions, the eustoms operations of the native constabulary he would have known tint have practically exterminated them, and revenues alone during the last three or the Philippine Islands are now as safe four years have been seventeen, eighteen and nineteen million dollars a year, an as any part of the United States. No. 5. 'The price of products i increase from three, four or five millions a year during Simnish ruie; ami that the poor and unremunerative. Any person interested in the details other revenues have improved in a similar ratio. The islands are not only on this point can obtain the quotations they not only pay every cent on Philippine staples, such as hemp, tobacco, sugar, copra and rice, from any of the expenses of their government the maintenance of the 11,000 commission-houswhere Judge Parker could have secured accurate information regular troops now on duty there, but if be had placed any value upon his they could afford an exhibit costing a word. He ought to know that prices of million and a quarter at the St. Louis agricultural products are not fixed iu exposition, and are spending between Manila, but in the great markets of the three and five million dollars a year in tbe construction of harbors, railways, world. light No. 6. Public opinion has no free highways, water works, electric imexpression; newspapers are bought up plants, buildings and other public or are browbeaten into silence. provements. If Judge Parker wishes accurate InThe .editors of the Manila American, the Cable News, the Times, the Sunday formation and wise advice on these subSun and others uewspapers published jects he can obtain both by asking in Manila will smile when they read that. Bishop Brent, of Manila; Bishop Graves, They differ in opinion as to the merits of Shanghai; Bishop McKim. of Tokio, of the men and the wisdom of the policy all of whom are attending the Episcopal of the administration. Some of the convention at Boston, or from Father church, papers support it and some oppose it, Yattmau. of tbe Roman Catholic and the latter lambaste the officials with recently retired as chaplain iu the army, 111. They an energy that is unequaled in any other who now lives at Wilmette, editorial room in the world. - Before have no political prejudices or affiliawould not had Judge Parker made such a preposterous tions. and if they be they influenced thereby themselves to assertion he should have examined a file of the Manila Times or the Sunday Sun. in their judgment or their statements. The editors of thisc pipers 'have good Or why will not Judge Barker consult Up is a Governor Luke B. Wright? ground for a libel suit against him. Democrat from Memphis. lie lias occuHare Caae of inennsi tcncy. pied an eminent position upon the bench The criticisms of the administration and is regarded by all who know him which appear daily in the Manila papers, with admiration, respect and confidence. often bitter and violent, are almost with"One of the most essential qualificaout exception based upon its liberality tions in a candidate for the Presidency toward the natives; for doing exactly is to know the rrtifh and speak it. what Judge Parker says it has uot done; for giving the Filipinos too much LATENT HGt :KK8 AS TO COST. for promising them independence sind for appointing so many Only $1k4,IHO.OOO Kipealed on the Philifiuine Ip to June HO, natives to office. Every governor of The Wahinutpn correspundent of the every province, every mayor of every town except Manila, and almost every New York Tribune how that the actual cont f th Ph:lijdiaes up t June 30, proviuciual and municipal official is 1. "Tin Tob-niiu-- Ara Pair. No. 8. Detective appear iu the guise of servants, atsl the oath of a single one is enough to destroy a man' reputation, properly, lilw.ty or eveu life itself.' 'When I left Manila last atimmer there had been four trials for sedition since (lie establishment of the civil government. t'ae latest, iu which Dr. Gouiex, r. was deeditor of a naive fendant. having lusted four months, and he was acquitted np ii . iini 'alilic; iOO peopie had been convicted of what may be termed political offenses, including the deluded victims of the Hong Kong junta and other treasonable organizations, and thirty-threperson bad suffered the eapital penalty, each case having beeu carefully reviewed by the Supreme Court. Their crimes were murder, arson, rape and highway robbery. There are two detective organizations oue connneeted with the city police, which works within the municipal limits. The other, connected with the constabulary, works in the rural district. American, Spanish and native detectives are employed. Their methods are exactly the same and the weight of their testimony in court is similar to that of the police of New- - York or any other city. Bishop Brent, of the Episcopal church, in an interview with me published last June, eaid: 'Manila is comparatively free from crime, disorder aud drunkenness. Few cities of the size are so well governed or are so free from saloons or vicious .classes. There is a surprisingly email amount of crime and vice. i ..1- Im4h Im t 't ! .Iiim ti fi m 0i W f rlv I p nh ) Ut. .Mil of f f f Mil Oi COtlQ $r, h i'L a ir! ai.tl Uifarluf I nrkfir' of .J'l'l we 'i'H n I j t i . . a..i 4.o, T oil ll( to u -1 - t ! l ,4. .ait i.i, .lot .t ! po-e- It , . $' I j ihii-hc- i li R ) , tun l .. Vi'iiig'l j t lder4 l! i i j rrrtM - pr-.l- J j ' i i -- preJ t , KEYNOTE!:'"!.,! ".V; .( BELATED B.uer A iiiiipi-t-hrusio- s All INFAMOUS a: lie put, taut, lm U w tlito-the aud am statement III! the Philippines had cost tin country $tlo'MUx. aud thv et- H MARKER DE ALTON liti.icity with w liidi they cling to it. JUDGE FAME6 HIS COUNTRYMEN. atlcr it f.ihity h.t again of am! again, are p.it the pet s, ms Jo Waliiiigt.io who are (.muhtir i Autborttle $u l Mu with th real cuml.iitin iu lac I'u.i.p-pairs- Unotri In an Altul Uialnry "That tile sisl of the Plnhppiur, Inl lltmrl ll M imr pft.d lo Spain, cluding tile $2't.m ', Own Nnhuh, amounted, up lo M t' 1, l'x2. to $1;.- d bet. ill! tXXt.tXht, ha- es( No Democrat ic member of e tui-.- ' i Judge Parkers Statement an Amazingly Reckless Falsification cf Facts and Figures. $l!t. 1!ki4, was only ucc-fu- i , |