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Show CULTIVATE SENSE OF TASTE. NEWS SUMMARY. The official returns of the Russian losses received up to date do not ex-ceee- d 30,000. Mn. !1ic:ly linH.ru I'.lirMitIiirs (Mice Oiltt I ml. li:t lil r ! ;., Hi-- !' fjn.tt Mrs. I.1' lJijuorlr, f Nn. 115 Cciitr Mui.-u picture uj Mo., i.'. t iy, fob i .'t health, ami yet f i vt years mh b.n. iy oseup-'- l (lea jIi fr a.i pro;; re.- .c vo eaeicinlion. reiMtiter site tolil the i'obo'.vii pfnry : In ls:U I to have of iita,hs ia'!iosioa that continued for two years. My fttomrcU wus constantly sore pud burned ns if it Mas on lire. It became finally s delicnto that it would not retain et on plain water. My inability lo take food reduced my weight to ninety-eip. - Ta . ht muds, and faintness and dizziness kept me i:t bed most of the time. I was really starving to death nml besides I was Tho doctor was extremely nervous. me tonics which He gave iwplexrd. did mo no good, nud prescrib'd exercise which I was too weak to attempt. One day when I was so faint and chilled that I coUld do no! king but crouch down on tho floor by the fire, my father brought me a box of Dr. Williams Pinlc Iilis for Pale People. I found on trial tlmt they would stay on my stomach unlike everything else. I really felt better after three dose., and I kept on using them. Food legan to taste, well and to stay down. The pain and the burning in the pit of my stomach lessened and at last went away altogether. Lly weight began to increase until it reached 165 pounds and my neighbors, who were convinced that I was wiustiug to death before, were astonished at the change. I resumed my housework and have hardly had occasion to call a doctor since. I have recommended Dr. Williams Pink Pills to several frieuds, ami I say to tho pale, thin ones particularly, If you want to get strong and well take Dr. William sFink Pills for Palo People. These pills euro stomach trouble by their tonic action, building up tho digestive organs ar.i enabling them to do the work that nature intended them t t do. They are sold by nil dealers, or will bo sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box or six boxes for two dollar.' ami a half, by addressing Dr. William Medicine Go., Schenectady, N. Y. diet book giving useful information il. bo sent free on reauest. j . Larashe, a fortified seaport town o 4,000 Inhabitants, Is now besieged by the rebellious Sahel Kabyles. The Vossfche Zeltung, the oldest newspaper In Berlin, celebrated Its 200th anniversary on the 29th. K, a town of 250 InhabiCorinth, tants, was almost wiped out by fire. Twenty-on- e buildings were destroyed. An Omaha packing house last week received an order for 3,000,000 pounds of mess beef, for shipment to the Orient. Frederick Schorn, 78 years old, and bis daughter, Cecelia, 30 years old, have been found dead at their home In Chicago from gas asphyxiation. John Freehouse was knocked off the cage as he was being drawn up In the shaft of the Afterthought mine at Redding, Cal, fell to the bottom and was Instantly killed. Louis Harmon, one of the trio of robbers who murdered George Geyer, a farmer, near Alton, O., nearly a year ago, was electrocuted at the Ohio penitentiary last week. of James F. Latimer, and shot the Latimer, Wls., bank, killed himself in his bank. He was to be 71 years old and considered vice-preside- nt worth about $200,000. At a fire following a wedding In the poorer part of St. Petersburg, eleven of the guests were burned to death. Five others are missing, and It is feared they have been burned. Hillary and Charles Altman, on trial at Folkston, Ga., for the murder of Jackson Duncan, were acquitted. The Altman brothers were charged with having killed Duncan on a train. It has been represented to the general staff of the army that It will require an expenditure of $3,819,420 to place the submarine defenses of the United States in a state of efficiency. A fire is raging for a distance of twenty miles eastward from Windgap, N. J., Russian State Scepter. affecting a very large portion of the The Russian state scepter is of solif Blue Over 10,000 Ridge mountains. gold, three feet long, and contain been devastated. acres thu3 far have among its ornaments 2C0 rubies am Three distinct earthquake shocks fifteen emeralds. were felt at Meade and Dodge City, in Deafness Cannot Be Cured southwestern Kansas, on the 28th. as . tcc.il applications, they c:uin t reach the dip fWrtfjn (f the vr. There Is im!y ue. way cure deaiuesi, and that by runitltutl- nal reir.eu'e.-DeafueH ea i.'ed by ai Inflamed eoinllth n f ii mucous lining t f the Eustachian Tube. When l: : tube li Inflamed you have a rumbling tmuud c r ii perfect hearing. and when It Is entirely clo ;ed. Dee jess Ii the remit and unless the lutlamtnail.ui can taken r it. and tills tube restored to Its normal c r,( li a), lie an'nr will be destroyed f revert nine car out at ten are earned by t atarrh, which In nil! t. but an Inflamed condition of the inuc.un surface . We will kIvo One Hundred D illar., for any ca Deafue.i (caused by caiarrh) that cannot be cun by Hail's Catarrh Cure. Send f ir circulars, free. F. J. CHF.XEY & CO., Toledo. C Sold br- - DrueSts, tre. Take hall's Family Fills for constipation. ta-e- ' il Man P.listaksn for Tigor and Shot. Near Manantoiidy a man, while si ting in his compound with, a stripe blanket wrapped around his body, w.. mistaken for a tig?r by another ir.ni an inmate of h3 .own house, and six dead on the spot. Malabar News. To Regulate Scorching. French suggestion for preventin' itilemoki lists from scorching 13 t and geegie-forbid tho ii03 of A lid Cof-feyvil- post-offic- that others. Examine carefully every fcottlo of CASTOT5H, safe and aura remedy for iufanta and children, and see that it Signature of (q Use For Over, 5 1 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Perhscs. Syracuse woman who had beer, writing verses ftared she was and took poion. Is writinc verses a sure sign- ?- Buffalo Express A e 1 Nor Spot Clothes the tcater around Sin wUa Grocers. At Snapshot of Worker. European inspectors take snapshot of men engaged on public work. Th elophotos, in some cases, are mor be. Oao could quent than any report showed a group or thirty men on a road paving job. Two of tho thirty were at work. Ask Your Druggist for Alloni is fine; that 1 c E . Tebacee Legal Tender. Tobacco was legal tender ia the American states when they were stlB colonies of Great Britain. TEA It is charm; but pray, what is charm? It is something that makes you know you are strong! Supplies Britain With Canada is capable of more than the 200,000,000 wheat which Britain has every year. Wheat. furnishing bushels of to import TEA It wouldnt cost much to burn all the money our grocers pay-back. Your grocer returns your money If jroa Hke is, fine tea is fine. Tea thoughts are fine; that is fine tea thoughts are fine. Millions of Copper Csins Made. Every year the English mint issues over 8,000,000 copper coins. Foot-Ettf- recenttried ALLENS bare just bought another supply. II has cured my corns, and the hot, burning and itching sensation in my feet which wa almost unbearable, and I weuld not be without it now. Mrs. W. J Walker, Camden, N. J." Sold by all Druggists, 25a FOOT-EAS- ly, aQd TEA Tea FOR USES DIRECTIONS -- 1 Schillings Best. (teal Prince Herbert Bismarck. In his prime he was noted for hi overbearing temper and insolent manner. The story is told ef him that ho once ran into and nearly upset a distinguished diplomat, who angrily asked what he meant by it. I am Count Bismarck," was the reply. The explanation is ample, said the other, "but the excuse is insufficient New York Times. ....WE.... TREAT and CURE e, CATARRH sod all evrtU dimiei of the eye. eer, neee. threat, IurJs, atom-ac- liver, bowele. kidneys, bladder and all chronic, nervova and private diseases of both him. and diseases sf children. , Mical Azziri, director of the Siberian lends at the Jerusalem concession at the Worlds fair, was shot and killed a merchant and felby Nicolas Sah-ablow countryman. They had quarreled over money matters. . Reports of serious rioting are Incorrect in so far as the province of Vilna is concerned. Not only are there no disturbances, but mobilization Is proceeding, though a number of reservists are missing. A new Russian loan of $270,000,000, according to the Brussels correspondent of the London Standard, has virtually been concluded. The first portion of this loan, $70,000,000, It is expected, will be issued in January. ic Wont Freeze, Spill Break k. office. anti-Semit- Bears the goini-Insan- le WASH BLUE Costs to cents and equals 20 cents worth ct any other kind of bluln&l rs Home Treatment Cures. Write for free eymptom list If yon cn-ucall. Consaltatlon Free. ot , - Important to People were awakened and windows and dishes rattled. No damage was done. The Kansas Supreme court has Issued a mandatory order requiring the board of education of the city of to admit to the white schools of Bud Cartwright, a children the negro. President Roosevelt has directed the removal from office of Jacob W. Bunn, finance clerk of the Philadelphia for pernicious activity in collecting campaign funds from employees of Its Possession Said tgi Have Good Effect on General Health. Taste and smell are two senses we do not cultivate enough; Indeed, hearing, as we know In the case of the blind, can reach an acuteness which the ordinary person Is absolutely deficient in. Both tasto and smell have great uses. Probably we should not see people living In dirty and Insanitary conditions so blissfully were the sense of 6mell a little more developed; while taste, especially in women, is often stigmatized as greediness. The gourmet, to use a French word, is not a gormandizer, but a man whose taste is aesthetically and exquisitely trained. It Is said that the Marechal Due de Richelieu, who was a great gastronomic connoisseur, possessed so fine a taste as to be able to distinguish whether the breast of a chicken was cut from the side of the gall or not In the same way wine-tastecan tell a vintage instantly. Women rather despise taste; they eat and that is all. Yet taste was certainly given us for a good purpose, aad no one can order a dinner intelligently who has not cultivated his palate. The food one likes and enjoys always agrees with ones health better than any other, and the faddist who would reduce all diet to uniformity would In time wreck the public digestion. Cured Her Rheumatism. Deep Valley, Pa., Oct 31. (Special.) There is deep Interest in Green county over the cure of the little daughter of I. N. Whipkey of Rheumatism. She was a great sufferer for five or six years and nothing seemed to do her any good till she tried Dodds Kidney Pills. She began to improve almost at once and now she is cured and can run and play as other children do. Mr. Whipkey says: I am indeed thankful for what Dcdds Kidney Pills have done for my daughter; they saved her from being a cripple perhaps for life. Dodds Kidney Pills have proved that Rheumatism is one of the results of diseased Kidneys. Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid in the blood. If the Kidneys are right there, can be no Uric Acid in the blood and consequently no Rheumatism. Dodds Kidney Pills make the Kidneys right. First American Carriage. In Albany, N. Y., about 1814, the first American carriage was made, all previously used having been imported from England. DR. A. J. SHORES. Spicial Oflir in Privati Diseasts bK. G. W. SHORES. Unfortunates, of both sexes, who are suffering from Private Diseases-whet- her caused br ienor-ano- e. excess or contagion-ha- ve always been looked upon as br t to Sharks nd Charlatans who peso as -- Specialists and rob the sufferer for treat ment SHORES' DO NOT ASK YOU TO PAY TBEH ONE DOLLAR UNTIL CURED N YOU WISH TO YOURSEI.F. wortE If5 cure such oases before the patient Is required to pay Dr. Shores one dollar. may pay the fee In small weekly or monthly Installments as the cure Droere.ee. wovrsi PLAN OF DEALING WITH THE AFFLICTED, deals a death blow demands all Cash, In exchange for empty promises. Did you ever hear of a Fakfrrefuudnea no ehances-y- ou cannot lose your penny to a duped patient? Take dont nav it ouk of so called - WEAKNESSES OF MEN a real mp 'thi? Nine-tent- y&J.ul hs Shores new LOCAL TREATMENT toruch toLrlVvARE Inflamed PR JSTATIS GLAND-D- rs. ABLY CUKES ask oihsr Doctors how many cases they cure under the old treatment for this trouble. We cure LOST MANHOOD. Seminal Weaknessand Siwfrmatorrtoea! GONORRHOEA, SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and kindred treubes tei neve?Sse Vn. or totnS money, than any Institution in the west, every ease Is confldentlal-- we n secret. Consultation. Examination and Advloe FREE by mall or at the OFFICE HOURS: Evenings 7 to fl; Sundays and holidays 10 n m to li. limtoipn; DBS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert i Spieialists. 243 LM'aS.'Eft. |