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Show I HAMM DEMOCRATIC PROTEST IRRIGATION WORK VIGOROUS OF DENUNCIATION OLNEY. Millions of lores ol is Reclaiming Sont Ur.clo Ho lion-Pro-jysli- ve Attempt to lielltlle the Wee with Zpeli Retenled end Hie Immediate Itbdrawal from tbe Hpeaklng Cam Hi and irid Lands. pelgg Demanded. ROOSEVELT'S FRIEflOSHIP FOR THE WEST M annorof Determining Reservoir Sites and How Organized EfTort Secures the Highest of the Future of Arid America." Efficie- ncy-Glimpses ,.J! ii. Th t' in Of frb Nation (Voigt d:rc Ho u hi .i l ' mu rvi.iiit In . I'u .i : i. :i IM IJ, ti j igh !. 'rv if ' I It'.-- i!u I (.tup w.. Ui'1:: iu Ir; im h! h . I.: .1 i hi - w .i- i tl I b I rvuc 1 u I. ! J lorni of l f "fM. at all. m.i-- .i i !!( twor r'.i i in ''p i tbiA ; I. ! ij niN, irm t. ! Ah " '.' ua hiw-w.-- Jh'M riMchc.l, it , T tij-cii- i rvt h !,.gU , j ue ty - j ITo r A - f v' f s Ay $ p'J--J Il'Tw-'C- j arl.ti ivn thi! ...i 2 X V? j - j ; I iuh . Vjf ; 5 fg 4 y ' The New York American, ou of William 11. llearst's newHpapera, in its of Oct. 15th, thus criticised iptech delivered by Olney; off the atump. Demo"late Olney crat of Ids type make no vote for the puny. Lest night, ia big gpeecb at Cooper I'nioii. Hi former Attornry-Gen-era- ! and later Secretary of State under President Cleveland offered characteristic keynote. In his argument against imperialism he spoke of 'our neediest Mcrimmage with Spain over Cuba.' aud sulisequently referred to tint development of jiugoiata and iiiil.tnrinu which brought ou the scrap with Spain.' 1 bat is a keynote to which tbe country will not respond in the way expected by Mr. Oincv. It i not Auiericuiiaia aud certainly it ia not democracy. "Ili war for the liberation of Cubs had the heart of the people behind it It was chivalric, unselfish and glorious. Lmitod and careful gentlemen of tha Olney type found themaelves iucapabl of rising to the height of the popular enthusiasm, hut, whether in or out of office, they were ewrpt along with the tide of nohle sympathy for nil oppressed people. History will record that th Unit is! Slate iu expelling Smin from the New World reached a moral eminence quite unparalleled in the action of nations. y We owed nothing to Spain; her of Cuba lud beau a continuous crime, as wu her whole career iu thla We h id beau patient too hemisphere. lung. The Virginia infamy should have been the signal for her eviction from this side of the globe. The culmination of her atrocities was the blowing up of the Maine, riding nt anchor in what was supposed to he a friendly port. And after that unexampled outrage Olney speaks of our needless war with Spain. No American who is as broad as hie country can look back upon the Spanish war without a thrill of pride. Mr. Olney speaks for a kind of Democrats who are infinitely hurtful to th Democratic party. They seem to be without capacity of entering into the feelings of the people, sharing their patriotio ardors, or sympathizing with their He is au able man, aspirations. no doubt; an excellent lawyer and mean well, but lie damages Democracy and the candidacy of Judge Barker when he puts himself forward as a spokesman ac once of Little Americanism and tha party which is historically that of expansion. A great people are not to be cribbed, cabined and confined within the coldblooded and petty limitations of the Olney conception of national duty and destiny. The votes of young men of men of spirit cannot he won by sneers at one of the loftiest deeds in the nation life. Democrats, real Democrats, are not to be deprived of their share in the glory of freeing Cuba. It is to be the everlasting honor of the party that through its representatives in Congress and in the press the American foremost in the fight it forced a reluctant administration to declare the war. Had Cleveland been in the White House aud Olney in the Cabinet, we may be quite sure that the heroes of the Maine would have perished in vain and Cuba continued to be a Spauish shambles t our door. The Democracy has no quarrel with any man who took part as soldier or civilian in rescuing Cuba, and it is not to be tolerated that the party should be placed in such a position. Theodor Roosevelt, as one who took part in that brief conflict, has reason as a candidate to congratulate himself upon Mr. presence on the stump. Judge Barker and his managers ought to lose no time in revising the list of campaign speakers and eliminating from it the the Clevelands and all other discredited, plutocratic, narrow-mindeand Democrats, so called, who are responsible for the apathy among the people of which complaint is mad ai Democratic headquarters. How can the workingmen, for example, be expected to grow enthusiastic In a canvass which numbers among it conspicuous orators the Attorney-Generwho discovered the of a rull-ma- u car and a President who ordered troops into Illinois against the protest of her governor for the purpose of crushing a strike? "Olney has spoken for Parker, and it is announced that Cleveland is alto to mount the platform. If Judge Barker understands the American public as well as we think he does, he will put his foot down and avert that crowniug calamity. Let real Democrats do the talking from now on. occu-pauc- I !i . on; li.ng iv. f ; rrl ? !V,lfn! !.r t'v In.. ti brought lfff Irrici - iti. ua! , ft i is.i!e. I ,,..., ti rwi s.irfuo, if !i$ f im.il "ork of tin rt.'l;m;itpn nipr!.v lv.!rju!ic i; bar iPtcr; t u rwt it invnlv oM.s5nni.on inwh iuit'4l ami pin lrir.il , twW 1. not t.m Tluis pnriM.p'lghiPiTH i ' f n ,U for v p.evw.niy st.fi. . tVPrn tlle 0(t,lrrt.uce 0f wi.er mk .mv I. -- .. tae th, great le or il.pisa! oT jm 1ml' In tlia tlnrtt'PU Si t. tlu tr.ri Potne Teilintti Work for Undo Ftm. ail The Pisiy aval'jble vv.itrra of tin forit's alTericl. Hm.1 tte mrk l?n (.oaft.ir.! t' t!s area. Tiicre rrl region have in many i.xMnre It can be retorted that all into tlie Humboldt Valley and supply ent men. ultivate it before a dear title to the fmitl. Home. a;pr ;n.iti nml p it t ti". by pnvatt mw In fi' ir This the leaders of the Democratic party in tlie vicinity of Reno. settlers u the a be can from bid tlie for government. onleri.r.xeH. leaving government U JJ7.IHMI.IHMI. Tii! fnn.l tiling over , or iiivolre-pro-Thus, collusion or evasion of the purpose I reject is destined to reclaim about 200,-0(- passed away two generations ago. aud ereM,ig n.i r.v every m.ntli. When V:,,y t:ie, 'reacres. The Milk River project iu none have come to fill their places. Times of the laiv is to a large extent preveute.1. an.MUei lH'iihle ,hl t) ia alite1 that the proportion of gov hardMoutuna will reclaim uearly like ours demand men of these times northern is it In m.J a eomlitmn. far country -J growing rapidly allhough rument I ml in in, my of ,!leal aril acres iu the vicinity, of Malta aud not mere doleful sounds from the result are to be a. vomphs.ie.!. ly credible that nnv collusion to obtain Ktales in fm, To to Ho per rent, of the f!!evel only after great water can hold throughout a long period, and Glasgow. At Tonto Creek, eighty tombs of a past generation. " ' entire area, eome vague i lea may lie iivl ac Late been brought to especially with danger of forefeiture at miles above Phoenix, Ariz., immense im-of the enormous amount that iletine.l tear. 1,111 ' tin end of that time. pounding reservoirs will provide a supply An Ignorant Bres'dentlnl Candidate. to avininm! ite in tin's irrigation fa ml as The ignorance of Judge Parker ou conof water to irrigate nbou 200.000 acres The main feature of the law is to Criticism will be launched against the the result of tire Rtiie of these governby the uninformed, because cure tlie development of the arid region iu Salt River Valley, wbirh is already ditions iu the Philippine Islands would ment I. mils iluiitig the next tiit.v years. discredit any American schoolboy. of tlie apparently slow progress in the j and the utilization of tlie great resources thickly settled. All of this uioecy g .es into the Are the Philippine Islands a shown cannot be Mother rf Clvlllz ltlon. Irrigation, lion fiiinJ. Whetuoer any portion of dcvel ipmciit of great irrigation projects, which experience has he asks. nil esses it sii mid lie remembered put to beneiicial usigo by private encommunity? porteud-that is one no There thing ia n tlie of (t cons, erpemU-- l for ';.i utiliz- the future greatness of tlie present civilitlie citizen of Fsopus, New Tork, If in-- I if Mii.it and all which, such of under! properly terprise, nearly (kings reservoirs, d ims or ditviies. it is i.t i.aitlie greatest source of zation more than tlie efforts now being had visited the World's Fair at St. v ive, the application or trial of new ed. may d to the government within a pciod thrmimi put forth in all arid regions of the earth, Louis, lie would have learned what he commonwealth the to Ht-Unml dev.ces and the with ail! 'strength dealmg ten years, in the form of ten e.p.al little to 'make the desert nnd waste places has failed to get out of the thousands matters homes. isi of It the creation who leralile are numbers of (o persons oual installments, from the actual ocprivate owners of Ian I under such pro- - ' whether the land thus utilized happened habitable and prod net ive. Archeologists of pages of newspapers, magazines and cupants of the laud, so reclaimed t tell us tint where they have found man's the many books published on the Philip'ed irrigation pnj ts. It will be seen to be, at the time of construction, of , Irrigation. the work rcipiires not merely skill, Mic or private ownership. The main thing struggle hardest, there they have found pines in the United States during the Over 300 Kogineer at Work. is to secure ultimately the building of the highest types of civilization that are past few years. But Judge Parker has but time. To carry out the purpose of this law. - In the n of the ivn-- t. It is nee- - ' homes ahd the placing of these in the dead and gone. Ou the high plateaus of shown that he readied, some years ago, an eflieient engineering corps has bee:, ;,f hands of people who become t0 IltlllZB ,anJSouth America and the mesas of Mexico, that real 'dead line in the mental life, organized, uudet civil service rules, and eary owned by individuals. Many ing and who can and will refund to iu the desert where flows the Nile, on the time when a man ceases to learn. privileges in field. from the oieu nlrend.v Over of these can be tue If the Democratic candidate cared to acquire, I by purchase; the government the cost of reclamation, tlie bleached plains of Arabia and wliere three hundred such engineers, together others must be condemned j This is an object in which not only the courses to the sea, know xvhat he talked about, he could sacred of tho by Ganges proeess alwith a large number of helpers, are law. It is not desirable to begin con- - government, but all classes of citizens are found traces of feats of irrigating have found that the customs revenues ready in the field. From time to time, demnitlnn s proceedings until all possible ami most industries are directly skill, broken works of art, ruined tem- alone, during the last three years have other m!i are Hieing added, especially to $17,0()0,XK), $18,000,000. ested. have been exh.iu-le- d to bring ples and shrines that equal and in some increased from the graduates of professional ab nit a fair and skill of and $10,000,000 a year; and that the boasted the it as instances lie Will lrencfited. silo, Alt Iluslnrsi surpass schools throughout the couuUy. It is is essential to secure an mai. tain the other revenues have increased accordingrailroads recog-go- , modern engineering, art and architecture. The transcontinental the policy of tlie g ivernnient to retain ly. That the Islands are not only be will of the community. si is America It a a As may nation, justly beneficiaries ize that tlley will be first men for this work who are known to but that they pay all of their we would if not to force matters, but better but her of pokey , greatness, proud homethe per,,PtnaI gainers by this possess high prim des and undoubted inown expenses, could afford to send to St. we must continue and to ilHn.v. rather th.m endure, grow they are wisely tegrity, for it is believed that the great by main truing movement and make Louis an exhibit costing a quarter of a strength to bring about reforms cmltriblrlillR llu.R1.v to the success of encourage all moves that seek to hydraulic work can be planned and built winch will be appreciated only after the movement. It is true some of them us a nation of rural homes rather than million dollars, and that they are spendproperly only by men of tbe highest many years. We should ing, now, between $4,000,000 and have land to sell, but the profit from the a people of great cities. a year constructing railways, strive to build up more homes with suris as land such National sale of compared for Private nothing Land. Irrigation Pelrctl o of Heservolr Sites. electric light As stated, Uncle Sam still owns from to the annual traffic resulting from the roundings of simplicity and truth, where roads, harbors, waterworks, la each of the States and territories a maturplants, buildings and public improves of innumerable homes. coming generations may grow to to of the area of establishment general sliuly is being made of natural ity, uncorrupted by the superficial glit- ments generally. catto lands sell the could each railroads Western of the The terriSlates and situations which oiler opMrtuuitie-- s for Judge Parker ought to attend the nearas a matter of business they ter and gilded vice of the city. reclaiming large bodies of land. After tories affected by President Itoosevelts tlemen, but all other coun- est high school for boys. The United leads States even donate National much better to is Act. know is it lie tbe big Irrigation due preliminary work, a few of such land owner and will always remain tlie them to settlers who will live on the tries of the earth in the production of Have a Forethought. projects, say two or three, which are wheat, corn, cotton, wool, beef, pork, irriLet well enough alone is better as the most promising, are selected for proprietor of tlie great mountain areas farms and make homes of tlie newly Millions of and edible fowls. mutton and more careful survey and investigation. covered mainly with trees, and from gated heritage. The manufacturing across the seas are dependent a forethought than as an afterthought. people From a comparison of results so ob- which come the waters essential to the jobbing intere-t- s of the Fast have also upon this a country for both food and One ounce of prevention is worth small Much of the best contributed to this work to no cure. It ia easier to prevent of tained, one of these is chosen by the life of agriculture. pound reour vast is It clothing. agricultural West district engineer. When he is ready to land in the valleys has already passed degree, as they believe that in the manusources that constitute our great national a Democratic victory that would mean into prirate ownership and along almost is the greatest home market for report upon the work, with recommendwealth and economic independence of the a renewal of hard times than to try and ations. the facts nnd figures are sub- every stream is a continuous succession factured products of all kinds. rest the world. The source and store- cure or live out the hard times after It has sometimes been held up as a houseof of mitted to the hoard of engineers, who of claims taken up under the Homestead this great national wealth is they have arrived. A stitch in time Nathe of or advocates reflection Desert l..w. Land against and your vote in time might pass upon them. Sometimes additional the land that, through mans industry save nine railroads the The tional that as a is great Irrigation the bench land, public rule, Information is sought or the conclusions and skill, produces all these staples of help save many times nine distressful inthe Fast are manufacturers of land to tlie and adjacent valley. Nearly every re modified. food and clothing, these necessities for cares and anxieties should the DemoWhen agreement is reached, the re- scheme far the reclamation of govern- terosted and Iiave contributed time and the life and g of the people of cratic party prove victorious. in directhe bat to ment this land influence must cause, of involve the necessity sults are transuiittel to the Secretary the earth. How important it is. then, the the of of tion now in interest of the land ownpeople irrigation f the Interior with definite recommendprivate Advice for Election Iar e of wealth be that this ations for immediate action and with full ership. The provisions of the law are country nnd that of the railroads and preserved great Forget your breakfast, if you will; and enlarged by the reclamaare identical such the industrial land that owned organizations by individuals facts as to cost and benefits. Final Forget to light your good cigar; be irrigated in small tracts not to namely: to bring together the man who tion of the arid West. cfcion is thus taken only after the most to take your pepsin pill; Forget Homes. a and Idaal the 100 home, opportunities acres, tint being tlie amount is seeking Irrigated critical examinati m of existing condi- exceed Forget to take the trolley car; W. E. A small farm unit, says very tions and comparison of these with orlie" allowed for each individual. The lnw for making one. Smytlie, makes it possible for those who Forget to kiss your wife good-byPrivate Capital Inadetynate. In some of these arid States has been so framed as to require conprojects. to live iu the town. The Private enterprise is still active in the till the soil Forget your hat or overcoat general reconuoissauc is still being tinuous residence on and cultivation of carried ou, in others plans nnd estimates the land; whether originally in private arid region, and there are many locat- farm village or home center is a well But ere election day is by. Be sure you dont forget to vote! ba v been completed, and in a numoer or public ownership, tlie chief purpose ties where irrigation works are being established feature of life in arid Amerof Instances work has actually begun on being, of course, to bring about iuim- - built by imliv' luals and corporations, ica and the feature which is destined to dense settlement in small, self- - but the great problem can never be made enjoy wide and rapid extension. Each Dullness at large scale, along tlie line Parkers Leaden-Foote- d f construct- diately Tbe leaden dullness with which Cancommercially successful and vast tracts four or five thousand acres of cultivated ing dams and reservoirs. Contracts are sustaining farms. The projects already agreed upon em- - of fertile land will be condemned to land will sustain a thrifty and beautiful didate Parker misstates the Philippine likely to be let within the next few takes hamlet where all the people may live situation is irritating to his more clever months for several more, mammoth en- brace all extremes from those where sterility unless the government the close together and enjoy most of the so- followers, while it amuses Republicans. nearly all of the land is in public own- - charge of such projects through terprises which will reclaim a few ership, to those where most of the land operations of the new reclamation law. cial and educational advantages within General Grant once said You can alacres of land. Lawyers Form a Club. is at present owned by individuals. In If this law is successfully administered, the reach of the best eastern towns. The lawyers of New York City have ways trust a Democrat to make a misTheir children will have kindergar- take. Organizing Communities for Irrigat- the latter case tlie lands ore now for the which it will be under Uepnblican adminou is He the wrong formed a Roosevelt and Fairbanks Club, sure to get ion. , most part vacant, cultivation having been istration, millions of prosperous homes tens as well as schools and public lib- side, to stay there, and to advertise the whose object is to show the confidence Under the terms of the law. the works attempted with an inadequate as well and as rooms, raries, reading fact. of the members of the bar in tbe adminsupply will be built in localities now waste wheu built, are to be paid for in ten of water, and failure was the result. If and desolate and the republic strengthen- churches. The farm village, lighted by istration of President Roosevelt, based unual installments and are ultimately the land in ,,,'ivate ownership were al- ed is furnished with to domestic the water It particularly distressing by myriads of conservative, prosper- electricity, upon the fidelity, fairness and effectiveto be owned and operated by the peo- ready irrigated, there would, of course, to have Democrats with free served of Lochren, postal through pipes, Judge citizens. ness with .which he has executed and ous, own known its a as with construcand strict Minnesota, ple using the water. The problems be- be no need of governmental interference, daily supplied delivery enforced the laws of the United State, Big lrojacts Under Way. fore the reclamation service, therefore, but iu a majority of instances settlers newspapers at morning and evening has tionist of the Constitution, declaring that and to promote good Among the important projects approvgovernment by the re not merely engineering in character, have come iu with good faith and tried arid in been realized America. Commissioner Wares in ruling regard election of Fairbanks and Roosevelt. constructed by the already but are largely legal and pertain to the to make homes. In any event, whether ed and now being The great cities of the western valleys to pensions is not a usurpation of powers The Hon. Elihu mentioned at works be Root is president, may but of Congress at all, and that it is entireOrganization of the irrigators into asso- they have or not, they can now obtain government, Charles H. Sherrill. 30 Broad street, Gunnison will not be cities in the old sense, conDam, Sweetwater Wyoming; so in the series beautiful reasonable of and a long accord with the New York that ciations, villages ly management and water under the law only by residence Col.; Truckee and Carson Riveirs, nected City, secretary, and Herbeit future control of the works may be plac- and cultivation in small tracts, thus Tunnel,Milk of every L. by lines of eleotric motors, which experience and observation River and St. Marys Lake, Satterlee, treasurer. Nev.; ed In their hands. Tins is the most bringing about the intent of the National will move their products and people from ooe. Ariz. Tonto Roughly Creek, Mont., and difficult part of the work. It is hard to Irrigation Act. place to place. In this scene of intenseestimated, these will make possible the ly It ia a stand lew order to evetjr Amercultivated land, rich with its bloom The thing for Republicans to do this bring together the discordant elements Horn 3 Indiv dual over Builders million one of something ican diplomatic nnd consular officer to irrigation f a community, torn by conflicts over Whenever a project for reclamation of acres of land at a cost of sevem and a and fruitage, with its spires and roofs year is to VOTE. The Democrats have protect citizen, of water, and weld them into a compact government land is declared to be feasi- half million dollars, or an average of and' with its carpets of green and gold the money of the trusts and can bring whatever every American faith, from uujuet moleeta-tloto will to ont the all it the the mountains, organization, sufficiently strong to main- ble, public lands under it are immediatepurchasaway stretching polls ignorant, and our officers abroad have been $7.50 an acre. As a matter of fact, much be difficult for the beholder to tain the works built by the government ly taken up under the terms of the of say where able element. But they cannot bring out this area is unsuitable or unfavorable stringently required to comply with nd distribute the Water equitably. ends town the under and conditions to beat the country enough begins. any homestead and ,w, by the time the for cultivation. this order. Rooievelti letter of tcoeptaao Probably only about 60 to in wish contribute VOTE. if If Roosevelt, your Republicans you part are works How Water Is Conserved for Use completed the land is nearly per cent, of the total will be found If you are fighting a wily, tricky Thus, worthy of a reclaiming; this will increase bringing about these and countless other Beyond all Question, most of the water always in private ownership. vote for Roosevelt and FairEvery Republican hould see that his enemy it is well to watch him closely. to 'be conserved for irrigation purposes whatever the initial condition may be, the average cost to something like $12.50 blessings, banks! neighbor votes on November 8th. If you Democracy is resorting to every underwill come from tlie storage of flood whether the arid land was owned at first an acre. have an apathetic friend, tell him that hand, infamous schema to gain control Sweetwater Dam J on Sweetwater waters by means of dams and reservoirs. by the government or by individuals, the If jon are satisfied with present con- hi vote is necessary to make the election of the government. Therefore, let every AVherever suitable basins along these results are the same the establishment River, at Devils Gate, forty miles west be enre end vote for Rooeevctt of Roosevelt and Fairbanks certain, and Republican be on bit guard. Go to the of Casper and forty miles north of Raw- ditions, treauia can be found, they will be uti- of homes upon small farms. Where the land holdings in the bands lins, W.vo. This project will reclaim and Falrbanke and the Republican snake him accompany you to the polls. polls early on November 8th, sad don't lized by dosing tlie outlets and catching disIn for candidate Concreee yonr s. fail to vote. are large, about 100.000 fie Gunnison Tunthe waters whVh otherwise would flow of an individual or corpo'-stlotrict. . If the full Republican vote be polled down the p si devastating the ' water for these cannot he obtained until nel scheme will reclaim about 106,000 ',P-EARLY VOTE ON ELECTION are sc,li tided and disposed of in acres and is located near Montrose, iu U the there will be no doubt about the elecJudge Parker deplores that lowlands. AND SEE THAT YOUR few men in every precinct DAY, Such Central Colorado. Ia 7 evade it is pro- leaders of the Republican party (of a tion. If Many of these artificial reservoir can sinill tracts to actual settlers. EMPLOYEES AND supplied by gravity canals so as to occupants must reside continuously for posed to divert water from Lake Tahoe, generntioa ago) have pissed way, and stay at home. Democracy ud hard times NEIGHBORS. FRIENDS VOTE TOO.. p rer targ- - bnd e of bench land adja-- 1 five years, at least.- - upon the laud cud CaL and it outlet the Truckee river In their place have cent vejr differ- - may gain oonfr.il. A ; . I 1 !- i j. It J J - tlie H l;- 1 i j , 1 i s pnb-!'n- eziv-ntto- i - I J inter-efio-t- I lte. nine-tenth- one-ha- s, d hard-hearte- d j well-bein- store-hous- ' mil-to- n d m 1 nc-c- vt-- q"-s- ' |