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Show ADVERTISEMENT. Only Mikes . For President ALTON B. PARKER of New York. For Vice President HENRY G. DAVIS of West Virginia. JUDICIAL TICKET. I every one that constipation la caused by a lack of water in the system, and the use of drastio cathartics like the old fashioned pills only makes a bad matter worse. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets are much more mild and gentle in their effect, and when the proper dose is taken their aotion is so natural that one can hardly realize it is the effect of a medicine. Tryla 25 cent bottle of them. For sale by Gunnison Co op, to HELP YOU because there is DELINQUENT NOTICE PrinDover Irrigation Company. Utah. business of Dover, cipal place Notice. There are delinquent upon COTTON BLANKETS la thinking over bat things you need for WINTER and how to a large STATE TICKET. 4 Finest town .... ' .the figures we quote line of goods. 5 A H Lund . . 7 .Edward H. Electors. A H Lund presidential Snow, Fred J. Kiesel and Samuel Manti City Newhouse Savings bank, none 1 this on off Clothing. 1- -3 Highest Price Paid for Grain and Produce. AT 10 77 2 10 Supt. grade ever brought ia and the price so low that you will be astonished . 5 00 2 00 15 00 25 00 11 60 4 of seasonable ANY OTHER PLACE IN TOWN. 4 85 13 ..... I ustioe of Supreme Court q Myrup6 none Charles S. Varian J P Nelson 6 W. B. Wilson John R Garrick Treasurer J. W. Geiger A B& John Nelson 1 Auditor Grant C. Bagiev Moroni Childs none Atty. General Hendrickson 3 of Schools.. .Nathan T. Porter Joseph assortment to select from at prioes CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY nt For District Attorney JAMES W. CHERRY. . goods jo-cou- FERDINAND ERICKSEN w get them for the 'LEAST MONEY, you will find my store a good place the following described stock, on of assessment levied on the 7th of December, 1903, the several! day amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows : Cert. Shares Amt. Name none 59 X 8 72 O A Andeline Swalberg & 2021 28 91 Copening 23 19 154 19 Wm M Scott 33 35 199 23 L H Erickson 3 15 none Wm A Childs 44 19 08 Chris P Larson For Judge 7th District . !Sn (? Perhaps yon hare never thought of it bat the fact muct be apparent to DEMOCRATIC TICKET, T Bas Matter Worts. . THEODORE Utah. 40 15 00 9 00 12 50 Gunnison, Jphn S Reid El&er E Darling 2 COUNTY TICKET. and an and in accordance with order of the board of directors, made! For Representatives: on the 16th day of September, 1904, so many shares of each parcel of stock Amasa Aldrich of Mt. Pleasant. Frank L.Oopemn of GuDniaon. . as may be neceesary, will be Bold at & L. Anderson, I Commissioner, four year term of the company. Gunnison, secretary Heber Olson Utah, on the 15th day of November, Commissioner, two year terra 1904, at the hour of 2 oclock p. m., Henry R. Thomas to pay the delinquent assessment of ad- Clerk Howard B. Cox thereon, together with the cost .P.V. Jensen DEnSOtiie.ary, Recorder GJedhilll Nephi Office at residence Gunnison, Utah. Christenson 1st Attorney, George pub Oct 28. Sheriff John Frandsonl Assessor Money to Loan on water stock. James W. Anderson John fl, Hougaard Lare or sp11 amounts. F. L. Surveyor I 38 Supt. of Sohools . . . Annie D. Stevens CJopening. ! Gunnison Cash Store . Precinct Justioe. John Larson .. THE PLACE TO GET f YOUR HAS ALSO WORTH. A NEW BRANCH STORE! Dlssstroun Wrecks. J MONEYS (AT JOHN LARSONS OLD STAND) Carelessness is responsible for many 4 C. H. Christiansen a railway wreok &nd the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers We will loan you Money cu your j Offers you a beautiful line of from throat and Lung troubles. But Lucern Seed and Grain. since the advent of Dr. Kings New OrIBBLE & CoPE&NO, Discovery for consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst cases pan be oured,,and hopeless resignation 18 MATTER HEALTH no longer necessary. Mrs. LoisCragg of Dorchester, Mass.,, is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. Kings Remember, we pay Top Prices In merchandise N.ew Discovery. This gret remedy is guaranteed for all throat and Lung Poultry, Veal and Horn Stock, disegs&r hy Gunnison Cash Store. T CASH PAID FOR EGGS. Price 50c nd $1 .00. Trial bottles free. .Precinct .Constable J i A Fancy Dress Goods, Outings, Childrens Underwear, etc. - OF -- I pay market price 1 for clean LUCERN SEED. 1 Oswell Beck, Centerfield. Dying Words. Throw up the window that I may once more see the magnificent scene of nature," were the dying words of Rosseau. Absolutely Pure HAS r.O SUBSTITUTE T I ! sr Yours for business, J. W- - EDWARDS, I 4 HH Doesn't Respect Old Age. Its shameful when youth fails to High Price For Snuff Box. a At sale of minatures and snuff show proper respect for old age, but boxes at Christies, in London, a Louis the oontrary in the case of Dr. XV oblong gold snuff box by Hainslin just Kings New Life Pills.. They cutoff brought $32,000. for 1 Propr, ft m u M Ti . . 4 4 maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perfect Pill. 25o, at Gunnison Cash Store. |