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Show NOT A MAN ESCAPED! FEARFUL EXPLOSION IN a coloi RADO MINE. Every Miner at Work When the Accl dent Occurred Is Killed, the Explo slon Being Caused by Coal Gas. TEA The moneyback tea Schillings Best is safe; youll like it. Your grocer return jrnur money If you don't MfcnM, Senator Hoars Epigram. on the late Hoars Senator The Rocky Mountain Coal & Iroq Senator Davis ofepigram Minnesota: No companys mine No. 3, at Teroio, forty spark from his train was ever a cinmiles west of Trinidad, Colo., was sq der In the eye of a friend." badly wrecked by the explosion which occurred on Saturday that the rescu ers have not yet succeeded In penetrat lng to the point where the miners wero Coffee is fine too: but fine TEA working. Estimate of the number of men In the mine at the time vary front twenty to sixty. They are foreigners, with the Young women may avoid much sickness and pain, says Miss Alma. Pratt, if they will only have faith in the use of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Dear Mr. 3. Pinkham : I feel it my duty to tell all young women how much Lydia E. PinkhanTs wonderful Vegetable Oompound has done for me. I was completely run down, unable to attend school, and did not care for any kind of society, but now I feel like, a new person, and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months. I recommend it to all young women who suffer from female weakness. Miss Alma Pratt, Holly, Mick. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO YOUNG GIRLS. All young girls at this period of life are earnestly invited to write Mrs. Pinkham for advice; she has guided in a motherly way hundreds of young women; her advice is freely and cheerfully given, and her address is Lynn, Mass. Judging from the tetters she is receiving from so many young girls Mrs. Pinkham believes that our girls are often pushed altogether too near the limit of their endurance nowadays in our public schools and seminaries. Nothing is allowed to interfere with studies, the girl must be pushed to the front and graduated with honor; often physical collapse follows, and it takes years to recover the lost vitality, often it is never recovered. A Young Chicago Girl Saved from Despair. I wish to thank you for the help and benefit I have received through the use of Lydia E. Pinklinms Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills. When I was about seventeen years old I suddenly seemed to lose my usual good health and vitality. Father said I studied too hard, but the doctor thought different and Dear Mrs. Pinkham: prescribed tonics which I took by the quart without relief. Reading one day in the paper of Mrs. Pinkhums great cures, and finding the symptoms described answered mine, I decided I would give Lydia E. Pinkham. Vegetable Compound a trial. I did not say a word to the doctor ; I bought it myself, and took it according to directions regularly for two months, and I found that I gradually improved, and that all pains left me, and I was my old self once more. Lillie E. Sinclair, 17 E. 22d St, Chicago 111. Compound is the one sure remLydia E. PInkhamsatVegetable this important period in a young girls upon edy to be relied can with courage and safety the work she with it go through life;must and she fortify her physical well being so that accomplish, insured he life may her future against sickness and suffering. 00 cannot forthwith produce the original letter and signature of above twUmonial, vhioh trill prove their absolute genuineness. Lfdla . Hnkluun Medicine Co., Lyaa, Ma FO J? FEIT H . HALLS CAHKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY exception of four. The mine companys officials have no record of the number working, though It Is known that only twenty one men went into the mine in the morning. According to reports which have not been verified, many more men went into the mine in the afternoon. It is regarded as certain that none of those who were in the mine when the explosion occurred are now alive. The mine Is a sloping tunnel, over 2,000 feet long. Rescuers entered the slope as far as room 13, which la 200 feet from the mouth. They succeeded In reaching this point only after the most dangerous work and after crawl lng through many narrow places. At this point they encountered a solid wall of rock that had fallen from above and closed the passage. The explosion was caused by coal gas, which caused the roof to cave in. The crash was so terrific that it was heard for miles, and the vibrations were distinctly felt at Newton, twelve miles away. It seemed as If an earthquake had occurred, so violently did the earth tremble. Smoke, dust and dirt were blown from the tunnel and air shaft In heavy black clouds. Broken timbers, huge chunks of coal and blocks of all sizes were hurled hundreds of feet from the portal of the big bore, and fell on and around the tipple that stands directly opposite the mine. People who were near the paine were showered with sand, stones and dirt. Some of the stones landed fully a quarter of a mile away. has a different meaning in coffee. Writ for our Knowing P'oW, . Cotuptny, ten Krundm-o- Had Family of FO THE MOUTH. THROAT. STOMACH AN 9 BOWEL.... I ft Z!Z IILILIl Inlki) II P Gnij Ca., General Agents. flaidsn-Judss- T FO AN SALS SV ALL DRUQ6IBT8 Salt Laks Cilj, lltaft. JSSSSAlUlltajison's la time. Sol hr droggi ts. Eye Wain; When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. 8lxty-twe- . To the conscientious father vrhe spend sleepless nights in worrying as to how be is to provide for half a dozen children it is appalling even to think of the responsibility of a And yet. on the family of slxty-two- . evidence of the llarlelan manuscripts, tnls was the precise number of the offspring of a Scottish weaver. Fortunately the daughters were a very insignificant minority, and the sons, of whom forty-si- x reached manhood, found excellent friends in .the neighboring landowners, one of whom, Sir J. ' Bowers, adopted a batch of ten, while three other gentlemen followed his philanthropic example and also took ten apiece under their charge. Robs His Employer. Paul Reimers, a German decorator, was so fond of reading his Bible in working hours that the foreman took It away from him, and found, between the leaves, a large amount of gold leaf. Reimers had been stealing regularly. No National Russian Drama. It is curious that in a country o overflowing with loyalty, despite ths Nihilists, very few of the stage performances have any national flavor, but so it is. An American resident of some time In Moscow says that during all his stay there did bo see but one play with Russian characters, nor did he hear one stage song appeal to Russian sentiment as the "Bowery Girl" or Dixie Land" appeal to popular sentiment in this country. QUIET AT THE FRONT. Advance of Russians Is Looked for in a Few Days. BY PROXY. What the Baby Needed. I suffered from nervousness and Comparative quiet prevails at the) headache until one day about a year scene of operations in Manchuria, the it combatants apparently being satisfied ago suddenly occurred to me what a I was and I with their successes in minor engage- great coffee drinker may be this might have somements; but, the weather having again thought thing to do with my trouble, 00 I become warm and fine, the belief Is shifted to tea for awhile but was general that an advance by the Rus- - not better, if anything worse. sians will shortly begin. At that time I had a baby four A dispatch from General Kurokis months old that we had to feed on a headquarters says the Russians at- bottle, until an old lady friend told me to Postum Food Coffee. Three tempted at midnight on the 29th to re- monthstry I commenced using Posago take Waltao mountain, which was captum, leaving off the tea and coffee, tured by the Japanese on Thursday. and not only have my headaches and No details of the fight have been re- nervous troubles entirely disappeared, ceived yet. Waltao mountain has been but since then I have been giving bombarded frequently since its capture plenty of nurse for my baby, and have by the Japanese. Its defenses were of a large, healthy child now. I have no desire to drink anything a character and the but Postum and know It has benefited trenches were very deep. my children, and I hope all wbo have Two Men Killed, Seven Injured, by Dy- children will try Postum and find out for themselves what a really wondernamite Explosion. ful food drink It Is. Name given by By the accidental explosion of 400 Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. pounds of dynamite in a blacksmith-shoBoth tea and coffee contain quantiat Council City, Alaska, on Octo- ties of a poisonous drug called Cafber 7, last, two men were fatally In- feine that directly affects the heart, jured, seven others were seriously hurt kidneys, stomach and nerves. Postum and a large amount of valuable prop- Is made from cereals only, scientifiblended to get the coffee flavor. erty was destroyed. News of the ex- cally Ten days trial of Postum In place of plosion was brought to Seattle by Rob- tea or coffee will show a health secret ert Vickers, a mining man of Council City, who arrived on the steamer Vic- worth more than a gold mine. Theres toria. Mr. Vickers was in the explo- a reason. Get the book, The Road to WeB sion and narrowly escaped losing his semi-permane- nt p C A. HchJUln life. ville, in each pkg. |