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Show DETAILS BEING FIXED. Admiral Schley Uses iPe-ru-- na . m yi Peruna Drug Co.f Columbus , , ... tt f . 7 can cheerfully state that Airs. Schley has taken Peruna and I be- V ' x 'Zyf j.- .V. a K 'S' -- H - .. 'vvv vv'jr "'' 4 0jo. Gentlemen: mme$ lieve with good effect. V. .8 fVR v . ' ; . . vrr v IT- v V ' V. 'v fWW v . , ; , $ . v v- ; Vv ; 1 ''.1 W. S. SCHLEY. North Sea Incident Now In the Hand of the Diplomat!. According to the latest information received at ihe foreign office ia St Petersburg the details of the Intern tional commission which are belnj worked out in Imdon have not been completed. It is regarded, however, as praett cilly certain that the commission toj meet at The Hague will be composed of Hritlsli and Russian naval officers,; with probably a president from onff of the continental countries, although the latter point has not been decided Russia lias declined to send a repro sentative to the English inquiry at Hull and lias also decided not to hold a Russian inquiry at Vigo. Four officers, one from each of lh four battleships which opened fire oal . the North sea during tho night of are on their way to St,j October Petersburg, where they will make formal report and subsequently proceed to The Hague and give testl mony. Tho admiralty formally states that only seven torpedo boats, not eight a reported, were with the Russian! squadron and adds that they have for. accounted Nothing le known her of the report that th Russian warships fired on and Wt each other. 21-2- f Battfo Smlitlo, Where Admiral Schley Made History, f aLV-bee- greatest naval battles in the world was the raised, its popularity as a catarrh remedy, its national imONE of the Off Santiago. Never since the dispersion of the portance, its extensive use. " Armada One asked his opinion. Without a moment's hesitation, " Spanish I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken A GREAT NAVAL BATTLE he said: has there Och mak Peruna and I believe with good effect. more op-ing victory in the onward march of civilization tV u in the Like the battle of Santiago, the thought was sprung upon notable event of July 23, 1891, in which th great hero, him without any warning, and he disposed of ft with the same vim and decision as he did with the Spanish fleet led Admiral Schley, took a leadirg part. It was a great naval battle. Without a moment's warning by the Viscaya, His words concerning Peruna have gone out into the world It began. Quick decision, undaunted courage, excellent disthese combined in Admiral to be repeated by a thousand tongues, because he has said cipline, resolute 8chley to produce that dash and daring so characteristic of them. Like the news of his victory over Cervera, his words conthe American soldier. A man must think, quickly in these days. There is no cerning p e runa,' time for slow action. New enterprises 'arise in an hour. will be ADMIRALS WORDS CARRY WEIGHT. I u.eht ,p e .I multitudes Old ones pass away in a moment. mm.. .ii by A multitude of great themes clamor for notice. A man and passed from mouth to mouth, across oceans and conman must take sides for or against by intuition, rather tlian tinents. Except for an logical deduction. -manly independence, in a country of One day this fighting admiral, Schley, happened to be in free speech, these words never would have been uttered by an with oth- - officer in such a notable position as that of Admiral Schley. company era who Except for a world-wid- e notoriety and popularity, such as no Peruna could ever have received such outenjoys, remedy talking topics of popular interest. The subject of Peruna was spoken public endorsement by such a man. ..n ill-fat- ed self-confiden- ce f 11 I. in-bo- rn WESTERN CANADAS FOR Magnificent Crops for 1904. Burns Western Canada's Wheat Crop thl9 Year Will be 60,-000,0- and 00 Scalds Bushels, and Wheat at Present is Worth SI. 00 a Bushel. i MANY SCHOOL CHILDREN. Sixteen Millions, or Nine Per Cent of tho Whole Population. The report of the commissioner of education for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904, just made public fcy the secretary of the interior, show that 16.009.C31 pupils, or 9 per ceni of the entire population of the couiv try, attended the public schools during that year. As compared with the previous sin years this percentage shows a slight decrease in the number of pupils a compared with the total population The total cost of the public school system is given as $251,457,625. Thle Is an increase of $16,000,000 over the previous year. It amounted to $3.16 per capita of total population and $22.75 per capita per pupil. Since 1870 the proportion of male teachers has decreased from 39 per POSITION OF THE ARMIES. ro The Oat and Barley Crop Will Also Yield Abundant!;. Splendid prices for all kinds of grain, cattle and other farm produce for the growing of which the climate is unsurpassed. About 150,000 Americans have settled in Western Canada during the past three years. Thousands of free homesteads of 160 acres each still available in the best agricultural dis- FOR tricts. It has been said that the United States will be forced to import wheat within a very few years. Secure a farm in Canada and become one of those who will produce it. Apply for information to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to authorized Canadian Government Agent Benj. Davies, Room 6, Dunn Block, Central Avenue, Great Falls, Montana. To introduce the latest and simplest home dyes, we will send free a package of Laundry Bluing to anyone sending Ten Cents for a package of Lambs Persian Dyes They color anything any color .Garments, Dresses, Carpet Rags, etc. State color wanted. For sale by all dealers. Address Lambs Persian Dye Co., Balt Lake City. SALT LAKE CITY'S NEW HOTEL THE ST. NICHOLAS MOW OPEN. HATe, 780 MSft SV UP Car. 2nd South and West Temple Sts. Over F. J. V I Hill Drug Co.' When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention Thie Paper. Jular of ?NINE & and Tull QUICKSILVER SUCCESSFUL COLD, SILVER, CUPPER, LEAD, ZINC Minin? Companies, if you will send us vour name and address. Mining Maps Free. COMMISSION CO., 325 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. ARBUCKL.E-GOQD- E Strawberry and Vegotablo Coalers of the Illinois The Passenger Department Central Railroad Company have recently issued a publication known as Circular No. 12, in which is described the best tcrritcry in this country for the growing of early strawberries and early Every dealer in such produets vegetables. should address a postal card to the undersigned AND THE FISH BRAND SLICKER A VALUED FRIEND J. F. MERRY. Asst. Genl Pass'r Agent. JOHN OGDEN ASSAY CO. Amy ?&d,Tc,Copper S price-Sst- (The name of to be out I til worth lector, obliged all eon of weather, will j be given on appliootiea.) A-- h Tra co-- tff3Z83 rlfc m tw.MM Any tbres SJS Sastpl Dr aan(l .soelre prompt sMsntlsn. placer Gold, Keteru an4 Kiok Ore Bnaght. BCNYKR. COLO 172S Arapahoe St. W. N. U.. Salt . A gsod many years ag I bought a FISH SR AND Slicker, and it ha proven s valued friend tor many a stormy day, but now it gotting old and I must have ." snothor. Floose eond me a w EUROPEAN IB WANT YOUR II A II 1JE I bJ Lake-N- o. 45, 1004. Wat Weather Clothing, Cnks, and Kata an kinds af wet worker eport Cos Mukden reports contain the romcji i advancing the against Japanese. The Japanese attempted to retake Lena Tree Hll which is shown on the map, out wf driven back. that the Russian army cent of the entire number to 26 per cent of the entire number the past year. The average compensation for male teachers last year was $49.9S and $40.51 for females. This Is m slight increase over the previous year. n |