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Show VOL. VI. MORE TypholJ GUNNISON, BEREAVEMENTS. Takes From Oar Midst UTAH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1904. LOCAL ITEMS. John E. Metcalf will be in Gunnison Monday to receive your taxes, Entered December 19, 1902, at Gunnison. Utah, as second-clas- s matter, under Act of Congress of March3.tf79. Theatre Wednesday night, it k k REPUBLICAN RALLY A rally will be held in the the 1 NO. 3. Re-public- an Hon, and Mrs. Lorenzo Peterson st a Centerfield hall tomorrow (Saturday) of Fairview were guests of Mr. and A. 0. Fjeldsted of Centerfield will Sorrow has visited two other homes night. Hon. W. D. Livingston and Mrs. William Metcalf in this city last LEADING PRICE for other pay you la oar city during this week, both Lucern Seed. good speakers. Good music. night. Mr. Peterson came down to size up the political situation. deaths being from among the ohildren Everybody Invited. a a a R k R who attend the eizth grade departK It R Quarterly conference of the South NOTICE. Erl Clarke, who left here a week ment of the Washington school. The Sanpete stake Saturday and Sunday first to Answer the summons was at Manti. The regular quarterly conference of ago after having apent a few days Carline Sjnthia Edwards, daughter returned the South Sanpete Stake of Zion will visiting, a a a again Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edwards. bo held Saturday and Sunday, Fayette sugar beet growers are having a severe attack of typboid. Deceased had been eiok about three passing through town each day with k k November 5th and 6th, 1904, at takweeks with typhoid fever, death Kempton Komedy Kompauy at the Manti, commencing at 10 oclock a. loads to the depot for shipment to the Gunnison of October. 29th her on the opera house next Wednes- m. on Saturday. Lehi sugar factory. The presiding away ing Attractive Not was bill. a she as day night. Carrie, familiarly called, priesthood of the Stake are requested a a a dull moment. was born at Sterling, this county, to attend all the sessions. A cordial Voters, if yon vote a straight ticket k k k invitation is extended to all Saints to April 1, 1892, making her age 12 dont let it go at that," but be sure Chamberlains Stomach and Liver be present. years and nearly 7 months. She had to put a X in one of the squares at Tablets are a favorite for becoming Lewis Anderson, resided in Centerflald and Gunnison the bottom of the ballot for or against stomaoh troubles and oonstipation. Joseph Y. Jensen, since she was five years old and was removing the county seat. . G. A. Iverson. sale For Gunnison by always a bright, cheerful girl in the a a a Stake Presidency, k k k home. The bereavement is all the , Reports from the two registration When you go to vote look carefully more sad beoause of the fathers con- districts in Gunnison given in yester-terda- y Not A Sick Day Slacs. over ballot. bottom At the at himself confined your he you dition, showed a total registration of being I was taken severely sick with his office with a bad case of typhoid 540. The number of ballots oast at will find propositions for and against nnd had not ihe opportunity of at the election in 1902 was 484. If all removing the oounty seat from Manti kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relei red me. tending the burial. Funeral was turn out to vote who are registered, to Ephraim. Aftet voting your choice One day I saw an ad. of your Eleo-tri- e held at noon Monday from the meet- as it is expected, it can he seen that of candidates dont leave the booth Bitters nnd determined to try inghouse, choioe vocal selections be- the vote will be larger than at the last without having marked a cross in one of the squares placed after the long that. After taking a few doses I fell ing rendered, and remarks made by general election. lines of reading at the bottom of' the relieved, and soon thereafter was ena a a Bishop A. C. Fjetdsted and Joseph tirely oured, and have not seen a sick Higham of Centerfield. The latter N. C. Anderson, who came to Gen ballot. day since. Neighbors of mine have k k k .spoke of her association in the Sunday terfield about six months ago, is havbeen cured of Rheumatism, Neuralgia Messrs. 0. Crepean and J. sohool of that place. Bishop Joseph ing a new building erected on the of South Bend, Ind., have at Liver and Kidney trubles and GenerChristenson presided and spoke with Nioholia corner, abutting the oounty last succeeded in getting the alfalfa al Debility." This is whatB. F. Bass, tenderness of the good character the road, in which to carry on ihe busi- hullers reoently shipped here by their of Fremoat. N. C. writes. Only 50c departed bore, and W. Westenskovv, ness of blacksmithing Mr. Anderat Gunnison Cash Store. her teacher in day school Also spoke sen came to this place from California, firm, to work satisfactory to the purchasers. Both machines are now .briefly. The classmates of deceased where his family yet resides. Flrt Tdophcne Circular. doing good work and can handle the parched to. the residence and a a a The first circular ever issued realfalfa threshing a great deal faster in line her lemains to the to the commercial use of the Another Republican rally was held than the ordinary machines, besides ferring place of service. telephone was that of Gardiner G, in Gunnison Saturday night with the a more in product discharging Hubbard, n Cambridge, Mass., la Early Wednesday morning Evelyn William Glasmannof Ogden as the marketable condition. The purchasers Anderson, daughter of Nephi and the prinoipal speaker. F. E. Woods, of these hullers are highly pleased late Anderson, passed to the the party 8 candidate for district atVelocity of the Moon. well with and their investment moon moves with a mean veThe of also was speak a victim She .beyond. torney occupied a short time at open- of the gentlemanly treatment from locity of 3,350 feet per second a little typhoid fever and contracted her ing (Of the meeting. J, P. Meakin faster than the highest speed yet giv.sickness on the same day as did Miss entertained in his usual characteristic the machinist sent out by the firm, en to a cannon balL k k k Edwards. Funeral has been arranged Just before the close of the The style. of typhoid oases connumber instruction for Fishermen. to take place at 2 oclock this rally, W. D. Livingston was on tinues to increase. The situation is the There are now in Belgium forr from meetinghouse. motion accorded the privilege to state schools of somewhat and for the Instruction of lisbrr-men- . a member In fifteen this alarming city Evelyn was born his position in regard to the feeling The to pupils are taught how to years ago on the 7tn of last Septem- against him over his nomination to the state health board is expeoted read weather charts, how to make visit this section within a few days to the ber. best use of currents, what the the judgeship. see into the cause of the epidemio. bottom of the sea is like, how to K K K Two de this taken aths have make their own place how to manage nets, John T, Christenson, plasterer Ferdinand Erioksen and J. W. a boat in a week few how are cases a to use the and that there storm, First-claswork. Reasonable pay Cherry, candidates of the Demooratio look latest inventions in the line of fishserious. Miss Golden Sorenson party for judge and attorney respec- is ing etc. apparatus, There are reported to be steadily improving, 260 pupils now in these schools. about Where a stimulant is indicated, the tively of the seventh judicial district, doctor prescribes good, pure whiskey were in Gunnison yesterday greeting which is good news to all who are Fins Gift to University. -- I. W. Habpkb is the ideal liquor-no-ne their numerous friends in this locali- acquainted with the condition in that Gustav Kohn of New Orleans, has better. Sold by L. Lddvioson, ty. Messrs. Erioksen and Cherry family. J. W. Edwards is no better, old daughter is mend- presented to Tulane University hig have reoently returned from an ex but his Gunnison, Utah. priceless natural history collection, tended campaign tour of the counties ing fast. Miss Manda Olson has a which comprises every living creature The Best Liniment. hard case, but their is hope of her native to Louisiana, besides a scienin the eastern part of the district and Chamberlains Pain Balm is con- expressed themselves as feeling ex- reoovery. The cases in Centerfield tific library of one thousand volumes. sidered the best liniment on the mar- tremely hopeful of the outlook for are all well again, as are those formA Ranaway Bicycle, ket," write Post and Bliss, of Georgia their success at Tuesdays election. erly reported from Christianberg, Terminated with an ugly cut on the Vt. No other liniment will heal a out They were favorably received by Care about the sick room and the utor bruise so promptly. No other af- both Democrats and Republicans in most caution by those convalescing leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer fords suoh quiok relief from rheumatic this precinct, judging from the is advised by our local physician , R R unyielding to doctors and remedies pains. No other is so valuable for numerous expressions we have heard Then Bucklene Peter Christiansen has received a for four years. .deep seated pains like lame back and from both sides Binoe they left. Both Arnica Salve cared. Its just as good pains in the ohest. Give this liniment these gentlemen arc eminently fitted new stock of Shoes. They are cheapa trial and you will never wish to be for the respective positions to which er, aooordiug to quality, than can be for burns, Scalds, Skiu Eruption,, ane had elsewhere. At the shoe shop, 45 Piles, 25c at Gunnison Cash $tpre without it.. Sold by Gunnison Co op. they are aspiripg. Two Bright Jewels. a s Co-op- Ber-ring- after-noon- ,, s ar v er |