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Show GUNNISON GAZETTE. First Newspapers Published - n r Ncrm glcuhiix a box. UTAH. GUNNISON, UTAH STATE NEWS. Utah will ship sixty carloads of lu cerne seed this year. . Eddie Nordstrom, a young man from fairvlew, was killed in a coal mine About ten miles east of that place, by a cave of rock. The week on the Salt Lake mining (exchange closed on the transfer of 5,875 shares of stock, for which $50,' 139.72 was paid. The track-layinrecord on the Salt Mhe route was broken last week, when the force laid two miles in one flay below Las Vegas. A number of Utah sheepmen have contracted their next years wool crop At eighteen cents per pound and have received the payment in advance. In the ore and bullion market of Balt Lake, the week closed on settle-inent- s aggregating $584,500, as compared with $584,611 for tho previous g jweek. Nick Smith, who accidentally shot himself at Ogden about three weeks jago, and who was reported dead on peveral occasions, is again able to be pn the streets. The people of Pleafeant Green and vicinity are anxious for the Installation factory and evaporation jf a canning plant, and are willing to contract for supplying these plants. The fight for the removal of the pounty seat from Mantl to Ephraim la growing warm. Ephraim offers a bonus of $6,000 for the removal of the county seat to that town. : received from Valdez, Alaska, stated that W. Bruce Ives, of Ogden, met death by drowning at that place. Ives was formerly engaged In the grocery business in Ogden. A resident of Pleasant Green has old this year 500 bushels of tomatoes h at 50 cents per bushel, from of grapes of an acre, and 4,000 pounds of an acre. at 5 cents from ' While repairing an acetylene gas generator at Price, Sam Steyn and Robert McKune were badly burned, an explosion being caused by ignition of gas which had accumulated in the ma chine. The city board of health of Richfield has adopted stringent measures in or jder to prevent the further spread of smallpox in that town. The schools may be closed and public meetings forbidden. From 12,000 to 15,000 sheep are now grazing near Modena, and they are in fine condition. The grazing in the valley this year, owing to the abundant summer and fall rains, is unusually good. Mrs. Minnie Prior of Salt Lake City used carbolic acid for a headache, rubbing some of the acid upon her face, as a result of which she was terribly burned. She mistook the bottle of acid for liniment. From the copper furnacts of the valley to the refineries of the east there was forwarded during the past week 797,143 pounds of copper bullion, containing gold and silver, and of a value exceeding $200,000. into a A runaway horse dashed crowd just coming out of the Fourteenth ward meeting house in Salt Lake City, Mrs. A. N. Peterson and Mrs. Christina Sorensen being severely Injured by the brute. A cablegram one-fourt- one-eight- h v ! HAPPY WOMEN. BEFORE DAYS OF PRINTING. Irish Farm Hand Strike. Three meals, two pints of porter and 84 uts a da is t'.ic- demand cf farm iahonirf in the midland counties of irel iiid, and they have gju.e on strike tbe demand. in Eng- land Were Written. The earliest English newspapers were not printed,- but simply written. For tho benefit- of those who wished to consult them t Ley were e: hibited in a public place, each rendc being There is nothing that upon to pay a small coi.i cal'ed i gazetta, bonce the word p r.ettn. costs so little, both monev The earliest English newspar r ws the 'Weekly News, first published and work, and that goes so in 1C22. In the seventeenth century if ha it has the chance. newspapers "ere established end In the eighteenth century wo had Cock's Perquisites. (be famous Spectator," and allied A cook arrested publications of the sort. The fir t daily provi- - cus in London, was .appeared in 1702. It is also intert sturd to have "concealed on his pet-ul- ing to note that tho first, serial story three apples, a shoulder of mu!-on- , v. rtf? Robinson Crusoe, which began a pound cf butter, a pound of London Post on Oct. ) run in the au.cnses, half a pound of jam ami on Oct 19. 7. 1719, and concluded .ackago of cocoa. i 7 20. - TEA roi-taiiru- ng Pare Mrs wile of C. r. prom- inent resi- g o w, Gins Ky.. dent ' says: I was s u ff e r n gj from t comI plication of kidney troubles. Besides a bad back, 1 had a great dca! cl trouble with the s e c r e tious, were which variable, exceedingly sometimes excessive and at other times scanty. The color was high, and passages were accompanied with a scalding sensation. Doans Kidney Pills soon regulated the kidney secretions, making their color normal, and Give Cattle to Eulls. which banished the Inflammation In the Spanish town of Alfirden, in caused the scalding sensation. 1 can Can it be that anyone else hi province of Saragossa, four young lest well, my back is strong and x isants who had been drinking sound, and 1 feel much better in every i four an where inclosure info can serve vou as well ? npod way. bulls were kept for an impending For sale by all dealers, price 5 Can it be that anyone else ,ght Two of the men managed to cents per box. FOSTER-MILBURout again; the other two were CO., Buffalo, N. Y. is disposed to serve you as killed by the Infuriated animals. Walked Many Miles to 8choot. well? OYr. f)nvtd Kennedy's Favorite Kenety One of the girls attending e cured iu of Bright 1lnease n1 (travel. Able phyftlt'laui Vt.ur (rroy.r return y.wir non y It you Ut'od. Mr. E. y. Id liner, BursitM. O. ilM bottla. school (Eng.) has elementary Boet. tii S'hi walked 6.700 miles to school in the Ferjury Ctsi.ttlcr. course of her period of attendance. Good in Di&eaeed drains. The current notion that perjury Is At a meeting cf the phrenologists one of the crimes that are on the is not borne out by the figures i London, Dr. Hollander said that issued people suffering from alight infiara-natiojovt relating to the German em-piof the brain were- sometimes la 1882 the number of persons How different tea and ar better, brighter and more clever convicted in that country of perjury coffee feel! even good tea .ith diseased brains than under uor-na- l was 1,607; in 1902 it was only 1,292, conditions. . tho decrease having been steady from coffee. and to year. Allowing for the great year : Write MURINE F.VF. REMEDY Co.. Chte. If growth of the population, this means In every package of Schilling Beat Tea to to rnnr cyei are sure or Inflanie-l- sad jtet . liilv loe-- ml s'.leye-tUnMURINE. Jtcuro Bow to Hake Good Tea. booklet! 50 decrease of i In fr!inp!e nearly per cent two decades. Reduced Fare for Children. Tot! Paid to the So. The town council of Douglas, Isle f About 2, Odd vessels of all kinds disMan, which owns its own street cars, appear in the sea every year, carrying school children between 8 and ?ovn 12,000 human beings and involSo much goodness dwells carries 9 a. m., noon and 2 p. m.f and 4 and i ving a loss of about $100,000,000 in p. m., for half a cent each. in a little dry leaf ! property. Mother Crays Sweet Powders for Children Few Rhinoceros Are Left. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse-iThe Indian rhinoceros Is nearly exthe Childrens Home in New York, cur are There two tinct in Feverishness, Bad Stomaoh, Constipation, wicked specimens man Was ever a the London Zoological Gardens and Teething Disorders, move and regulate the and Destroy Worms. Over au.OOO tesor woman especially fond of Lwo on the European continent. Very Bowels timonials. At all Druggists, 25c. baniple few are left in a wild state in India A. S.Olmsted, LeKoy.N Y. Address FllEE. and Assam, and unless special meas tea, do you think? ues be taken for their preservation Benefits of Irrigation. Heads of Great Religions. '.hey will soon dEarne-arTen years ago the desert of Rechns There are five great religious heads Doab, in India, had not a single inhabin the face of the globe. They ere tant, but now there are 800,000 living nv pope of the Latin church; the in comfort there. Irrigation Is respoa-sible- . chismatic or orthodox pope of the How little it is! How litreek church; the father of the faith-.1- , Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. tle it adds to the weight of for children ruling at Constantinople; the pope teelLiup, softens the gems, reduces !b flaaurunou, allays pain, cures wind ccllu. 25c a bottle. f Tibet, who, has 500,000.000 sub Mts, and the schismatic pope cf the the cup! It has covered the Like the Turkey. f ohumredau world, who reigns a! Some men is like de turkey In de sea with ships for a hundred "or coo. fall, said Uncle Eben. Dey keeps tears. struttin arcund when dey ought to be fch rnnnin cover. Washington Diecoverie3 cf Posterity. Star. After carefully scrutinizing the was a royal indulgence two-hundrPisos Cure cannot he too highly spoken of as body they had just exhumed, a couKh cure. J. W. OEbien, 322 Third Ave. years ago. Tis yet. tho archaeologists, in the year 4493 N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6. 1900. looked at one another and shook their If yim uon't Your j'ro-- r rPt:tr;H your Cause fer Fear. v fc,ciill!iri's 5 beads. At last Me most learned one An Atchison man among them said: lately accepted The Fuliets I naorcemePi. As you have seen, the collar bone, an invitation to dine with a prominent There goes another one of my the right femur, both thighs, the nose family. An awfully stiff, cross-lockin- g ethers! exclaimed the pullet as the a:nl the are broken. Appear- waiter was in attendance in the dintend of the commissary department ances indicate, too, that the front teeth ing room, and when he withdrew the f the invading army reached in and were knocked out and the skull is guest said to the host; Bill, Im net icized a cackling thicken. We used crushed in three places. Evidently he afraid of you, and Im not afraid of o bo a family of 12, and Im the only was a football player. your wife; but I'm afraid that waiter me loft. 1 thoroughly agree with what s His at once agreed doesnt like me, and that he doesnt Ion. Sherman said about war! that there could be no mistake as to approve of your inviting me. Atchihonkers Statesman. son Globe. be correctness of the deduction. " . TEA N -- Has-romb- 't ism-e- ase. n r. TEA - . . s TEA TEA . TEA TEA ed 111. ?.--( well-proserve- d . jaw-bon- e fellow-scientist- Known t. Jacobs Oil tho world ever a the promptest, surest cure ter Rheumatism sa Neuralgia A |