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Show ANNUAL MEETING OF SCHOOL TEACHERS OF UTAH I Ogden teachers are making arrangements arrange-ments to attend the annual meeting of the Utah Educational association in Salt Lake, December 21, 22 and 23, at which modern problems of oduea tion will be discussed by experts. Mr-. Josephine Corliss Freston of Olympla, Wash., president of the National Na-tional Education association, will be one of the principal speakers Li M L. Burton, president of the University of Minnesota, will also be one of the speakers. Others who will address the general meetings will be Dr. W. C Bagley of Columbia university, President John A Widtsoe of the University of JHah and president of the state association, and hr. E. A. Bryan, commissioner of education for Idaho More than 3500 teachers are expected expect-ed to attend the conference from prac-tlcall) prac-tlcall) every city, town and eounn of the state. The nature of the subjects to be discussed and the coming of the educational leaders from other parts Of Ho' country are expected to bring a record attendance to the three days of meetings. Meetings in Tabernacle. The principal sessions of the eon vention will be held in the tabernacle Aside from these general meetings there will be scores of special gatherings gather-ings for the various departments of teaching The social part of the pro-cram pro-cram will consist of a dance and a re eeption at the Hotel Utah on the evening eve-ning of December 22. 'I he program, as announced yesterday yester-day by J. Challen Smith, is as follows Sunday, December 21, at 7 p. m , In the tabernacle; Address by Dr. M. L. Burton 'on "The Demands of Democracy" Democ-racy" Monday, December 23. 10 a. m.: Address Ad-dress by Dr. Burton at the tabernacle, on What Must the Schools Do?:' He will be followed by Dr Bagley, who will talk on The Teachers' Attitude." President Widtsoe will open the meeting. meet-ing. Departments to Confer. Monday afternoon, departmental meetings with the following sections: Agriculture, the American School, Peace loague, art, business, classics, crafts. English geography, history, home economics. Juvenile courts, mod ern languages, music, nature, phvslcal education, science Monday evening, at the tabernacle,: Mrs Preston will give an address on! "The Emergency in Education," andi Dr. Bagley will give a talk on "The Nation Na-tion and the School. A reception and I dance will follow the evening meeting On Tueseday morning there will be ihe loiiowing departmental meetings: Colleges and high schools; gran-mar grades and junior high schools; home and school, kindergarten and priniHry. superintendents and school boards At the concluding meeting Tuesday afternoon, at the tabernacle, the foi-lowlng foi-lowlng addresses will be given: Dr. E. A Bryan on 'The Foes of Democracy," ami Mr Bagley on 'Red-letter Lessons." Les-sons." no |