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Show RANDOM I REFERENCES Photo Coupon Holders We will honor coupons on any studio whatsoever whatso-ever at face value, if you prefer our H work. Freemonde, Photographer. New Location 2438 Washington Ave. T Legion Starts Work Active work on the musical comedy, 'Tiff, Paff, Pouf," will be started b the American Lotion 01 Ogden with the arrival of musical scores and lines from the east. Lester Hincheltffe and Boh Major Ma-jor have charge of the affair The i first rehearsal will be held next Kri- It, I day evening, Big costume ball, K of P. hall, Dec. 3rd. Admission 75c 1150 The Primary association oi the Plral El' ward will give a bazaar, which will open at the Amusement hall at 8:80 this evening. The women are making i i ensi e preparations. Pythian Sisters give a card pal J Tuesday evening. Per I'm! All Iih ians and friends inviterl 1246 K 51 New serial. "The Best of Luck," Starts in Saturday's Standard. Wanted -Man with horse and plow. Phone 52-W. Dumke Floral Co. 1120 Assembly Hall Dance Common ing to Hi I night, the Assembly hall will be open ffv H, I (htnriiiK (voi v r-vrnlng, excepting Sunday H I mid Wednesday, according to an an I '' nouncemenl loda; by oie Reeves, in : Old pape't ror tAie ogtftn Cta.-.i Sus For Divorce Lulu Wallace today H! I fiU-d suit for divorce from lift rl Wallace. Hi i j lo whom alio was married August 5. H , 1918. She charges failure to pro Idc j Clean rags wanted st The Ctanorc' Conferences --Representatives of the stake presidency are scheduled to attend at-tend the annual conferences of the Second and the Fourteenth wards next Hal Sunda. rhotograpns are history of the fam-ilv. fam-ilv. Have them taken todav at The Tripp Photo Studio. 320V2 25th St One the Tribune Durlin N. Wheel nj er, Ogden newspaper man, who was I the candidate of orcanized labor for the office of mayor of Ogden, has lak en a position in the editorial depart ment of the Salt Lake Tribune. Clean rags wanted at mo Ctandartf j' c-ffice, ! Back From Navy Joseph T. Young, deputy county clerk, has returned county clerk, has returned to civil llf-after llf-after nearly three years in the navy where he was a chief yeoman in the paymaster's office at Goat Islcnd, Cal. Young says naval recruits are beine received at Goat Island at the rate of about 150 a day. ! BRICK, cement and plaster jobbing, chimneys, firewalls, etc. Phone 770. Turkey supper Tuesday night, 5S0' to 8, one dollar. Children under 12. 50 cents. First Presbyterian church ha-, zaar Tuesday and Wednesday. Embroidered Em-broidered linens, hand made caps and aprons, children'stoys and garments. I Home made candy; fish pool 1208 Skating Juvenile Ogden, for the past three days, has been enjoying the sport of skating on various pond? in the vicinity of the Ogden and Weber rivers. The precarious condition of the ice yesterday, while not conducive I to the sport, did not prevent a num- ber of youngsters from trying their skiil. Until the rain of yesterday morn-j ing, the skating was good. Marriage License1. Thomas F Pow-j cr and Violet J. Bune. both of Ogden. were granted a marriage license at the, office of the county clerk this morn- Divorce Case. In the demurrer tiled i in Ihe divorce case oi Herman Worth man against Dleukc Worthman. the; dismissnl of the action is asked for bv ihe plaintiff. Bill Stevenson Case. In the case of Mildred Mil-dred Stevenson against Harold Stevenson, Steven-son, an answer was filed by ihe defendant, de-fendant, in which a general denial is made to the plaintiff's charges and a dismissal of the case is asked for. Elders' Quorum r-:i,in Alfie-I Oladwell ! of 1,10 Weber tke hiii council, repre- j 1 I' ,M the i- i er - i h in .- rr ganfzatlon of tha riders' quorum of the I W.Jrtoenth waul - eserd . Thi fcffl- eers are: Otho Stephen?, prurient: A-. nold Van Llmberg first counsellor: Or-rlt Or-rlt Meendeiink, .pcond counsel lor, and j - L. C Wililamnon. i f tair. BlshOfvClai j Get An Elk Dr. Edward I Rich and Morgan McKay have returned from the Jackson Hole counir bringing w'ih them a flm- elk, shot in (hat dis- l j Pleads Guilty Charles B. Winshe!'. charged with having issued a fictitious ficti-tious check for $100, the Marlon ijotel i being the victim, today was permitted j1 io plead guilty to a misdemeanor and was given sixty days in the county ja". I by Judge A E Pratt. Break Traffic on the Cache Ya! ley route was interrupted for a time-today time-today by reason of a break in -.he pow I I f er feed line. Hij Not Dynamite After awr.king a lU ! coal examiner Bince last week, to as certain whether a lump of coal found il in the bins of a local coal yard cmi latned an explosive charge, it. was de-I de-I termined this morning that ;he supposed sup-posed charge of dynamite ?.as noth-I noth-I I mg more than a wooden plug of t."ie " j type used by surveyors in mines to ' --.Hi iffix markers. I H ! I 1 On a Mission Milton LindQulst, xon oi I I 1 I il ' ''' A' IJin,,,'l,'i,, will depart arly in H December for on e.i6tern states mission, t farewell party in honor of the mis-LBH mis-LBH ' Il ,lonr' will b h-ld Thursday evening, at HI Ull the Second ward amusement hall Brotherhood to Meet E, TI Filzgera'd I of Los Angeles, senior vice grand president pres-ident of the Uiotherhood of Railway ('l-rks, will address Ihe lor.d organization in W, O. W. hall, tomorrow evening. |