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Show ATHLETES TO HAVE I CLUB IN IS CITY , A ' i t 1 1 more than a BCOre of ihe host athletes in the state signed up, the Ogden Athletic club, composed of former for-mer high school and college playcrj, will start a season of sports with one , of ihe best basketball teams in the , west I'fah links athletic club?. Other lats have "homes" for clubs made-' I up of former high school and college 1 stars The organization will be known as the Ogden Athletic club and r 1 1 I branches of athletic competition Will I be encouraged. Games with the colleges col-leges and high schools of th state will he arranged and a complete card (of athletic events will he glv?n. Some ot (he best athletes ever de vol oped In Ogden will be represented. Blllie Glasmann, alvln Wllkenson, Webb Lindsay, AJ Warden, Dutch Rune, Victor Critchlow, Malcolm Wal son, Ed Monissey, Fred Reberg, Sol I Smith, Harry Bagley, Kingsford. John- json. Richards, Jeppson, Warner, Peterson, Peter-son, Hastings, Sid Watson, Slreeper. ICamp, Malmin, Harold Kay. Glen Dee, Lull - F ili'k. and numerous others have alread) signified their intention of joining the club. The flrsl sport to be represented by the nev club will be basketball, in this line oi spotting endeavor ihe club will be represented by Bllile Glasmann, Alvin Wllkenson, Webb Lindsay, de, Bune Critchlow, Malcolm Watson, Wat-son, AJ Warden and Warner. Ross Gil mann has been named manager of the athletic teams. Prominent business men will be made honorary members of the new organization Some of thr men selected select-ed bj the athletes for honorary mem- bershlp are. Mayor-elect Frank Francis, James Pittgree, banker; Dr. IMorrell, physician; Henry Skinner, theatres; Sol , Kaplan and Parley Wright clothing merchants; D W. Dunn, cattleman, Royal Douglas and A G. Home, attorneys, an; A R Mel n tyre. Basketball practice for the hoopters will be started during ihe coming week Games with the Utah A. C. Utah University B. Y. U and the high schools of the Btate will be arranged. |