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Show , ,- , - T, 1 1 FOR SALE Red Etmte j . ..4- Jer.erson. U - TTiij modnn brJck. cast front nch fireplace, hardwood floors. r 7nc porch, work porch. 13 ce- '' (.. , : ..: . heat. l?uii-ii l?uii-ii srlC(' ..j.Mrtr nx'urea, blinds. Ilno-I Ilno-I "nd ?ood supply of coal ill KO ,ron,rn 5nl37. clos- to I ' ,,!, and' schools. Only 54oOoO. f Ji: casu. frmi on I ..nnU w modern brick rouih front J block to car line. Lot 3?x I 09 , n ' gS. almost immediate pos-14 pos-14 " s.ni.ill .a.h pjorrif nt. terniH to Sfon' balance. f42000. J- A. Mtoj t-7v "Modern brick house. Call I JJng, 1522 Washington. MM u 'huml bargain ..noM stricth modern brick bunga- Line session- Gum wood finish, .ore, b-au-lrul bu.M n but-SSnreptace, but-SSnreptace, book case,, linen cabi-,', cabi-,', . ;. f n cabinet, furnace room, Uli room, frull room nnd laundry I ni 1'f-r I"' South front on uenrr. 5K $6750.00. IVrm.v 911 y, , KhU E STRAl FORD. J , bona C9 or MS 6 J It iJicoiu Hotel. 1190 rTvi.K-A good old lashli-ned rick house, five rooms, good cellar, u!L lot Dlentv of shade, make a pood E 150.00 R. P. Hunter, 431 sow ; nust. TTvk'111 'uol, ri ' housc- 10 accent cash, and JJo per momb. or i Tin rent (or Jo r month. 57b, WhDLLL 1058 j"rJ moderh brick, furnace, orchard, J2n, garage, ideal location. 27 26th Q 1 1 Jo I BY OWNLK I'I.k e or. W ellington I 2933. 55-lscU43.J all or part. I jt Kuto Ifetkinun, 134 W. N. T. Salt I Uk City. I Inelegant lo-, near the Pingrce jchool I lit on ) $300, $50U0 down, balance on I instalment plan; a great buy J. I j. Brummit. 211 Hudsun Ae. 754 I I II APARTMENT house, 4 beautiful I ipartmcats. partly furnished Can give I aiuedlait poss ssion ol one lurnisheu I iparunect. Ters r cash Inquire Tm -xl'wii -I'-1 Jefterson, auernoons. 746 A GOOD 6-rooni nicucrn nousu within t block l the Union Depot, large lot, f,r ,, v ill oai on. pel cent per cociL interest uu the iuc.ituient, tor oalj 12600. J. J- Drummltt, Phone. oJ 1 54 AN eltfant lot on U acihmgtou avenue, 160 led di-ep, nice bhade trees, only U 00 per front fool This is a good buj J J- lirun-itt, 2417 Hudson Ave 75 I :i ACRE farm, 3 mik-s west of Ogden I 5-rooLa lriu: boae, West 2yih ol. 4uai3. i'liouo 2oo it. c. T. Terr 30 (! HODERN bungalow, 6 rooms, iij-Toodfloors, iij-Toodfloors, white enamel and natura, I jam wood woik, tile bath, fireplace, bot water beat, seiuent basemen'., lrun room, laundry tray, gas rnn-. Ran beater, and laundry stove, all rooms ptptrtd. electric llxtures, shades and I drapes complete garage and chicken coop. Built 3 months ago for owner's home. Lot 56x129. Trice $S50n.OO. Call C. E. Wrlpht at Wright's. lo3G M000 DIVS ' A 7 room modem house close in on the bench; good bain and yard. ' : Ills S-ROOM MODERN BRICK Large lot 66x132 ft. Good '.run trees, located on bench, for Immediate sale i J2750, terms, 37Vixl60 ft. lot on the bench, with the excavation excava-tion done and cement j foundation already in, and enough cement blocks Jo build a 6 room house; this is an opprrtunlt to save 11000 on your nw home. GUARANTY MORTGAUI CO. 116 24th St rhono 115. T mil pay ou 10 .'.e us about good tirm.v loiins, cit residences and lots I fton 1S76. Porter Realty Co 2374 y rtash Ave., basement. List wlt! us ' 1 1031 8IXTEE.N acres ol land, about one-jj one-jj I third l( h ,n fruit , with a frontage of I U!S feel on Lust 12th 6treet, w:th a I tood six room house. plent of chicken I rjtts, b irn- an.i outbuilding-, lor onl I HSlH, v. ..i i h ., bout f 10 oU(, j J. I ummlti. Phone 59. 754 fHE BEST BARGAIN IN IDAHO FOR A RANCH. sale on trade for income Mjopeny m tigden or .Salt Lake or bell ;Ur mh aJid balance to y Purcnaaer, three hundred acre fVfch in Stone, Idaho Independent, water right t0 wat. i ,and i I witlllabl.. bind and in crop this oar l j "wy foot rould be watered. A good i l Nx-rooni modern house, a nice orchard. 1 u ba'n eight) two feet bv forty-l' forty-l' 1, Wlth ha lon ln center, will I i f handred ion.; ol liax, wnb all ' J caitlc ur Pheep sln-ds. ;rana M to- 8ar"Kt'. m fact it has all the rrh''"n"",s thal -,J l" a good r', A lar;;" amusi-meut hall that ?r ,WW hur"lred a month, lurtv ' ii (at"' lx'"pn head ot horses, N bi .'' l0r !'"' ,Wu Iiundnd . hick I tia'ii ,urkevti. nnd all kinds of prac-M prac-M uy UPV' ' "rm inPlpnients tl , . a ranch, five wagons, a two-ton H W'hMS. , Re,s of hitrn, !,f. and all ijlnn fun'lur. , on.pl. i.- an 1 pro ft- Tfal - if "nuu;h ruu ,hp 'ancb h Eg L t" d"" ' "'ean tMi.-.in.-.-.H. jon': if P STv,i Thc W;tlkf' Con.panv. I ; ccles Bids., ogden, Utah, Phone I torn F0R sVle or rent. H I durd f',,r':' ' ' " i;u"!. "r i ' !01 room 'fame house, at Farr i n Fir. J ,u V L' c "ambers, agent, 0 Natl. Hank. 0 den 1195 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FIVE ROOM modern bungalow, hall. 2 clothes elotf. rxtra large pantry, larar prrned In porch 1-2 block from car line. A bargain bar-gain for IJI00.0O. Will take $16" iio down and ret on terms. Inquire 1329 25th St Phone 32no 1 2 ". 1 FOR SALE BY OWNER 9-ROOM modern house, rrR all In fruit; chicken house for 200 chickens, chick-ens, all kinds of out buildings 7 ROOM house. 7, lots. $330 if sold at one. Phono 1TS7. 576 Canyon Rd 1163 BY DUN HI FIN lot, best location on bench. Paved St. 54x132 to alley. Phone tl 124J 9 ROOM modern frame house on 31st street, close t0 Washington. $3500. 10 per rent rash and $3" 00 pr month ". ROOM modem frame house rlose to parel streft. $2750. $10 per cent cash nnd $30. no per month. ROOM Irame one haK bio k from j paved street, on North Washington. ,$175'. 10 per cent cash. J- i month. 4 ROOM Trame house on bench close to paved street. $1750- 10 per cent ease. $2". 00 per month. 3 ROOM fr..rne house close in on back street. $1200. $!00.00 cash. $20.90 per month. (ROOM frame hnuo west of Wall in the railrond district, $1200. $U.' 00 cash. $20.00 per month. 3 Roo.M frame house, valuable earner lot. $1200. $150.00 cash, 20.0o p-r month. WILL be In office from 10 to 2. If you want n home . all In don't phone. W B. Wedell. 246S Wash. Ae. U48 B W CANNADY Real Estate Inaui inci NEW 4 room modern brick cottage in good location on bench; lot 60x150 feet This Is a genuine bargain at I $2500. uo PRACTICALLY new G room modern bungalow situated on Eat Iron, lot '(50x150) on paved street; has cement basemeni. screened porch and garage. We consider this the most desirable place on our list for the money; $3500.00 AN elepnnt 6 room strictly modern bungalow situated on south front lot 65x880 feet with water ripht This is splendidly constructed, has hardwood j finish, fireplace, dandy sleeping porch and full basement. Only those uesir-ilng uesir-ilng a firsi elasB boniei would be interested inter-ested Further particulars and price ' upon application. E. W. CANNADY. 2427 Hudson Ave. 1217 ; 4 ROOM modern, bath, clothes closets, $300 down. $20.00 r-"i month. Call at Dairy, 3667 Wash. 1223 WILL take good car on 6 acres with 6 room new house on paved road, 1 mile south of city. Phone 2360-M. 1159 A GOOD modern 4 room house, well Ircaled two blocks up on the bench, lor only $D00; $400.00 down; balance same as paying rent J. J. Brummitt, Phono 59. 764 REAL estate, any kin.! price or placo 2781 Madison. Phone 2029. 1117 , ! i V K i . loin ir.i"l."-n furnished 113 15 Lincoln. Bargain Inquire Victory Barber Shop. luuT j SECOND HAND STOVES j WE tako your ola rang., as first payment pay-ment on any new rante or will buy your old range out.iguu Uomu Furniture Fur-niture Co. 4673 f MONEY TO LOAN j JT will pay ou to sri u;; bout good farms, loans, city residences and lots. Phone lb. 6. Porter Realty Co., 2JM Waah Ave. List with u& 90S M.UNE1 advanced to salarieu pcupu. without security, uiiitrs uu furniture al pianos, .busy weekly or wouiLio paments. Du, 2-7 Col. iludsou Hut lbone 284. J'.a7 RALPH P. dUNTLlk, o.IsLbO lbb'4. IVlorUgUgO LiJJUa, Real L.mu.: iiiburance, Utah, idivbo lands, Carm-s and city property. Persons ucairiag to loaii luool . uD good 111 ol mortgagt ktrcuruy wtL do well to ounaukt ru. Vj-ooU uMp.iCciliona UVa3 uu Uuilu. M 4 ii. bL., Ogdon. (Jtajo. Ulu MONEY to loan on improved real o; tato. KWy A; tierricti V7i MONKf to lean on real csutte eecar tty. J. J. 'iruauxiltt tSl-ti FOR SALE OR TRADE v LlOiil ucicb JUM uuiside oi ihe tll limitt) 00 ?uuih orum arid lludsuu nisMi what is known as the old Oak chicken ranch; it has a sl.vrouui luuu ern house with city water, has a now ing spring, ample water for all that is needed; has windmill and well house, gasoline engine, has a new garage lor two cars, barn room tor four boises, big hay loft, a new storage and coai house, four oig incubators anu enough chicken coops for five, thousand ctilCll-sns; ctilCll-sns; four acres Is platted in lois, there 'can be enough lots sold to pay lor what we ask for the whole eight acres. .We will sell for a reasonah'c payment I down and the balance to suit purchaser.. pur-chaser.. The Walker Co., Phone 113d. LFOR RENT Miscellaneous iimyj, ueiu revolving oruMi vacuum 1 $1.00 day. Dust-proof bag. Ph. 2643 J 1221 A sui islltlous Indiv Itliml says It la u it d alBV to WrltJ another mill's namn I on a note. I rOR SALE REAL ESTATE i w-- FR SALE FARM 4S ACRES land with plenty water; 10 pom brick and frame house, pood ham. n.-w cow barn for 10 cows: new chicken bouse for 390 chlcKcns, ryiir ped blacksmith shop; 15 acres alfalfa, S acres wheat. 1. acres mixed be.? ring fruit, balance Knrl farm an1 pas tviro land. Close to city limits ami car line. Will want $2500.00 cash and give long time at low raff of Interest on balance. $13,500.00. J A McCulloch. 151 PROPERTY' on Grant bt 24th and 25tb BtS. Apply 2736 Wash. Phono1 i S M 818 WANTED Male Help j RAILWAY mail and Govt, clerks HI eded Prepare for examination. Par nr.iiar- tr. m Modem Civil Service Inst . Oept. 424 I H nver. THREE or 4 davs work for man and team; plowing and leveling. Phone 2335-R I062 WANTED Laborers for oui-of-tov n work OoocI pay. Apply 215 tccl- ! nidfi. 7 DKFORR Eeilm Whertj booda pilces from J. A. IJoglt Co. 2451 ( WANTED To Boy ILL buy four second-Hand pianos if suitable lor our p-npose. Phono 603 or ask for Ben Jansen at WlUlams Music CO 12;0 2ND HAND single or double typewriter typewrit-er desk. Give price and size. Hex J., care Standard. 12l'o FORD runabout top. Phone 222- 1 167 i BuV Liberty ooudu. J. J. BranunlU. iill Huuscn Ave, -o'-0 ACCRUED int. pi- market pric foi ub-riv pond1- oau uy J. .v. tickle Ci CAST-OFF clothes. 23Ti-i. c6j LIBERTY bonis O'ibi- J. Brum-LniiL Brum-LniiL Phone 6. 8688 CLEAN RAGS wanton at Oio S'n- laru office. Concrete Ornamental 5 Works j ORNAMENTAL. CONCRETE. C EMETERx" concrete coping Wheel wright. Twentieth and iJougias, rbone 2VV. 4254 FOR SALE AUTOS j PjlU CHEVROLET better than new, party moving to Calit Bargaifa if tak en at once. See 1'rci. Neil, Ogden Auto Service, 2451 Grant. l-oi FIRST $500 00 BUYS. FOUR-CYLINDER flve-passengea car. llrst-clasa condition. Call G2J EccU Bldg. Phone 1100. Hi' FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring car. 1102 Washington Ave. Phone 1 1155 ' 1917 MODEN N Hupmobile. A bargnln NeWl) equipped P. O.BOX 500. 11-9 6 -PASS, model 'J') Overland, run only months. Will sell cheap; leaving town. 2sjv 25th St. lloL : BRAND now Ford touring. LiuKi roadster, cueap. 6-PABSENGER Ovenand. CLLRLLSS b-Cyl. 7 pass 'CADILLAC 8-Cyl. 7 pass. BRI NINO AU i'OMOBILE CO. 1073 ' BAitCAIN Buick Sii, model D-45. I'liouo 2702. 9907 FIAT, Hupmobile, Chalmers; all B 1 gi. jd ruayiug order, w asuich Gai..b. 'and Storage. Phoue V0. irai ci-i : .mop in couutctlon. yilo FOR SALE ELEVATORS. WE furnish and ;l "all high grade t.etnc or band elt .'irs, any capn j City. W rite Am, Wutii', 24j Edison street. Salt Lake City. V ; L.uy second bund ones. 2366 WANTED Situations r ' i.v.niil,u work uy thc day. Leave 'word or note at No. 7 Corey Apts 1245 YOUNG Japanese school boy wishes position to work for board and room. . inq. 259 21th St. 1226 HIGH school student desires won: before be-fore and after school hours. Will tend furnaces night and morning Ippl American Legion, telephone 1131. 1200 ST k Chimnej 8wi ep Co. Phone ouiv AH work guaranteed. 1176 STENOGRAPHER wishes position. 1 IS W. 27th 110b BY lady stenographer and bookkeeper. . Phone J265-J. 1156 i A JAPANESE school boy wants a position po-sition in a decent lainilv. Please write address 165 25lh street. Tel. 1831-J. 11L CARD and character reading. 449 26th St. 1046 LXPLRl" t pewriting anu cltrical work, geneoiogical records arranged. Phoue 1286-W. 958 PRACTICAL nurse by the day o: v.eK. Phone 1821-M. 76o Homes may be a world of love shut In ;ind h vorld of tilfe shut out or vco VBSBssneraMsasasMamr eswesssseHMrauunrissamBBi WANTED FtasJe Herp ;RL for gcueral work, small fauni. Phone 1426-W or call 252u Tylr Ave. G IRIS and middle aped lady. Amen can Linen Supplv. 161 26th. 1135 EXPERIENCE! 1 ulrl at Orpheum Can dy Co- 1194 GIRL wanted for light housc worx. C 51 21st St 776 DRESSMAKING taught tr. anyone' willing to apply themselves. See Mad - I am Caplau. 3rd floor Wright's 6icre. 1 9242 , WANTED. - A chamber mal.i. Hel hoiel. Appl in pei-son. 961 1 girls wanted to sow oo jvendla. w pay while jroG lern On! those who .vant ntcad-. Jehs cctl at7. Scowcrot; MaDut.icturinx. 5014 FOR SALE AllsceJlaneou SECOND-HAND goods bought, sold and exchanged. iS"t Wasnlngton Ave Phone 686-J. 124 1 SHETLAND pony, hii'(r;- and hari" s.s i saddle nnd bridle 5 2!th St 12421 A SMALL heating Steve. Call at 30C5 Porter avenue. 124u AR1ETY' of sewing machines, reasonable reas-onable for (.ash. See lo appreciate ::214 Gram. 1211 COMBINED buffet ar.d china closet :r sale Good condition. Ph 2707 2213 DINING room chair.- and table, buf let, china closet, dressing table, disheu and cooking utensils. o25 25ih St. I Phones 850 and 513. 1210 i ALL kinds of secondhand lurniture for 3ale at 160 25th street. 1218 EXCELLENT bargains on fine violins, new and oid. Pantone, 29th ami Hudson. Hud-son. - 1188 ,22 WINCHESTER repeater rifle shot .gun. Phone 1421. 1192 FOR SALE B dateod, springs and ImajtreSBi Dining room table and side-i side-i board 2671 Wall. 1198 I . , I ALL makes ot sewing machines repaired. repair-ed. Work guaranteed. Second hand 'machines sold cheap l.u catih. Singei I Sewing Machine Co., 2328 Wash. Ave. i Phone 2i. 1191 T a bargain, Marshall i.nd Wendell I piano. 923 Binford Ave- 1160 LINING room table $6.00, push cart i$7.00; couch cover $7.00; gas range $20. 00, rug $50. 0U. Phono 422. 1183 FOR SALE CHEAP 1 Singer sewing j machine; 1 large heater. 1 S'.urgis collap.-ible baby buggv. Phone 1621 J. 1121 FOR SALE 6-weeks-old pigs. A. Lerk-ien, Lerk-ien, City Limit street, Box -12, North Ogden. 1184 SLIGHTLY used gas hotspot, t.olum bia and Victor records, almost new at 35c each. Phone 2012 M. 1162 4 TO 10 A 1 YOL NG Jersey cows Several Sev-eral coming fresh. Phone 1573. 1423 25th St. 1169 SECOND-HAND goods bought, and sold. T. c. Iversbh, 1640 Yash. Ave. Ph. 49. 1111 .1LKER. bah:, carriage. Apartment 28 Argyle. Price i.25.00. 1126 BIG sale on canaries; come hear them aiug. 2220 Lincoln. 1119 PRACTICALLY new oak dining table ; 353 22nd St. 1127 GEESE for Bale, Phone 8064 V. 605 i Wash- 1137 FOR new aud 2nd hand truck bodies, see Brooks, 2219 Hudson Prices right. 112& NEW and slightly used sewing nia-Chinee nia-Chinee at the Light House Electric Co. 2151 Washington Ave. Phone 83 iu6 i MUST be sold at once Soda fountain ! and wall case, cheap 288 25th St 1130 FURNITURE Exchange pas highest prices for second hand lurniture and ! stoves. Phone 2-i6l. 253 25th street 933 FULL equipment of nousi jold 1u:m-! 1u:m-! turo lor sate. 2u5u Grameicy awuue 597 SAXON roadster lor .sale cheap. .p i 3t6 2bth St. IU SECOND-HAND goods buubt anc sold. Iversottj 16-iu Wrsa. Phone i'j. 96:i2 i iGS COX BalS, Slate Lududtriai bch'ol 9100 6500 SHAliLo Cub Oil. 4c. i'.luoi .... .. uaouey Ut-.j. W, iiajadaru. 890i :LV and eecond hand goods o. Jght I boia and exchanged. Highest peicea 'paid lor second hard lurniture Trunks and suit oases a specialty. Siner Trunk 'it Furniture Store. 241 Twenty tilth 'street. Phone 1321. 69 J. A. HOGLE x (.u. p.- u.tuCii , iu .'gueu lo. Liberty Dunds. 2450 .NCLLEL for suita, tailor made, b.g reduction. Gordon's, 8116 25uh su l'hone 419. 21 :7 FOR RUNT 1 Board and Room BOOM and board tor two gentlemen in private laniily. Phone 2769 M. 1152 FOUND POUND a ring. European Roomiug house, room 4 1527 1 I 1 FORRKNT MODERN room for gentleman, close in. $3.50 per week. References. 2341 Adam-. A 1252 NICE molern room, fine location. Tall mornitiKs or evenings. 158 24th street 1222 FURNISHED 5-room modern house with u"1 of garage, Phon? I47e. 951 21st street. 1197 NICELY furnished sleeping room 2241 Adams. 1189 ROOM for ceni Ionian. Phone 10. 1 noo 1 v-M NICELY furnished sleeping room for' one or two gentlemen Use of bath and phone. Phone 1436 -W. 1170 ONE or more II. K. R. 2563 Grant. Phone 1265-J. 1161 TWO i-leeping rooms lor gentlemen. 2361 Wash. 1143 CLEAN, comfortable furnished loom In private home. Heat, batli and phone. 141 Herrlck (Binford) Ave. Phone 2001-J. 1122 one upstairs bo isekeepin apartment, $30 a month. 2i63 GranL 1085 4CCRUED lut. plia mraei price for libertj tioud paiu J. A. HogU & Co 2449 WANTED j! Rent I WANTED To rent a barn. Tel. 917 Frower ic Towels. 1207 ONE 2 to 4-room furnished or unfur nlshed house or apartment. Best of, references. No children. Call liiO-J. , 1233 SUITE of rooms and board by relined l couple with two children. References.' Box A. W., care Standard. 1165 Fl R. I 1 1 L 1 or unfurnished house or r.partment by responsible party. References Ref-erences Bx A. W., care Standard. 1166 FOR RENT COZY three-room Apt., upstairs, no children. l'hone 1099-W. 1201 DPXSSMAKLNG j DRJ SSMAKING, plain sewing 250 Slot St. 987 FASHIONABLE dressmaking, head-inr:. head-inr:. latest wool darn. Fitting and wcrk guaranteed. Phone 2860-W. C79 REAR 2JU Adams Vve. Phone 1551-W. 684 PLEATING, buttons, hemstitching, picot at luc per aid, third floor W. H. Wright tc Sons 501 DRESSMAKING. Phone 1912-J- 207 j LOST BLACK and white Mexican ;;oat. Phone 2114 NJ. Reward. 1247 PORD truck tire 30z3Vs between Plain City and Burch creek. Reward. John 1 Maw. Plain City 1141 J GREEN silk changeable sash on W ash, 'or 22nd st. to Madison Ret. 23U8-J. 1255 LOST On north Washington, a "reen ' hat pinned at the top. Trade m.irk Stetson Phone 3183-M. 1230 l iO-WN, rolled brim hat. on 22ml nnd Hudson. Telephone 2919. 1232 1 ! MA 1 KIN AW bet Monroe and 22nd SL and 33rd and Grant. Phono 1473-W 1234 DARK bin. sewing bag, somewhere between be-tween bridge and Five Toints. II found call 3218 or 111. Reward. 114E j AUTO STORAGE. j WASATCH garage, 2224 Washlngtoi Ave. Some room left at $5.00 anc $6. 00 per month. Phone 726 124 SALE OF ANIMALS FOR DAMAGES. State of Utah, County or Davis. ss. In the South Hooper precinct 01 Bald county, 1 have in my possession the following described animal, which, if not claimed and taken away will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at mv residence in South Hoop er precinct on the 8th day of Decern her. 1919, at the hour of 10 00 o c;0ck a m.. vne three year old black r;eer, brand 0 on left rib. Both horns clip-in clip-in d off Said animal Is held by me to secure payment of $6.00 damages done by said animal upon the premises of John W. Singleton, on the 27th day of November. No-vember. 1919 JOHN I. FISHER. Poundkeeper, South Hooper Precinct Pre-cinct 0 1 SALE OF ANIMALS FOR DAMAGES. State of Utah, County of Davis. ss. In the South Hooper precinct of said county, I have in my possession the following described animals, which, ir not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at my residence in South Hoop-( er precinct on the 8th day of December. Decem-ber. 1919. at the hour of 10 00 o'clock a. m. One three year-old steer, black nn.i white, branded en left hip combined Ii J. Bar O on Ion shoulder. Also one bay colt, one and a hair years old. No brand visible. Said animals are held by me to se- TREE PRUN1NC. j I R N Rasmunson Le Roy Marsh H PR1 v I'M NINO Wr are experts In H'l nrchanl n.l ornamental pruning. Cor- mil I I Mining is a We under ' HHHHj st.ind it Contract work our specialty In 4th St. LEGAL NOTICES cure payment of $7. 5ft damages don I HH by said animals upon the premises of ( H John E. Thurgood. on the 27th day of Nofinber. 1919 ' I JOHN I FISHER, Poundkeeper. South Hooper Pro- 1203 MjB I I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS are payable in advance. It you cannot bring your ad in use the phone and we will collect the following day. 1 We absolutely cannot afford to keep books on small amounts like these. Please do not ask us to, H ' mm 11 . 1 1 y. l 'M- - r t www mmm t i - i mem -n a i mim miu i. OB- warn -r r- Eaa HI j J . MBaSSBSSSSSSSSMB IHBhI m mmmmmM mm 91 ""Vv- ."CnsBBSIIlHlB HI Bki1 'sBci'fciaak- |