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Show LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Ediotr; To the Interested taxpayer who Indicated that the people had spoken, seems to conveniently conven-iently forget that there were nearly 62 of the voters that wantd the county seat located In Cedar City, while only a little over 38 wanted it to remain In Parowan. So while the county commission com-mission continues to plan to spend a cool $800,000.00 to $900,000.00 for a building that the majority of the voters of the county wanted to build In Cedar City, tttis interested taxpayer wants the majority of the taxpayers' to quit rock- lng the boat." 1 Doesn't this sound to you like the old story of the tall of the dog wanting to wag the dog, but doesn't want the dog to got tco upet. Well I for one think it Is time that we stand up and voice our beliefs be-liefs and feelings, to not sit back and let 38 tell the majority what It can or can't do. Why don't you try one of thes,e telephone numibers 586-8G38, 586-8G38, 586-9239 or 477-3524 and let your commissioners know haw you feel about a building approaching the one million dollar figure being built where the majority of the 1 people DIDN'T WANT IT TO 1 BE BUILT. J ( Interested Taxpayer Letter t0 the Editor Mr. Klein Bollo Cedar City, Utah Response to letter to the editor, ed-itor, Jan. 118, 1973, edition, signed "An Interested Taxpayer." Taxpay-er." To clear up some mis-statements printed in last week's edition of the Record. The "In-tererted "In-tererted Taxipayer." stated In his or her letter, he people decided the courthouse should b.3 built in Parowan," and later lat-er In the closing sentence, 'The larger segment of the county has decided and spoken. spok-en. Now follow it please." I fthe writer would follow his own advice, the courthouse would be moved. The larger segment, approx. 61, voted to move the courthouse. The taxpayer tax-payer does not like paying taxes, but must not have thought about the MAJORITY of the taxpayers, who voted to move the courthouse. As called for in our constitution, consti-tution, the majority should rule and moving the court- house should be no exception." The MAJORITY voted to move the courthouse, by thousands of voting taxpayers. SignedAnother.. Interested Inter-ested Taxpayer |