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Show , TODAY'S TELEGRAMS. Monlancrr's Inilepeutlrnee. PAniss, May 17. Boulangcr has written a letter iu which he says he no longer desires any Intermediary Intermed-iary between himself and bis sup iorters. He therefore dissolves the loulangbt national committee. The Baulangist Jouruils publish the letter without cotturea'. Kn (Irttrrl'ar furlrl.lcr. Pakik, May 17. Tho ammunition ammuni-tion factory at St. Etlenne lies received re-ceived an order from Russia fur cartridges loaded with smokeless jMwder equal to a supply for one million ritles. Atonrrsslnn City or Mexico, (via Galveston) May 17. The government has granted General Stumi,of the United State, a concession on the railway from this city to the Pacific coast via Cuernavaca aud Oaxara. Itis assumed as-sumed that the govimmcnt are making a return to General Sturm for fav ors to Mexico. o ntitsaii Asltirl. Fol.TbJiOL'Til, Eng., May 17. Thomas McChennc, consular agent of Uie United States, has committed suicide. No reason is known. II'lsluc's IMnsliler TInrrltsI. WAsii(nox, May 17. Margaret Isatiella Blaine, daughter of Uie . Secretary nf State, was married at 1 o'clock this afternoon to Walter Damrosch, of New York, at the resilience of the bride's lorcuts In Madisou place. The I'rcsb Irrlnn As-rmliljr. Sailvtooa, N. Y., May 17. Tills morning the ses-Ion of the Pret-by- Urlangcrtral assembly rctilvcdthe I rejortef the isiiunilltce ou bills and overtures. The greetings of the assembly were sent to the assemblies assem-blies of Southern Presbyterians Cumberland PrvsbvUrlaiis and the United Presbyterians. The bucrd of relief for disabled ministers and widows and orpiians of deceased ministers presented its thirty-fifth annual report. The tiumln-r of lieneflrlaries on Use roll is 13,0.11, 2-11 mlnbter-, 35S widows and 210 orphan lamilies, with one widow of a medical missionary. At the i minister' home at Perth Amboy, N. J., eighteen families were carcsi for, makiiiga total of G12 families, twenl .seven mure than last year. Iluu-r. Wamiingtov, May 17. A con-feriiiec- was i.rdered on the Senate anti-trust bill. The Hou-u then went Into cumoiittcc nf the w hole on the tariff bill. McKInliy (Ohio) askesi that the committee w ould proceed pro-ceed asp amily as possible to act I ujflu llio ameiidineiits nfTered ly I the committee of ways and mears. Then other geiiUemen who hail sub-stanUal sub-stanUal bc-ncfiLs to offer might be recognized. McMillan (Tmu.) declares! de-clares! that the manner iu which tills bill was being considered was fair neither to the House nor to the taxiaycrs of the country. It was utterly imjiossible to consider and debate the bill carefully in the few days allowed by the rlgor-us rule reported by the committee on rules |