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Show THE GOVERNOR'S SCHEME. It Appears in lie Form of a Bill '6y Edmunds. WITH JJIE VTUV COMMLSSIOV, The (JoTTi-nor Would Xirae Tfrrt torial and Cohnif Officers. On Wednesday last another Utah bill was introduced in the Seriate, by Senator Edmunds. It Is unlike any of the other measures before Congress, as it adopts the suggestions made by Governor Thomas and the Utah Commission, for the enlargement enlarge-ment of their autocratic powers in official circles In Utah. Itabollshes existing election districts and apportionments ap-portionments of members of the legislative legis-lative assembly of the Territory, and provides that as soon as the result of the census of ISM shall be made known, the Governor, the Secretaryand the Utah Commission shall re-district tho Territory and apportion the representatives to the council and housu of representatives, so as to provide as nearly as may be for an equal representation of the people, which apportionment shall continueuntll Congress shall otherwise other-wise provide. No persons other than citizens or the United States, and otherwise qualified, snail be entitled en-titled to vote at any election In said Territory. The offices of territorial auditor and treasurer,commisBloners to locate university lands, probate judges, county clerks, selectmen, assessors, as-sessors, recorders and superintendents superinten-dents of district schools, are to be Tnrnttl- nntl nil tih nfflira ,all be appointed by the governor of said Territory by and with the advice ad-vice and consent or the Utah Com-i Com-i mission; but when any officer holds : bis office by virtue of appolnt-! appolnt-! ment from tlie President, he shall continue In office until the ex-piration ex-piration of hi" term. The Utah Com mission is authorized in its discre-i discre-i tion to caue new registrations or voters to be made Instead or revisions revis-ions of previous llsts,as now required by the laws of Utah. Said board is also authorized and empowered to make and enforce rules and regulations regula-tions not inconsistent with the laws of the United States for the conduct of registrations and elections in said Territory. The bill was referred to the committee on judiciary. As Senator Edmunds Is chairman of that committee, it virtually means referring the measure to himself. |