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Show LIM.'EII '0T. The time is short! If thou wouldst work for Gcd, it must be If thou wouldst win the garland for thy brow, Redeem the time. Shake off earth'a sloth! Go forth with staff in band while yet '111 day; ctout'wlth girded loins upon tte Hay-Up) Hay-Up) linger not! Told not thy hands ' What hsi the pilgrim of the cross and crown To do with luxury or couch of down On, pilgrim, on! With His reward He comes; He tarries not; His day is near; When men least look for him will Ho be hcre- rrcpareforlllm! Let not the flood Sweep lb) firm feet from the eternal reek. Face calmly, solemnly, the billows' shock , rear not Ibealona. Withstand the foe. Die daily, that lorerer thou niaysl lb e ; Be faithful unto death ; thy Lord will pre The crown of life. Ckrlsfsais Cjraestfrr. |