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Show Superstition In India. One of the numerous temples of India contains a couple of relics of the god to w horn it is dedicated, one of which Js the but footprint made on the earth by the god before ascending as-cending to heaven. The footprint Is in the solid rocks, showing that the god gave a vigorous push to start himself well on the way, and Is about two feet in length, showing that he was of super heroic stature. The other relic is a tooth of the god. Borne years ago the temple was captured cap-tured by Euroians, anil the sacred tooth was ground to powder and thrown into tho river by the irreverent irrev-erent captors. But the particles of the tooth came together, so the priests say, and assumed their original origi-nal shaie, and the perfect tooth was found reposing on a leaf. It was carefully replaced In the altar of the temple, inside of niue golden caskets, cask-ets, where it remains to this day. The blind worshipers believe it to be the original tooth of their god, and their faith is not at ail shaken by the fact that natural UU who examined it pronounce it to 1 the small molar of an elephant. Ut. l'aul I'lOitecr-Prtu. |