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Show rum rxomrrcrmcax IMftssI Cnln. Ilyuin Dook. The Deseret Sunday School Union takes great pleasure in announcing ' hat it has now ready for sale a new Hymn Rcok, especially prepared for tha use of the Sunday Schools of tho LatteT-day Saints. For seme Scsrstiio Union lias contemplated le publication of such a work, but unforeseen circumstances have delayed de-layed IU completion until tho present time. A great majority of the Lymn .-ontained in this look liaee been compesed by our homo authors, are those with which tho children are familiar, and to which the muIc has been nubli&hed. Tlie eeleeled ,Ioces are laeorltes In general use'. Uioseit was tliought tliat It wouiu I e a gravo error to omit. A few original hymns apjar which hav jevcr before been ji' .ulied. To enable thz schools to uo tlie ' CjUicsticn-i In which tho iiiculc is published of the hymns to w hlch music has been set, tho index of this Hymn Rook is o pre-parod that I the work In which tlie tune can be found is shown by a special reft r encc. Tills will enable the schools to use tho Union Mudc Cards, the Sunday School Union Music Rook, I tlie Primary Tune Rook, and other ivotks Teferred to, in connection ivith tills book. A few of the liymns which are somewhat long j lave been shortened by Ihe onUw.lon , if ono or two iitKs, aud a fjw rcrial altcrRtlom lia s Iwcn made : hlch w e trust the pi-.blic w HI agree rich us are lmprovcnenU. The Hjmn Rook contains 250 ' ?ages, well printed on good, stxjut ) pai-er, and strongly louiuf, and Is lolJ at the 1 w rale of $XW per lozen net, outage (aid. by Tun DlSERET NEWt! "VHl'ASfV, Sill U'.h City, UUli. dill I |