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Show imumm; .imLvrcitE. HOW AIKXWDM! JllVS SI I I RI8FI) AN AillAIlU- COMI8 w ovoi-i'it Alexander Duma?, the .French novelist and draniati.-t, was the hero of man) armwlnjroilventiitts. Once-, w lieu at (lie- height of lilsporKilarlt,, he as Im,ortuccd to Lomi! n ccimiitrclal traveler lwcau he as suHt a jullj. Rood fellow. The iuiiodote, as toliiliy 1 1'arlf journal, Is SB follows. Home jtare ngn a nflnhauter I.joiu wai rtriuniius from i'-ritiin Ills luttal e-itj. In the tame eotupaitmect utli liliu Hit a tall fellow, llit-I), ta!kal!t;aiid full of gteconaUe, hut, on the whole, the Inst aud most aniutjn,; traveling companion one eould with. On a Ightin.: at Lyons the mercliaut, charmed by the talking, mannir and gaiety of his neighbor, exclaimed ex-claimed ' 11 Jove! sir, I am glad to haw made jour acquaintance. Y.m nrc a good fellow! You are a charming teHou' Can't jou tall, thongL' Couie-, let us uukea trade, tvill sou?" "Well, wl at kind of trade?" "tome and tllue with- me; at dt-j-eit we uill ieak jucut it. I hae an Idea. 'Will you come?" v cry well, but I will jmj my -hare. "I luait-t upon it." 'As i ou icae. What au amaz iug feliou you are' Ah, but I like ou " AevordliiKl, Ihej took dinner tnxetlirr, Uuriigwhich the merchant merch-ant oflered the tall feliou a tItlon i commercial tnevrrer ordrurumer for his liouM'; tiiat was his Idea. "Yon Iiaejut tlw ejualilie-s te-iiuirwi,' te-iiuirwi,' sli the imrehant. "You ill makcjwir waj." "liut, .nj dear sir " K ome, now, how dojcullvt?" "i'iioIi' e.i very little." " ell, how mil ih do ou make in jour branch?" 'from twenty tbout-and to thirtj lhouaud france." "(joodneoecki'saliM! Hutu lint do ou d S" askel the other, UL-ap-pointedly. oil, I MrriuWcou jluets of iarr witli a pen.'" lie. |