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Show How TOttnr over jou raaj be. WlUVallinc teeth joa're (mm and old ; And looinr jonr mouth's purur. lDor f catarea teem Una. dull andxold. Then man and maHl.varned of your fate, seek Sozonoxr e'er it's too late. GRAtb OPERA HOUSE! W. J. llDBbESS. Manager. Special JSnyaycntcnt FRIDAY &, SATURDAY, 3IAY 1(5 and 17. SATUJtDAY 'JIATimSE RffEA! In btr new lltirical ny,bj A. K. Hatch, JOSEPHINE, Empress of (lie French. urpoKd l.r Mr. VTJI. llAKItlP, and an excellent comranr under the dlrccUon of Arthur Mnllcr. ?i .irici::vTi.Y ritoin'rcn: . uonticois iosTCJir.s: sale of SeaU opens 10 a. nu.Tbnday, JjeS7-0DVNXE IX l'RICE3.-9f3 Cleveland's Jtlntrrl it Ttrek. SALT LAKE THEATRE Cms. S. BcaTOv, Miiaozr. The Management hai the pleasure to aa. a. nonnce Uie appearacce or the Hlnitrlquit.nruoArUit, ' ivrxt. Wilson Barrett, HISS EASTL&KE, And Ue Kntlre London Company, Including Mr. tiot?e tsamU, SS.iayl9to21 Wednesday, o Wbenthcj will present with Ibe Original Gentry, Co t nines. Irperti and jMecbanlcal Effect from tbc frlnccsica Tbcatrc, London. THE FOLLOWING PLAYS: Monday, - - "CLAUDIAN." Tuesday, "HE SILVER KING." Wednesday, "BEN MY CHREE." riUCZS from Sc to II 50 according to location. SVSale commence SitardiT Mornlnr, MaxU.atlOo'rlocfc. GRAND OPERA HOUSE IV. J. Bcxexa. Manager. W. S. Cleveland's HMIiriVKXT IIATECI.T MINSTRELS Christendom. Champion Oonqarror. 4B HEHQE5 OF TWO HEMISPHERES 46 Fresh from tbelr OTerwbelmiDa-Triumph at Grand Opera Ilonso and rosrteeata Street Theatre, ewTork. Led by tbo Kux of Utnttrel the Inimitable and onr VTJ.X13 P. SWKTXAM, and fat and fanny BILLY KICK. Samptnoni pecucUr Scenic Flrtt Tart. The Uofiiiorffeoa and Elaborate ercr produced. VBTCBTIA1V IVIOHTB . The Original Oriental Ialrol March. W EGYPTIAN PHALANX. Amailna; Antipodean Annex T3BC3E3 .TDPJS! 4 IJTTLK ALli KIQIITS ! 4 it. W. Senra Builnua Maaai-tr. I.S.Mattox oeneral Agent. 90 Grand rarade ot Ihli rawerfu! Or-fniutten Or-fniutten at II Ilia, Uoatai-.Uar ltta itenlarfrlrea. RnerTed Beau mar beie euretl at the Vox omce, &atur4ar at lo a. m. Buff mi - . 3 nan SS S s.a-1 3: aBP 22r So Q 2Ssfg 3Si W k,35S a, I .5iC0CiiIEr Pubifeatiois of tl?e Q?un;i7 of Jesus-Qljrist of Cattr-day aiijts. For Sal? by tye DESEIE5.-.EUS.-.(;0. look or Mormon. Aa account ot tae Ancient Inhabitant c( th Aaarleaa Continent, written by th hand of Mormon Mor-mon npon platca taken from the platca of ephi, found near Mancacater. ontarloCo..ew Tort. and tranjlatad I'T the Prophet. Joaeps. Smith, Jr. but. tin; ruii uoci.rtin; roll Roaa.si.n: rail Leather, emboued, tlJS. rail Clou, enboMed, 1LCO. Doctrine and CoTcnanfaof IheCburrh of Jeiua Christ ot Latter-day Saints; ronutnlne tta Rerelatlona airen to Jotrphbmilh.Jr..the Prophet, for the tuilolnjc up of the Kingdom ot Cod la the lat daja. out, J1.T3: Fall Boch. tz.00. Full Boas. 11.73: Fall Leather, rmboiaed, !., rail Clolh, embomd, ILCO. Tear! or (freat Trier. A rriolce ttlcc tlon from the BeTelaUona.Tranalatlona and arraUonf of Joaeph smith, flit ITophct, Seer and' Retelator at tha Cbnrch of Jeina Chrut of Latter day Paiati. Morocco. CUt. 31 a; Leather, cut, fUO.Koan, 75c; cloth, cmbottttl, 50c KO" totheKelenceofTheoloor. t-iirnedaaan t-iirnedaaan lairodaction to the flrat lrtceiptea of Spiritual Pblloaopbr. Religion. Re-ligion. Law and GoTemmcat. aa Delivered Deliv-ered by the Jtnelentv, and aa Restored la this are for the float development of universal peace, truth and kaeniedie. Ily Parley P. Pratt. Full Roan, embossed. em-bossed. Tic., Fall Cloth, embossed, toe. Voice of Warning-. Jtn Introduction to the raith and Uoctnne of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Sunt. By Parley P. Pratt. Fall Itaaa. em boosed, Uc, Full Cloth, embossed, 13c Spencer Lctlero. Extubltlnr the most Sronunent doctrines or the Church of csus Chrut of Latter day SalnU, by Orson Spencer. A. IS-, to which la also added his VtUir on Patriarchal Order, in reply to the Rev. Wllllae Crowd. A. al. Itoston. Mass, roll Roan, embossed, 11.00. Full Cloth, embossed, TSc Hymn Ilook. Fourteenth Edition. Pall ltoan.;sc; Leather, extra finish, J1.S3; Full Leather, II 00, Leather, cut. JL50. Calrcbltm for Children. ElhlblUcr the prominent doctrines ot the Church of Jeans Christ of Latter day Saints. By JohnJaques. Leaiher.sOc,CIoth.Sc; Hoards, ioc. Stiff Cover, lie floes lite illble Sanction PoljramyT Discussion between Orson Pratt andiur. J. V. Newman. Chaplain of th V. S. Feaate; to which is also added Three Discourses on Celestial Marriage, delivered de-livered by Orson Pratt. Geo. A. Smith, aad Geo. Q. Cannon. 35c, Torm. Relirious, Historical and PoUtl-cal. PoUtl-cal. Ily liaa IL Know. Vol. Z. Leather. JI.T5: VoLx.Cloth.tI00; Vol.1. Cloth. UUL75C, VoLl, Cloth, 50c llmrp or Zlon. Toems by John Lyoa. Cloth, Gut. TSc: Cloth. Juc lenr or Jubilee. Discourses delivered at, and general proccedinas of the Fiftieth Annual Conference lie A Itn lew of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Rey-nolda Rey-nolda cac Ily Gcorjre 0 Cannon. In thia comprehensive litUe work, the Icjral, relidoua and political status ot thta nouble test polyxamy case Isfrom the standpoint ot a Latter day rami most ably and clearly exhibited, x c LMttetdity Saint Psalmody. Paper Covered Boards. Cloth Hack, SLSO each, 115.00 per Uc i.; doth Uoond, 11.6) each. 11T.CO per dos.; cloth and J eathrr Uoond. S1.T9 each. HID per don. If sent by mail, i; cents per copy additional. addi-tional. Ilook orAlirnham. Ry George Reynolds .1 Compendium of tbedoetnaea of the l-otpcl, by rrantlin D. Richards and Jas. A. little. Leather, Gilt. -00. Leather. It SO; Imitation Leather, tL"3; Cloth, Si OT. Item on I'rloilheod. By PresMent Joha Tajlor. lec I'rlmarjr .Speaker. .So. I. Ily KUza K. bnow Smith. Sc. Primary Speaker, o.3. RyKluaR. Snw Smith. "Sc. Primary Hymn Ilook. Ily Ellia R. Snowimith. 15c Primary Tnne Ilook. By Elua R. Snow Smith. 40c Deeret Sunday School Union vfule Hook. 50c Choir vfnale. SCc. Ancel or the lrnlrle: or. a Drcara of the Future. Ily P. P Pratt. 10c The ytorntnn lncMlon. By John Taylor. ICc Article or Tallh. Eorlish (!ar;aeach. lec. t:n-:Iuh, Hawaiian and rpinish (small), each, .c. Fallh rromollnc .Series: Jfy rirt .Ml-lon. By Georie O. Cannon. SSc A strlnr; or Tearlv. Conlainior many interesting sketches. Sc Leave From My Jonrnal. By UUrord Woodruff. Ue. f'em Tor Hie Yonii-r Folk. Metrhesof Personal Experience 75. Fragment or Experience. A Collection Col-lection of sketches by vreli-known Authors- :n llrnrr C. Kimball' Jonrnal. IV. INrly Ncenc In thurch History. 3c The Life or.StpliI. By George Q. Cannon. "5c. Scrap of Illox-raphj. 23c Jfyth oT the vfanncrlpl Tonnd. Ily George Reynalds. Sic Labor In the vineyard. Sc Etenirnl -Sarrallve. 25c. Helpful Vision. 3c. Jtormon Doctrine. By C. V. rearosc. lie The Preceptor. By John Nicholson. 55e. Tlartyrdom or Joeph Standing-. By Joha Mcholson, tec The Oinrrh or Jen Christ or Lot. lerlay Paint. Ily John Jacques. 10c The Hand or Providence. By J. II. ward, eoc nihlc flnetlon and lnwen. By K. IL ?. Smith. Sc The Marly r. By L. O. LlttlefleM. 50c. Orson Pratt Works. T5c LydlaKnlchl'IIIlory. Sc The Heroine ofviormondom. Sc. ;ospt Phlloophy.ByJ.UAVuiLT5c. Ham! Ilook of Itererence. 50c Vthy Me Practice Plural .Warrlace. Iiy Helen Msrvrhluey. we. AreHeorismelT By George Reynolds. Joseph the Prophet. A sencsof tfaca- ttona and Answers. 10c The ytannerlpt Fonnd. (5paald- g story). Paper, ac; Clolh, soc: Leather, Gilt, 1.(0. The Modern Prophet. By John Niebol son. 3c Doctrine of the Church of Josus Christ of Latter daSalnu.DyJohaMorgaa.tc The Plan or Nalvatlou. By John Morgan. 3c Eminent Opinion on the "Mormon" "Mor-mon" Cnetlon. 3C. Glad Tiding oTGreat Joy. By George Teaadale. 1c Itetorallon of the EvrrlaMlnar Jo pel. By George Teaadale lc The Gospel Pioneer. By Wm. Jeftcr- Irs. 3c. HoplUm for the lleinllon or .Sin. Sc I Itapllsm Essential to ftatvaltonT Intemperance. 5c. A loleerrom IheMoanfaln. 10c Theltcsnrrecilon. By President Brig- haaTonng. 10c Public nisrusslsn between Rev. K.J. Hartley and Elder Ben. K. Rich. 3c The Tenneee Maaere and It dnscs. Lecturo by John Mcholson. c Gnldeto.Salt Lake City and It Environs. En-virons. -2c Item of Church ItUtory. By the Prophet Joseph smith. 1'c Sunday ftchool Dlalosine and ReeJ- tatlun, o. 1. Sc DaannehMorroan.ClothlCennan) LU. Labro Do Mormon (Spanish). Cloth. Si 00; Roan. SLS; Calf, SLM, Morocco. GUt.SJ.T5. LtiredeMormon (French), Paper, !Lto Mormon noar (Danish), Cloth, SI 00. Forbnndeta Itok (Swefcsh),CIotb,IL40, Leather. SLT5. Die Holllehe Perle (fie-man). Cloth. Den Kolelle Perle (DanlahJ.SOc Testament. 10c,3)c,40c Illble, In Various ntyle, SctoslOO. Ready Rererenee. Scripture texts arranged ar-ranged in subjective order, with htsterl cat notes, lie 53c, 65c and 11M. according ac-cording to binding. German Hymn Rook C3o!b,S1.0C Dnrrrt Weekly, VoL 3S. Half Calf, SiOO. Jonrnal or Discourse. Vols.21.3z.XL :i,X,naltCair,each.siJC. Millennial Nlar. Vols. IS, , 1, o. it Sunday- hehool Hymn Book, Clolh. Sc The Ijro or Ileber C- Kimball. By Orson F. Whiiney. Tina Silk Cloth, wtta gold side and baca stamp, JZJO-llairxiorooro. JZJO-llairxiorooro. with gold side and back stamp. UM; Leather, with gold side and back sump, gut edges. Sl.oo, Full 3Ioro-eo.wtib gold side and back stamp gilt edges, run. " ramlly Reeorda. such aa are used la Logan, alantl and SLGeorni Templea. 1 Quire, S1.I0; I Qatrea, silo; a Qaaaa. SM0; I Quires, S1U. s ", Boctt Mailed la any part o the ; UnilcdStulei on lltxttpt of Price. lev I iiTiiTiiimiiirriiiiniiiiT 1 25. d alNvC I, I 7fo wbe ho bu6y io mih K nfo a new adwtiifameitf, B but tve have an Jtnmenh I j$fovk of alt the ate6i I oodi and at oive6i I jPmeS in the tiiij. I itf.&Webbvb, fSufcl I 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i:i 1 1 1 1 1 nrnmnTi m ! DuncanM .McAllister&Co. ) m a 72 MAIX ST., S.iltliakc Cilv. - K C as Wholesale and Retail. . T s 2cs i J2 o 2 f r Ktf ' 4 " I NEWSDEALERS. I l ' I ' i c - lS TOTS. S -- - . ;iil! BOOKS ,,!i i r u g 3xo--7T3Xj,ri33s. r - 1 1 f J o Stationery.. 1st J ' c S Standard Books. Novels. " c s ! 9 S Histories. Travels. Health f I ublications. Church "Vorks.f I .school Books. Maprazlnes. Periodicals. tist3:ofibfeadnoEtefc Ls )But;they3neIt ougKmow.- nofobre el .erel.WireGauzeDooR & Gi vcesithe airlfn.theToven ful I p!ay.rt m XE -2-0-0- "WJi&r 'J H T-; BEST Buy the CHARTER OAK, FOR SALE BY 'WM Z.C. M. I., Sole Agents in Salt Lake City. H TT. r. Armstroai' Ceorio K. Bomaey. Secy, and Tress m - r' . LufflMard & SteamPIaningMill v TAYLOR, R0MNEY, ARMSTRONG CO., k 6a Block tut of U. C. B. B. Depot. " IK Studebaker Bros. Manf g Co. Jl ---s-IUJlQE BtPCHITORT, iflf Jt 85 Xtia Street, Branch Houw Corner BUto Bowl A SI Booth P1- H THE PIHEST CARRIAGE DISPLAY in the TERRITORIES! 1 UCTf AKB HEiVT WAGONS IN EVERY STYLE THAT IS &! V VehSetea for Publio and rrlTata Oft In All VarieUee and Wo H mo icirrs roa K lis TUbkr. Cluploa ui Flino Rmatiti Hachlnes ai BiW M i. L &s T.res.srs, Horss-Pawers, lz&m and UilL'. M Weir, Konison, Meliel A Soath Bend PIos, Hijfi" S IVaULra BOAD CJLKTS A3( HUM ESS or '"' SB We Invlt You to Call and See Us. H |