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Show I "teasMTsT: Hew Goodsl Spring ArriYalsI t t IN ALL THE ATTRACTIONS OF t NEW STYLES i i (oi , DRESS GOODS, i LADIES' STEAW HATS, j PARASOLS, : FLOWEBS, ETC., I3TO., i also a full LIXK OP I BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, ; Mens anil Youths' Hats, Caps, Etc. GENUINE BARGAINS! Fair Dealing and Good Goods ! LOW - PRICES, At TEASDEL'S. ;' The Burton-farter Co. IT BCBTOY, ITttt. GEO. r. FELT, Secy. W.C. BUUTOS'.araT. luitErrons. TT. S. IHJETOX. E. M. WKILEE, I- G. lLMtur, EU1S uoiir.is. O 1I.11ARDT. 11. DIltTOODhr, W.C. BURTON. j XCONFERENCE VISITORS Ate Kespectfullj Invited to Call at our Up-Town Ofllce, Opposite the Salt Lako Theatre, and Inspect our Samples of I COMBINATION FENCE Cheapest and Best Fence in the Market for All Purposes. DO NOT FAIL TO CALL FOR PRICE LIST. We have one of the Largest and Best Equipped LUMBER - YARDS 1 In the City, andwilla. , , ,,,..., -e in tunning order In a short time our I planing mill, i itn &L m m Maclunrey SI ELEOTEIOlaiY. (A Full Line of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings. Shingles, Lath, Pickets, Posts, Etc., Etc., Constantly on Hand. . j Inaugurate a Children's Carnival i FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE BELOVED LITTLE ONES. Monday rnornlns we'll vacate for the youngsters, and give them full charge of our famous Boys' and Chlldren'a Department. We'll endeavor to make them all happy and contented, regardless of consequences. Candidly Cand-idly speaking, there never was such a tremendous stock of Boys' Suits under un-der our roof before. Think of it! Several hundred patterns to select from, and dozens cf various makes, styles and deiigns. Our buyer spared no pains to gather the cream of the leading Eaj'ern manufacturers' productions, pro-ductions, and surely no novelty escaped his notice. I A Carnival a. A Picnic for JkJ for the One Week. j II 7 Little Ones. j Special Sale Wj W Every Suit I and r for less than I Special Iflli tne ReSu,ar I Prices. rP Price. I .A. DESCKIPTION IIS" BRIEF. B Our Knock-About Suits Our School Suits H aWlitj. K Our Fine Suits Our High Art Suits E Embrace the choicest of clotbs, saeh u nave no equal Is Uu cry, and Dot erea I B "owi.oieTMu.ejnerttil)U.eork. joperded by any city l thetlaloo. Al- HI SS." J-"-..- hdoiiely trimmed and WaTs tlie newest and me beat thai nooey . j "T Stalled. ard UI1 can produce, and yoa know It. ' K Our Kilt Suita Our Jersey Suits. j B italIiS'Ue vanety of the loveliest printers' Ink alone cannot d Juitlee to I iBr """'edtyarutue and tasty dress if the vanoes Biases and yomi Co de- ' H lighted II yon admire a clo-eHUuir far 9 Our Sailor and MiliUry SuiU reent enTonrbor. f ,!5''k"'niirauoaofttTdrenm.ohi Our Spring Wraps . JJ "idMiatlr decorated norelaM help Tils season differ somewhat from thoso ilTH "ronrdailiafboy to be admired by worn latt snnnr ; must be een to be ap- eveiyone precliled. Our Youths' Suits Our Shirt Waists. Need no comment: always the best of Exclusively tnaaafactsre'l for ej by the filling; rartnenu and of thebettof fabric ' "aothcra Jnead" and several other oon- . the mot Llahapcd yonth can be rUted with ' pared factories, are made according to our the lcatt of difficulty. directions, and this season loom np hand- fl ... aomely inrercaler, tateens.fiaaaelaAladru 1 Our Boys Hats eloth, etc : beatrurnl pattern, and well- Male almost a department alone, and U "- Sold all tha way from the raltry slotted tn'I of pretty ahapea of loti " oth nm of SSe "v ,i5a- I I aadfnrhau. 0nr ,,.,, tnd FabncJ 1 Our Latest Novelties Every suit conthts or more or less wool . Of this aeaaoa mentioned are material, and hcsesUy made op of such s ...... .. clolhaas E Coat, Vest and Knee Pants Scotch Cheviot e Lord Fauntleroy English Worsted 1, Sailor Suits, with Horn Whistles French and American Cassimerea 0 L Sailor Blouse, with Long Trousers Imported Tricots Gold and Silver Braided Middlesex Blue 1 Oypsey Kilt 3 Pieces Jerseys and Stockinetta Imitation Vest Suits California Flannels Axmlnistera, etc. etc. etc SIZES TO FIT A"Y BOV OR CHILD JJVIG OUTFITTERS. GOLDSMITH & CO, CLOtSs. i Ik UNDKRTAKRKS. HSTAULIOHBD lOOO JOSEPH ETrAYLOR. tar Mertaler of Ulal -tfaaafsetstr sad Dealer la alr.lsdi at-BeUIIie, at-BeUIIie, TTood and Cloth. Coreret COFFINS and CASKETS. ruiMinfiorcoFPii' rciuriMiife kept roaitantlj en band. Itiepbnt aad Telezraph Orders Proaptl" ruled. m BOm Preserved In their Natural Ooadl twoa without extrs. charge. OVfiN DA.V .A.2TC3 NIOKT Fac(oij2DdWarao.MfrSog8t -0M and a half blaela Eaat of Tntatra. Taxxruoyr o.. sCaoVSOmtl Inuraebnlldlnx J0S.W1LLIAHTAYL0B ' CTlfl'S LEADLNO DHDERTAKERiEHBALHEB t ciaar je uGXr ass orr com Rail stock or COFFINS, CASKETS And Undertaken' Goods In Utah, wnouuLs iD arrati, iT tmnentety ItEOVCED rSICSSl Lower thaa were ever offared u Utaa. LOTSlSfiEHHESrySi'SiV' BjaJoT- All Orders flllad day or nlxat la the ahortest potatbla crae. omcx ass wixsaoovs xxvza czorsD. 21 and MWEST TEMPLF STREET. r. O. Box SM. Txuraoaa SI QUONG CJOHG WING. Goods Cheaper than at Auction No. 20 WEST, FIRST SOUTH ST. Japanese, and Chinese Merchandise OT ALL S1.V1I8. ySlIkHaauTercuIefs.SIiasIs, fi ..nu.. cjfm China and Japan Ware. ZJJkQ JCST EECEIVED. I OAXaX. AKD MXAMnVH. DESERET EVENING NEWS. jo Copr ?nr I'Jl r"-. natx Om Oopx, iti mootU viUi Mtut, s.0. Ou CW.tkm dowii, litk MUtf CSC OwU-aU, fx. OmWmi, tie. Deserel Semi-Weekly News. iUtWUct tretj TwvUf mi FrUrj. Od Ckp7, oa r, "tUi pofUxe, JX.00 OMOoJaDOotlis, Witt portx. IT Oat Opfft UlTM BaoaUaj wtlh potnaf, 1.00 THE DESERET WEEKLY. One OepT. " J", with pMUft, JSJ0 Da Cop , all kionlhi, with pMtcr, UQ Am Cppy tlvre taoctlu, viU Pmu. 93 Paper at ' lVsiVn by null lurt tit teae tUmpsiti ufaa tScn. viilk fijTCt ppoJU H Inllatt rbn tht nbtip&xm will t tptrc Tor iMtaacc. JA 5Jk. Ill 9, mui Uut John Snh s iuWrlptioa d iplra oo tb ttin dajrof U 31th month tC tbltjcmr. or November Jib. ISO. SitwTibm t?m plAN aoUce tb IroTM oa ttiit paper, t ttxt thtf L't thdr proper crBt.&B4 fthoto Ltwrw when to trot their Klertptioai, tb rUn btii ta itop Lm pper wha ti isibocTipUoa t ipirj. THE DESERET HEWS C0MP1HT. Bjitr Lua cut. Otxa CHICHCSTCR'S ENCUS I PENNYROYAL PILLS f'.o cftosa oiaiaoMB aiiaMa A imc W I p-Myfe ,. w. lunmi wMsterntiwaMa H -luiirf r.r'eSut'.rsr.tj LU 55f if sawwaaaa 8 o 2 li. r Pi i WBsaam c"S 3 rj &- ifiS-'Ts " tf sass.3 1! S saaaBBF .Sa M 2. Jai 5-2 . 2 5 mcX gsHl 5 .-SUBSCRIBE .-SUBSCRIBE -rearm- . DeseretWeeldT, la GUPESTAiBES? mwm IH THE WK The Volume ccsmenced with Neir Yer. Bttk in, bers furnished aubicriber, st their Tokmei mH bt tte-plete. tte-plete. Half a year 26iuv ben Trill make a oandsoms Tolune of about 800 pages, and all for $1.50. 0T a whole jear 52 nnabere for only $2.50. Compare lize and nnmber of pagu rrita those of other magazines, ties think of getting it Ooce a Week ostead of Ooce 2 Montli and be convinced that yea will geJ at least Fodi Times the AmonDt of Readfnf matter that yon wonld ii aiy other western magaziie, according ac-cording to price, and that too Of a Superior Character. lew la the tine U tub eribe, that yon may hare the Tolnse complete, not alcie ferytir ewi reading hit thai wfyosrchildrei aid fitare geaeratioit. Tht Deseret Weekly will U the beat earreat record of Chard History is existence, ad is that respect will be a Tillable aciisitioa to any as or pnblle library. The Deseret Weekly is also the heal publication U send abroad to Xisiionariet, Saiiit r ttmgen who are iBresti jaMig the Gospel, becasss of . the diieoanet and other doe-triial doe-triial article contained in it. A Tlime aight be lllel I with the Ttlntary eoaiaMi- atiti f th Deseret Weekly already reeeired, batwe prefer pre-fer to let it ineak for ittelt 8end for a sample copy ui Judge of its merit. 1' BLACK SILKS, Wrileiowliegiilar Prices 31-tnrb Ilcnvy JtUek flros Grain SHU, at 31.00 per jar.l. Rrcnlar price St.lO. S3-lDrh niitk Armnr Royal, nl BI.OO ptrysiil. err col qualltr HloeU Tallle rrnuealse, urs-le per jr4. llmiy nll-Mlk lllnck Knruli, l.o finnlllr for T3e ter yrtvd. Nplendld qnallly Colorc.l I utile, onr rccnlnr SIJ23 quality fr"3e. DnUSS O003DS. SO pieces very liandODe2.lnclirtprlnr ut Suuiuier Dress (loads. at I3i,e. Tbrse contain a tnrse snrlely of lllnrulnntrtl t lors and dealcns. Inclndlnr ltlack, ami ore Hie let lloff have ctrr ortrresl at the price. 30 pieces SS-lnch H.m.1 Slrlpc.l Inlllne". In Hsu I rotors, at ST'Je per yard. Hold at llic brzlanln rthr wa.n tt Oe. 10O pieces (halllcs. IrFbcanllnil new telsns. at 1e per yard. TUe blsant barsalns In tlialllc oe sknll br able la otrcr this arason. A beaullrnl lot or Wool Uislllcs, at 23e per ynnl. Ziahxus' tjd-xiaps. lTa otrcr a lot or ( ortlct rapes at W and iO. a3J30"CJT TTTaX a?IUOH. Idln- Jlohalr Unslcrs. at X20, US 00, STJO and upward. Aolwlltulandloc the cimnuan. bnslnos nr liaio alreadr done In I Jul Irs Wraps, Me are all!! sbonlos a Rood aorltnrnl la this line; reduced pliers will n.H prrvall In I lie cud ortbe arason. TTe oner a lot or Ladies Uiazrrs. at M3 3o and Sl.oo. G-IiOVES VlXr30 MITTS. Ladles Urrlin (.latrs. at lo anil lie per pair, rrrfect riltlnx Lisle Cloves, In ".ursle Sbadrs. at 20. 11, 10 and 3ee a ialr. TatTrta 111k dorrs, at 30. 31. 10 and CSc a pair. Pnrr Ii(ll.li Silk (.lairs, at lo. 73 and 81. oo a pair Mlk JrrNcy Jtlll.. at 13, 30. 33. lo. in. so and G3r a ulr. W, rail allrullon to onr llur or 13-lurli SwUs Embroidered llaunc-Incs, llaunc-Incs, wblcb In almply mnrvnuu. nr llnr rontaltr rvrcy new dralsru and pattern In use this srasou, aad al all prices Trout SOe to HI OO per yard. , XinctloM' Summor TJnclorwronr. ffr plare on sale 100 doaria Lndlr Jrrwy Rlbbrd Low.nrrk and Nlrrvelrstcsls.at lO OEIflTS .A. PrCOU. lery line Jersey ltltibcd -esls. In While and Idlbelssans. al 33. so and S3c a piece. We have received a mil slock or Children--, (luruip Wbltr Iprons and Dmws, alaes trout 3 to 1 year. G-o:o.ta' E'xTLaraaJ.rjT-i 1ns Oooda, Xrn's Online llannrl Summer Shlrl. at 30r. yteu'a 1 rrnrh Italbrlarran Shirt aud llrawrrs. at SOe prr Mall. Mcu's hocks, excrllrnt (.rrntau tiitkr. In Tan and Ilodea. X pairs for 30e. Men's hocks, very superior quality,!'";!!,!, Itibbed.ln Oifsrd Ml.ed. yt odrs. Tana and t nblearhrd, at 33r a pair, lie rlalm Ihla lo be the brat Hair IIoe aold In this ruunlry: lo bny them onre Is la buy thent always. dents Silk .Scarf. In rndlrss varirly orpretly sty lea and drsh;as.al 33c. 2VXotli.o-i--X'xd.or.cl Slxlx't-XsT'AlMt'U. We have received a larsr shlpiurnt or this relebraletl make or Ilaj. Nhlrt Waltts, lu lliilln; llannrl nnd f-reneb Perralea. conw uhos. aps IT STANDS to REASON SkNu-rrvtfT"' li?fr7jt3sTVa that stoves which for over f(WffiS33GHs) ssiEflassTDiE! ,ffgjJLiZ ancl oulck workers. If you VXioSsK rSlf'l'-k Vi'JexVX want a Stove, buy an Zv?:SsSrft JJVnVn ACORN. anttyouwIILalwaya yf.SLJj!XSS' praise It. ONE MILLION IN USB! Sold Exclusively by The Utah StoYe & Hardware Co., 39 &41 E. First Soutb St. BYasei & ClialiTiers, MINING MACHINERY. - C IMXT, OEX tTESIEKS MAKAGCR. o. 7 W. SECOND 30CTU 3TZXET. SALT LIKE CITT. Dulldcru A; loloi-s la. JAl, IIii(lf nCSiIaaixiaory, ELECTKIC IJGIIT PIiAiTtS, ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, qoarrj DrilU, Ifell-CoorlD? MacMats, Dlaraond Core Drills, WATER WHEELS. LOCOMOTIVES. STEAM MOTORS. Sols Wesufm Agents for Tyers Iron Works Doubla Crimped Sllnlns riotha Helena OSee, UooB3.Merc!ucti SaUeaalluak naUJiiir, No I N.S.'alo 5L. H!ena CORTICELL1 SPOOL SILK, VSa?b, EmlTraMErjl gilt. Ijppa $S AND KNITTING iILK ARE UNLQVM.ED. iAJtia iar7o. Florence Silk Undenvear, FILOSELLE, HOSIERY AND KNITTING SII.K ARE StTtRB CORTICELLI SILIC MILLS tronodrd years aadJ THE GREATEST IH THE WORLD. ailtirtsiit 5o. 0i s. BroalVar, St, VkU. cn.uaraoj,iut. NONOTUCK SILK CO. KacloM C rents In Samps far IUotlraled -acc-lle Work. "Early Breakfast" rBBBBSsaSaasmmmmmmmmmB BSsW talBWSsmMaaBBasaaaB "kU- ,- -. csejJS'-Tmm-,--wvat v2ttan iasmmmmmmmmmmsaassTvJaBH' FOR COAL OR WOOD. Ibore eat rtprtseatj oar "ElBLY BREAKFiSF' Trltfa Six Holes tad Portable Enameled Copper Besexrolr, Heavier than the Heaviest - Better than the Best. THK HOST COMPlTt:'"ITtJ"irar'-o"i?THE AOC " FACLTLESS IX ETEBT RESPECT. I rbe Utab Stoye & Hardware Co.. 39&41 E, First Sontb St I WHY IS IT? I idooooooooo o eooooooooo ;9il WHEN PASSING Wt islHiDINWOODEfS I FURNITURE, . . ,' ' 1 CARPET 0 J . ' WALL PAPER I ESTABLISHMENT I We see 2 large transfer wagons unloading, jfl . and 3 delivery wagons continually H hauling out? it is ninojSwTJSJa TTrnin. H Variety & Largest! eee I -Quality Best! I 4 PRICES THE IiOWEST. DONT FORGET TO VISIT H.DINWOODEY'S 37 to 43 W. First South St. Salt-XiELke .City ,XJtali. E. C. COFFIN I JrDU,rE ?0 I vl. 1 PEOGEESS - BTJILDIiTG 1 jaasl We are now ready to promptly at- fl tend to the wants of all who are needing Hardware, Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Etc. Our prices .9 - are sure to suit. Our goods are sure to please, and if you will pay us a visit it will afford us pleasure to meet you whether you buy or I not, and you may see just what you I have been looking for a long time. I ICWUiiMM I R. K. THOMAS, sS26-S8J-30-32 East, FIRST" SOUTH STREET, Respectfully leTltes all his old pat- 1 rHS and friends to call on Mm at 1 his aew quarters. Parchasers will ' elrtain there all the advantages of selecting from a large stock at Low " est Prices ia a perfectly lighted store. In the baseaent six counters are ieYoted to bargains, where my wintry trieails will be able to bny gwds at at&ut one half their value. ' R. K."tH0MAS, j I |