Show Orson Spencer Sets Mark for Antelope Swim Annual Paddling Marathon 1 Most 1 Successful in History The annual seven mile swim from rom Antelope island to Saltair Beach on 2 was the most successful in W J from point points point's s 's of at f exciting fin fin- fishes entries and 2 A. A k talent j of paddlers IJ 0 Orson 5 x 4 Spencer one of the he best nat na- na t in the state t. t 21 iise seta a new record record to ff Vl win the rae race finishing fin fm- just 10 yards J ahead of Charles Charlesi i i W 1 Welch h Jr t His time was s 2 1 i hours 25 minutes I h r M Jj 41 U seconds breaking break break- f pi 1 tl I ing the the former record of ot mt J made Professional Professional Protes- Protes by C. C S. S Leaf in Spencer 1919 Welch was just 17 17 seconds behind Spencer ex ex- ending tending him all the wa way Only 2 seconds behind John Kimball Kimball Kimball Kim- Kim ball was Ray flay Welch who took fourth Kimball ended the grind in Welch in Tom Welch who nosed out Arthur Van by 2 seconds took filth fifth place Welchs Welch's time Van time lime a junior was first in that hat class Lewis Carroll Carron and John Thomas both oth juniors were vere next to finish their task Thomas trailed Carroll by 52 seconds Carrolls Carroll's time Thomas' Thomas time The rest fin finished shed in the following order Harold Wise Vise Philip Garfield Don Larsen Earl arl Hardy Jr Mrs Droubay The latter was the only woman woman woman wo wo- wo- wo man entered |