Show Dont Don't Be a Street Ostrich Like the ostrich that hides its head had headIn hadin in n. n th the sand and thinks it Is Js safe many pedestrians cross heavily traveled thoroughfares ares with their heads buried burled in a a. a newspaper under umbrellas or coat oat collars They apparently assume that hat drivers of approaching automObiles automo automO- biles will see them and md stop They do donot donot donot not realize th that t the attention of f the driver may may also be diverted The practice of blindly crossing the street is particularly noticeable in cold rainy weather During such periods periods pe pe- pe- pe nods extra care Is required on the part of every pedestrian and car owne owner You can h help lp by not being a street ostrich The American American- Automobile association tion gives the following simple rules of ot crossing the street 1 Look to the left before leaving the curb and to the right upon reach reach- Ing lag the center of the thoroughfare 2 Cross only on the green light at controlled crossings and within safe ty lines 3 When caught In a traffic jam never dodge back and forth but stand standstill standstill still and allow the automobiles to pass |