Show City Rapidly Becoming Important as Convention City of West 95 Meets Meet Chamber in 15 Arranged by Months 4 M Municipal ni A Auditorium 1 Held as Greatest Need for Developing De Do vei Trade By Br WINIFRED P P P. BALLS RALLS I Manager l of the Convention Department Department Depart Depart- 1 ment Salt Lake Like Chamber hamber of CO Com Coin I merce Evidence that Salt Sali Lake i is fast becoming becom becoming be be- com coming ng one of the important convention convention convention conven conven- tion cent centers s of the west is shown bythe by bythe byl the fact tact that 95 conventions have been booked during the past 15 months bythe by bythe the the- convention bureau of the Salt Lake chamber of commerce Fourteen of these conventions are national in scope 32 regional and 46 state stat and district Although some some of them already have h b been en held a large number arc are booked for 1932 three for 1933 and andone one for 1936 WOULD BRING Approximately delegates willbe will willbe willbe be attra attracted to Salt Lake by these meetings and will bring large amounts of ot money to the community that oth oth- I would not become a part apart apart of our economic wealth Surveys Surveys' have hate proven conclusively conclusive ly that the convention visitor will spend not less than 10 IQ a a d day y But If we use th the lowest possible estimate of 8 per day we will find on figuring figuring figur figur- ing a three-day three stay for or each delegate that Salt Lake will be nearly 1000 richer through the development of the tourist business There Is but one factor lacking to develop Salt Lake as a great convention conven conven- convention conven- conven tion center and nd that Is a municipal auditorium A A. number of large convention groups such as the American Nurses American Nurses Nurses' association and the American Medical association have indicated a desire to convene in Salt Lake just as soon as facilities arc are available FACILITIES NEEDED Vl With th t the meager facilities we now have Salt SaIt Lake has been able to attract n a a good share of national D. D and d regional meetings but if we could offer of of- fer other organizations interested In Incoming coming to Utah a modern auditorium it is believed that we could de develop elop within from five to ten years one of the most moat outs P outstanding ng c convention nv n lo c centers cen cen- In fn the United Stat States es In Jn the past California RC Plc Fl Florida ride rida M Minnesota N New York Ohio hf l Wiscon sin Geor Georgia g i a and and Colorado have re re- re cre ved d the bulk of the 9 convention and tourist business totaling mor more mole g th than ia ri In other words about t t left two thirds wo thirds of this huge ge sum has bus b been cn with these eight third states and one- one divided among the the thc states r remaining 40 It is 11 significant ing the that hat the e clUes cities showing show show- showing during largest gains in in po population p on the past 10 years are also t the e outstanding mg convention cities It is also Important to to note that the buying power o of i convention delegates is not curtailed through economic conditions They go to conventions with full knowledge that e exp expenses es will total a certain amount ant A convention convention con con- me means volume cash business for the city in which h it held bound S Such ch to II d' p prolific field of at f revenue is be attractive to all large larg cities clUes and there is the keenest pc petition to tion for competition com com- this business There Is no not nota t a city ity of the any size o or r Importance in inthe in United States or Canada which does docs not maintain a convention buIt bu bu- reau It is vital ital that this work receive full support from m the citizens of Salt L Lake eke both In funds and man power thereby providing the essential necessary necessary essary to a larger and more effective success in the battle for this cash business busi busi- ness Th i period of economic stress is an ideal time to promote leash cash market such a |