Show St li a S These Twinkled Over 1931 Tennis Courts j 5 S 'S I S i w ih 4 I 1 X LM I I i 7 5 f j 5 1 U. U VAN MOoDY LLON Ellsworth Vines Vin 1 1 Proves ves Leading Nelter for 31 Coast Youth Captures All AU Important U. U S. S Cups Mrs l Moody Stars By Henry McLemore United Press Cor Correspondent The story of mens men's tennis in 1931 is the story o of H. H Ellsworth Vines Jr of Pasadena Cal COlI This gangling 19 year-old year youngster young ster iter just another W high school boy with a racquet in his hands hands' two years ago came out DUt of the west at atthe atthe atthe the beginning of the 1931 tennis season season sea sea- son son and proceeded eded to sweep the thema majar major ma ma- jor jar league circuit I as is no other player 4 has las as done since w Wiliam Wil lh 1 ham iam Tatem Til Tilden tt den II was high ligh wide and handsome I When Vi Vines n e s Vines smashed to a deci deci- sive triumph over George Lott LoUin Lottin In the final round of the mens men's national singles championships he brought brough broughto to a close the most sensational year yeara a player has enjoyed since knighthood was in flower and men wore watch fobs Before he came cast east Vines cleaned up the coast With all the far west honors in his pocket Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ells Ells- worth proceeded to take the national nation l clay court title the Longwood Bow the Seabright Bowl the Newport Cup i and the mens men's national Just for good goad measure he paired with a fellow Call Call- I Keith Gledhill and won half haU halfa J a dozen more important doublet trophies J T Tennis fans lans as well as tennis ex ex- t perks pens arc unanimous in me opinion that Vines is the finest amateur player to player to appear on the horizon sine since Tilden and that with the dour viS dour Californian In the up line-up next year America will make a tremendous bid for the Davis Cup j S VINES HAS EVERYTHING a. Vines has everything a champion ampi n ne needs needs needs-a ds-a ds a devastating drive amazing speed off the ground a a tre tremendous tremendous' service and overhand smash and D n ideal competitive temperament Hi Ills temperament is probably his mOlt mt Important asset Nothing him No matter how superbly his op opponents play no matter how bad h liD bl breaks Vines refuses to self-possession self to be shaken He proved this when he came from be behind hind against Johnny Doeg and Jr Jred d Perry at Seabright and Forest Hills Hill If Vines improves in 1932 as asas m mas mas m- m as he did In 1931 he is take his place among th the the- immo of American tennis rf WOMEN'S TENNIS TENNIS I The story of at women's tennis teanis iz 1 Is the story of Mrs Helen Moody who ClIme came back to resto invincibility af er ater cr a years year's abrom ab abs from rom the courts Before Mrs Mis L began her campaign to win ba bac laurels she forfeited in 1930 i j reported that hours of made her game even more dev dey Ing lag by supplying an adequate stroke her one weakness in The These c reports proved corre there was no woman either cither hi h abroad who was able to rn mate mat t in any sort of fashion Mrs wound up her 1931 campaign b bl sling nine her seventh national U ti Mrs Eileen Bennett of England j in th round antI and completing her year without the loss of ot a set gl play 4 Mrs Moody also captain American Cup tea tear defeated the British matches to two On tho the open of play Mrs Moody defeat Phyllis Mudford Miss Helen Helenl defeated Miss Miss Betty Betty i n L Lawrence A. A Harper defea defeat Dorothy Round to give the clean and a a 3 to 0 lent S SCORED OBED ONLY r P POINTS INTS On the second day o ot co cor Mrs Moody Moody and and Miss Miss' Jacob Jacol cd ed Miss and lind Mis Misa respectively The British scored their only points fr In Mrs D D. C C. Sheppard Sheppard-Barron T I J J Mudford defeated Miss Sarah Palfrey EIleen Bennett stall and Mix defeated Mrs Moody and Mrs MB Harper Americas America's victory in the WIghtman I Cup was particularly gratifying in view of bf the fact that it was the Brit Brit- Davis ish-Davis C Cup Jeam team which spoiled this i I hopes of meeting France In the challenge round After b breezing through tho the zone inter competition competition com com- petition the Americans were blasted II out of the picture by the inspired rackets of Bunny Austin and Fred Perry ISi Sidney B. B Wood Jr a of New York winner of the Wimbledon singles title when hen his Davis cup partner Frank Shield defaulted because of a Ie leg Injury In in- jury was was' the big disappointment against th the English Wood failed ailed to win either of his matches losing both to Perry and Austin Shields broke even even winning from Perry but losing lo to Austin George Lott and Johnny Van Ryn fresh from their victory at their part by defeating defeat defeat- m fag ing Perry and nd G. G GP P. P Hughes ENGLA DEFEATED nd hen went on to meet Prance Fance ranee in the final and was defeated three matches to two Henri Cachet Cochet agai wa bright star winning both nth his singles jingles matches and pairing with Jacques Brugnon to defeat Hughes and aid Charles Kingsley in the doubles double engagement that decided the Borotra slowed up by age ige lost both his singles tests Ameri Americas America's a loss to Great Grent Britain came as ail a distinct surprise for Shields and arcI W Wo d In advancing to the Wimbledon Wim Wim- final had eliminated both Perry and ISA Austin America won a third title tills tills-at at Wimbledon when Lott LoU and arid Harper won the n mixed doubles doubles dou dou- bles championship The women's sin singles Kles crown Ct w was s taken by Cilli Austin Aus Aus- tin of Germany who defeated Fraulein Frau Frau- Vinkel lein In the final round had reached the round with a surprise victory over M Miss s Helen Jacobs Oth titles and their HI 1931 winners follow yen Ueal Johnny double Johnny Yin Via Rye Ryn and aneS to double s. Mrs Eileen Dennett Bennett 1 and JoUas Betty BettJ Bowl women M Mrs rI Helen Helen Wini C. C Bugi BacU HI NU 1 T T. Tu ien bOy boys boys' uncles Frank PArker Cram and Judge Julin DI t boy boa bOJI doubles doublet double Gene Maeo iaco aco and aneS |