Show English W Women ome in in Politics 1 Over Exclusion From Ca CaB CaBy Ca B By MILTON BRONNER NEA NEe Service ervle Writer LONDON Dec 31 31 Women largely gave jave the British national government ti its ts big majorities in the recent nationwide nationwide na- na wide tion-wide election for a new house of commons and fifteen women sit in n the new house Yet for the first time ime in seven years there is not a woman holding a post in th the government govern govern- ment And arc are they angry about it Echo thunders thunders They They are arc Lady Astor started things thing even belore before be- be lore fore ore Prime Minister MacDonald an an- flounced his cabinet On the very first day the new house of commons met net she quizzed him about his bunch of advisers and tried t td ex ex- tract from irom him some advance information mation as to whether the women voters were going to be recognized Ramsay Mac put her off with a bantering reply which told her ex exactly exactly nothing But the next mornings morning's mornings morning's morn- morn ings ing's papers did Not a w woman man was included in the cabinet of twenty Whereupon some of the women's publications began making angry comments about it And not a fe few of the thc womans woman's political organizations organizations have discussed it And this is rather serious because in England and Wales Vales alone the I women voters exceed the mere men by over Shortly after afteL- the world war parliament granted the vote to all women over 30 years years of age Then about five years ago agoStan Staney Start Stan Icy ley ey Baldwin then Tory premier put through a bill which gave the vote to o all women over 21 They were thus hus at last on an equal footing with the men The tory die hards were furious with Baldwin The They said he would live to rue the day when he heave gave ave the vote to the flappers Then came the election of 1929 and I sure enough labor had the most members in the house of ot commons I with the tories second Hence MacDonald MacDonald Mac Mac- Donald formed his second labor government gov gay And every tory hard die said reproachfully to Baldwin what we owe to the flapper flap flap- I per vote But in the election held last Oc Cc- tober there was a different tale Everywhere the women seem to have flocked to the polls to vote for the national government ticket So they saved the day everywhere For instance MacDonald himself himsel ran ranas ranas ranas as a national labor candidate in his old district of ot Seaham The miners are arc powerful there and so is their union and their union was dead deac against MacDonald In his meetings it was noticed that the men sat silent That was a bad sign But the thc women flocked about the premier and assured assured as as- him they were for him They were He was sent back by over majority Not only did the thc women vote ote for the national tc ticket et but they hammered hammered ham ham- to defeat every woman labor M. M P P. P who sat in the last parliament Not one ne of them was reelected Susan Lawrence the scholar among t the e 4 women M. M Po Ps P.'s in th the thc house Margaret the debater L 1 lO Phillips organizer of th section of the labor party f kinson the r red haired figh fight as Perky Jenny Lee f t fand and baby of the house house- I beaten But the new new house conti women M. M Ps P.'s than any in history Fourteen of them Including Lady Astor Lac and Duch Duches s of Athol The Thc s rv Miss S Megan teg n Lloyd Geo like ike her distinguished father back from Wales as an L. L q Q MacDonald's excluding from rom his Ills new government is remarkable beca because se of the 1 women answered his his' appeal L ional government but also he was the pioneer prime mi mif appointing women to office he ic formed his first labor gave gaW gaWn in n 1924 he named Miss Bond parliamentary secretary to tJ ii ister ster of labor When his tory government In 1 named the Du Duchess hesS of ot Athol secretary to the I j of education th thus s Donalds Donald's s footsteps Then when MacDonald Ion fori second labor government in again Sam set up a record He MIss Bond as minister c cS J She w was s thue the thc S first wo British history to hold a full post I |