Show We Motto Of D nis s Club 9 W Wor r Explained B D JEFFERSON Edit Ed Lake We WeB B I 1 I the the motto of oC Kiwanis an inter interI 1 service ervice organization through more more than leading IS s and professional men U of oC the enabled States and Canada are arc arefe fe e c In a a constructive pro pro- g unity ity d development and dIng Each prise Each th men who com corn is directly con con- crating local Kiwanis club o op Ope P Peach own community and each m each lesan esan e an active part In the thc ram iram ra n of his club Local cl clubs a a. a for add addi dd clency in operation and all fu fun organic through an inte international BELIE BELIE N CHURCH not a tion lion b elleves in God it is non non- t it believes es In the church it is n rational cation aI b but t believes believes' i in n schools It a be ben ration but or ani not tends political for b ut belle belleri e sand inand an it co is good gOve t It is international in in- loyal to flag f seo bUt bat passionately and co it hates for malty mality it fosters ios f tea ala P an d true t lt ip BW compan interested felloWship it Is s n not t in a in a man nap Purse but in 10 hIS his personality pot o in cash h but i in n character h Kiwanis Although the organ organized fd program o of covers a nut many its major objective tive is the he development de de- Of oY underprivileged chil- chil dren The in local club ii especially In this is particular branch of work Two Plans of action are used one ot of which operates operate through an established es cs- boys boys' club land Jand the thc other through ugh individual effort of ot members TRIPLE DEVEL DEVELOP lEN ENT The boy boys boys' club pral is one of ot physical cal cat moral an and f mental development en through the medium ii of ot gymnasium classes t o otic e evening each week at the public safety gymnasium This work Is in fri charge of ot a boys boys' club committee and directed is-directed by R. R VT rd director of ot the Deseret assisted by mem memo bers of the University of ot Utah football squad J 1 While the major activity of deals deals' With wilh th the und underprivileged child It J Is by y no the only one in In I which the local F club lub Is b active All 1 matters connected with community welfare engage the att attention of the organization and no effort Is Is' S' S spared to make it the kind of a club it w was wa s s intended to be at the time of ot outs its or or organization r. r one one for or r real al servi service c. c |