Show l r Leader I IR R High High- tiri Scorer 4 s second cond time in as many year Captain Frank Christensen of the thc championship University of I J Utah team walked off with individual scoring hon honors rs in inthe inthe the Rocky mountain moun moui- taft tain conference Chris I fF rattled off thirteen n t touch touchdowns touchdowns' 0 U c h downs downs' to 4 lead the the scoring and added TX f parade V M sixteen t. t n points point with place kIcks icks after wS t o ii ch downs to t 3 amass amm a total of 94 markers mar k e r II His Hi 3 spree which lasted last c ed td most of the sea season son sons boosted Utah to the class of teams which which plied up points or Christensen more snore Utah Ut h find fin- fin d the year with i s n atta attack enemy on-enemy n goal goalS S was felt most moat against College oll gel Idaho dabo da o and Brigham Y Young ni against ains Ich ch teams he scored eight t touch touches ch- ch Iwas I es four ur fu in each b battle each Colorado lar d j g es and and Colo Cob university lo and one one against the Bab h constituted the regain regain- of ot his scoring Ho He was was' was for or counters against Washington uni- uni Ir Denver universitY Col Colorado rado leg ego ge and Oregon I State t college allege |