Show TO TO- TOHA HA VEN VEAl BETlY BLAm BLAm- BLAm With 4 Attain Affairs of or and kindred problems ONLY will b be b. discussed in 4 thI department Sni and reQue requests ls for tor advice should b be addre ed to m LAZE LAKE Letters HEARTS HEART'S HAVEN TELEGRAM SALT lm E only one sido or of the peper Write r lie upon that fOU OU append the right name and arid address but butin It II i-i n held in strict confidence and will by no means mean Appear appear appear- Will be tn these t. j ONE LACKING MANY SUITORS f D Dear ar Blair BIaIr but IY Mr problem Js is vert much happier II If I would be Ufe hurt bead hat to do o uhl tell nil my 7 of It i J mm am m 19 years yeats-of yeats been completely are age and ancl Y all been men meant any any- None of alike Uke t me t to me Many lany have proposed refused bun been 1 think No I am not of past pasi knoW something my II mud question I 1 have no now to s s my f man of my dreams the one whom I like Uke t to make hap hap- But how bow S 'S 9 Jr lives close dose neighbors to to tome me ills His Cither other ither He Be Is 15 crippled and cnn cannot ol attend 71 8 sl at should i like use to k her ber p work as as' S lee him loot look hs his best for all oc- oc to see see- I t taken ken on onn have I therefore of doIng up lila his the Job bands n sr shirts anI and W his clothes In good for lor forbat sh pe He lie admires admire's me greatly I III what bat I do but hut It gets Ket no farther He lie Heh II h distant and friendly lie Is a a. avery ery Ii elsome and clever fellow lie He loves Joves so to do L He Isn't t present but hot pta money moner from his p par par- r- r tots Si He Be knows a treat great deal about my put vast u life but be he treats me with a great Krut reat meto to his deal leal of respect and Ind presents presenta me friends However when I see him alone lont he be is to IJ- sU silent nt and anel cool I have tried to act ad upon what whai I know his to be of Gf his ideal but there it still l Is Is' that silence and coolness ss It har harts burta lIe Inc He acts as though he be were something back Perhaps re Will TOO please help belp me Thanks BILLIE Your Tour gesture of ot doing up the shirts and md taking care of his clothes is so evident as a ruse so to catch the young m plan n that we cant can't think he be has failed tailed to see ee the motive back of ot your ac ac- ac- ac tion lion If yours had been a genuine desire to help the crip crippled led mother yo you could have managed to slip in ine inthe inthe the e house unknown m to the son and nh th hi dishes for her or Der orm m no ta task k oi or or at her request iron the shirts shuts upon the promise promis fr from her that that's she e would not son you had done it It seems to me that the situation n tacks heD delicacy acy It H you ou were a paid attendant that would be another m matter but to deliberately take it upon yourself to k keep ep the young man n his best for all occaSIons occasions is IS to tomy my mind presuming a great deal It seems ho no an act to purchase purchase purchase pur pur- chase th the respect and admiration tion of the boy and offers otters itself as an excuse to throw yourself in his wa way Purchased respect is not genuine The boy no doubt feels that he owes it to you to speak t to you and introduce you to his friends when you are there thu but his silence and coolness when y you u ar arc alone with him Indic indi Indi- c ratEs t that an an embarrassing situation ii- ii uncreated created for him that you oU should seek ek to avoid It lIt Iv your conduct condu t continues ta to besuch be besuch such that you really merit the there re respect re- re Ip apt t of ot the boy you can self lucky But the themore more you deliberately de yourself throw at his head the less less' likely he is to lo like you You do not Jive so far from him but that he be could drop in to your home in neighborly fashion Ithe felt so inclined in inclined in- in dined and later receive an invitation from llam you to do so again The love situation will not be forced And Arid from time immemorial there have been women who have suffered the pangs of unrequited love e en have fo found nd great greatness ss by jP ving ving- to forget torget in creative ways Their grief erid has led them to become actresses s or poe poets or painters w r great in hi some other lin line that best expressed themselves Broken hearts accompanied by little minds have d t to their grief and nd have havee e by the world Live great gret Billie that will like ike you out of the arms of men into intoe e of creative interests The inge ge will be good for you THE E SILLY AGE er r. r Blair l Iam just 14 U aa U you must SW is b the silly are age I have had bad any ny alee boy friends but I have eec Yer bad had one yet who knew how rood 7 Neither do I and makes Baker my mother very Tery angry me ra Mother I Ither other ther doesn't mI mind my joint with boys l but nt ut she objects to our ding out Gut o on the porch laughing w talking for nearly an hour when rea reach each h home I set get chilly these winter and Im I'm sure the 11 do too Then It Ii 1 is embarrassing hive vr mother call me In She Slie watts walls for or r me e almost almod 7 t always Help want Lv by r- r TONY ii your yours boy frIends friend need log ng And pining since they seem not J be getting gettin the kind of of oc train training Ing they need in their own homes it is just up up to you to teach them something about what is the proper thing to be bedone done wh when n you you arrive home Say Saylo Sayto to lo them one and all My lIy is is isa a darling She cant can't sleep when I Iam Iam Iam am out so I must say night good-night now so she can settle settle down down for lor the night and get some sleep The boys will probably be as DoS you to have hava a definite way of saying night good Who knows but mothers mothers moth moth- ers are waiting up for them too Fourteen may ma- mabe be a silly age for you youl but for mothers who have children that young it is an an anxious age Im I'm sure y you u will win the eternal regard regarda a of all the mothers co concerned if it you will take this duty upon yourself YEAR LEAP-YEAR PARTY Dear Miss Misi Blair A crowd of ot us girls i Is- Is Isare are going oln to tohle have a year leap ear pari party Is it all right firM for us to ask uk the boys we want to tobe be our partners We are going to stand all aU the expenses of ot the party and there will wilt be dancing We want to ask the boys for lor the dances Do you think they will object to this Many lany thanks BIPEDS year Leap-year offers offer legitimate license to girls to give parties invite the boys whom they want for lor partners pay all the expenses a and d engage the dances dance The Trie matter of paying the expenses expenses ex ex- can an be kept away from the observation of the thc boys boys- so that no embarrassment will be cause S Some me girls have asked whether or n not t. t they should call for lor the boys and take them horns homo from year leap-year parties and the answer is No uNo Leave this one ne chivalric action for the thc boys bas to perform so that tha their ego may not suffer too greata blow TREATMENT FOR FLABBY FACE Dear Miss Bl Blur Blair lr I have DoUe noticed d lately that my face lace Is Is' very flabby Please tell me what causes this and what to do to make my face muscles more more firm Thank you ou MRS B. B Flabby skin and muscles are but another name for tired tired skin skin and mus mus- cles des One of th the outstanding characteristics characteristics char char- of the skin is its elasticity But most of us us abuse this elasticity W We c stretch our skin into flabbiness and by Improper mats maV sage insufficient sleep Is another thing that pu puts put a strain on the springiness spring spring- iness mess of the skin To b be on the safe saCe side in the mat ter of ol giving yo urs el mas mac massages massages sages with your favorite cream alWays always al always al- al ways pat the face or neck with the finger tips r rather ther than rubbing or k kneading it il Occasionally by way of prevention pat on n the white of an l cg egg o over er th the face tace and throat before going to 10 bed and leave leavo the strengthening strength strength- ening firming egg mask on the skin until the morning It may then be washed off oU with tepid water followed fol fol- lowed by the usual cold water waler rinse Following is an In n excellent astringent astringent astrin astrin- gent lotion for flabby skin Orange flower water 8 tincture ounces ben benzoin ado Oin 1 4 1 Slowly add the the orange-flower orange water a few drops at a time until the required amount has been used up If the mixture produces an uncomfortable feeling of at stiffness add more orange flower water FOX TERRIER PUPS POE FOR GIFT terrier terrier puppies puppies will make excellent New New- Year gifts for friends frienda offering a a- rood good home They may be he bad had by at IU West Wed Second South e S 'S I |