Show 1 Ely Shows Shows' How Bids Permit Inferences Points Ponts Out Necessity for Making Finesses Under Certain Conditions By ELY CULBERTSON Who Has Dramatized Bridge e for Millions 1 Copyright 1931 NEW YORK Dec Dee 31 After 31 After registering regIs regis- light losses on two successive successive evenings we returned to our winning win ning Wing ways last night in our rub her ber match with Mr Sidney S. S Lenz and his partner to determine the comparative comparative com corn merits of the approach approach forc forc ing and official systems of contract t bidding Our net gain in points was wa s one one- of ot the largest made in any se session ses s lion sion although the hands were fa far r from spectacular while interesting from the thc standpoint of the thc student o othe ol or orthe f the game The next to the last rubber of the evening was featured by the making makin g of a slam contract by Jo after o our ur opponents had scored one game an and d had a n partial score on the second We later won the rubber which gave u us usa usa s anew a new high score for the match The final score toni tonight ht was 2022 0 points in our favor This w was was s a gai gain glin n af ot points during the session There yet remain 30 rubbers to b be bc e played I We won five lve o of the eight rubbers rubber I played last night DRAWS INFERENCE The first rubber of the evening gave e I an opportunity for me to draw a aver vcr very beautiful inference from my wife's wife s response to my opening bid of on one c Diamond The hand was North Mr spades Lenz-spades Spades J 10 9 9 8 3 Hearts 4 4 3 Diamonds K 8 a Clubs J 8 a 7 6 6 West Mr Culbertson Culbertson Spades Spades 5 4 42 2 Hearts A Diamonds A J 10 9 3 2 Clubs K Q 5 East Mrs Culbertson Culbertson spades Spades K Q 7 Hearts K Q J 9 7 5 2 Dia Dla monds Q Clubs 10 9 South Commander Liggett Liggett- Spades A A. A 6 Hearts 10 8 a 6 Diamonds Dia Din monds month 7 6 5 4 Clubs A A. A 4 4 3 2 I was the dealer and Mr Lenz passed my opening bid of ot one Dia Din mond nond Joe immediately bid four Hearts I knew that she did not have three honor tricks in her hand for If f she had she would have made a forcing takeout of two Hearts A direct game bid in Hearts over my opening bid shows a long Heart suit suit and about eight tricks in all because because be be- cause my partner had no right to ex ex- expect more than two tricks in my myland hand land when vulnerable even although II I had bid Of course I also know through the four Heart bid that she holds at nt least one Diamond In hi the play lay five were made Commander Liggett opened the Ace of Spades and o of course the Ace of Clubs could not ebe be shut out SET ONE TRICK It is hard to make a good player use a weak system of bidding This was disclosed on the second hand of ol the second rubber of the evening when Commander Liggett having a perfect two invitation bid under the official system opened simply with one spade A contract of six spades was reached which was defeated one trick When Mr Lenz noticed the cards played by his partner coupled with the jump from two spades to six spades he remarked Gee uGee what system are arc we playing The hand was North Mr Lenz Spades Lenz-Spades Spades A 8 6 hearts A 4 2 diamonds J 10 8 B clubs 8 a 7 3 2 I West Yest Mr Culbertson Culbertson Spades Spades 4 hearts 8 7 diamonds A Q 9 7 5 3 clubs Q 10 9 9 4 East Mrs Culbertson Spades Culbertson Spades K h 7 3 2 hearts 10 9 5 diamonds K 0 6 4 2 clubs J 6 6 South Commander Liggett LIggett Spades Spades Q J 10 9 5 hearts K Q J 6 3 diamonds diamonds dia din monds none clubs A K K 5 The contract was set one trick through perfect discarding by the de- de tense AVOID FINESSES Every good bridge player early learns earns that the most important thing about bout finesses is to learn to avoid them The player who tube takes sary finesses T usually loses ly so and However on hand No the hand of the rubber t the honorable lc referee I ah and aU all kibitzers wIth eyes glued ed to th the e tures lures in m the the tho a aper screen by talon taking g a else esse cause apparently 1 I needed eded another upper Stry fr be the dummy in order to entry into play ping the doubler Un The hand was North Mr Spade Lenz-Spade 7 4 2 hearts 9 4 diamonds R Q p D e 8 I clubs Q 8 3 3 y 0 7 7 West Mr Culbertson Spades 10 5 hearts 10 8 Z 2 diamonds K R 2 clubs A 10 9 9 7 10 g 61 East Mrs hire If spades CUlbertson-spades 5 J 3 hearts K K J J. J 6 3 Paden A try J a 8 5 clubs K 6 Ri Et 1 South Commander 5 G hearts A. A Q 7 7 5 diamonds ad 4 3 clubs J 5 4 2 A A Q II The bidding t East Elst one heart south pass pan one no trump north pass pass- cast two no trump south pass west th three trump north pass cast P pass pass- south no v pass double west pass north P ean My three no trump was what shaded but was justified cause I held three hear hearts ts be the SS sun suit bid by my partner In the play able to read the I was precise distribution of the life south hand due to the the opening lead of the spade double Jn an and d which which I thought to be fourth best seven leven In order to play through the dou dall- bling bUng hand after losing to the diamond din dia- mond mend queen I finessed the spade jack This was tuns to provide for the con tangency or of an entry In dummy d hand the As a result resul t. t the only tricks to 10 o ma nuke make A f a against the hand were the acc i quern of 01 hearts and s the queen ace of di monds and I thus made my con contract contact ct of three no trump double doubled i |