Show Obituaries Vital Statistics of S. S L L. and Vicinity j 1 John Allen Bagley i Funeral services for J John Allen Bag Baa rB B tol f Icy ley 79 70 former a at attorney I torney general of ot J. J I Idaho an and first member member mem memo I I ber to r of be fe the elected Pe Pec c church to rc a 4 t. t state tate office In n Idaho I will 1 b be conducted In Inthe inthe Sf the begg Second egg DI I ward In Montpelier Idaho Sunday at 2 V I m. m by Bishop f rc i Iii B yr yron E. E Mumford I Burial will wUl be In inI er cemetery I Mr Bagley died I Thursday hu at 7 p. p m. m I in a Sa Salt rt t Lake hos hospital 5 I pital after a years year's Illness I Mr Bagley was I well known In Utah I and Idaho having operated law offices I In Salt Lake City and Bear Lake county Idaho Mr Boiler Soren Nielson Soren Sores Nielson 72 retired hard rock miner of South State street treet died FrIday Friday Fri FrI- day at a. a m. m In a Salt Lake City hospital hO ot of f cerebral b 1 thrombosis I lie f e ta was wan a bc born In Denmark October 8 1869 1859 and had resided In Utah since 1900 He was custodian at the Art Barn at 54 4 Finch avenue from 1931 to 1936 1036 Funeral services were conducted Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- at 1 P. P m. m at East First South i r. r street r Burial was waa In lit Mt Olivet tery Martha E. E Moses Funeral services for Miss MIs M Martha rtha E. E Moses 96 pioneer Utahn and first school chool schoolteacher schoolteacher teacher e In lii the Holladay OI da area will be 1 J Mt i conducted Monday da at 2 p. p m. m In iii the Cottonwood I. I L D S ward chapel by Bishop Frank Armstrong Burial will be bo In the Holladay cemetery Friends Friend may call at 36 East Eat Seventh South street Saturday S a aa and a Sunday and at rume the i family home on n Cottonwood tt I lane Monday from 10 a. a m. m until p. p m. m Elizabeth Hopkins Mrs Mra Elizabeth Hopkins Hopkin Sj 89 widow of John HopkIn and a resident of Salt Lake City fo Co th past pant 25 years yeara died FrIday at p. p ie of a stroke suffered a month ago at ai Per her residence Blair street She was wan born July 10 1852 in Jeffer son N. N Y Y a daughter of Mr and Mrs Anthony Gingras She moved to Salt Lake City from Montana where she he had resided resided re- re sided many years She was a member of Cathedral of the Madeleine parish pariah and the League of the Sacred Heart Surviving are a daughter Mrs Mary Spies of Sal Salt Lake City a son Bon Louis Furlong Fur lur long by a previous marriage six Ix grandchildren grand children and a great Edith Ann Curtis Mrs Ann Curtis Curti 43 a beauty operator and resident of Salt Lake City most of her life died Friday at 4 p. p m. m of carcinoma at her residence 2441 Park street treet Sue SlIe wg born September 1 1898 In Salt Lake City a daughter of Niels Bids and Edith Harmon Pearson Surviving are her parents three brothers broth broth- ers era LeslIe LesIe M. M Pearson of Boneta IrvIn Pearson of FarmIngton and Edward Pearson Pearson Pear Pear- son lion of ot Salt Lake City and nd a sister alter Mrs Mr Rhoda Powell of Mt Emmons Utah Von Wight Eddy Mrs Von Wight Eddy 60 wife of or A. A L. L Eddy died late lale Friday at her residence 1111 East First South street treet after a prolonged pro longed Illness She was wall born In Brigham City on January Janu Janit ary 26 a daughter a of Margaret R. R Wight and n the late t Charles g rs Wight I She th had d lived In Brigham City Malad Idaho and Salt Lake City She was a member of the theL theL theL L D S church and was married to Mr E Eddy September 23 1903 In the Salt Lake L D S temple Surviving are arc her husband her ber mother a daughter a Ruth L. L Eddy d two sons C. C L. L Ci hr 3 and n H M. M L L. rE Eddy three grandchildren Ic I n two brothers Russell and Elliot R. R Wight all of Salt Lake City and two sisters Mrs Mra Noble M M. Fishburn and Mrs James Jame S S. Harper Har per of Brigham City Funeral services will be conducted Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day da at 1 p. p m. m in the Eleventh L D S Sward ward chapel Tenth East street treet and burial will be In Brigham City cemetery Edward L. L Geary Fo Fourth Edward tai East s Long street Geary died at 87 l hl lila hlf his of f h home 1152 F Friday South at G 6 p. p m m. of coronary thrombosis Funeral ur r services V will be rg conducted i d Monday Mon day at 11 a a. a m m. at the Deseret mortuary 36 East Seventh South street treet Mr Geary an active I L D S church and temple worker and high priest In the Liberty Liberty Lib erty ward at the time of his death was born In England on August 18 1854 to 10 Mr and Mrs Edward Geary He was a pioneer in the settlement of Huntington nt g Emery county n Utah a and was i one n of the first rr rrt stock t g raisers s there hr wJ HP He established the Ille first freight line between and Price He Ha Is survived by his wife Rachel P. P Fullmer Geary a son Edward O G. Geary Hunting to three sisters Mrs Mr Mary Larsen Lar Lam sen rn cn Mrs George London Ofden Ogden Og- Og den and LIda Llda Gean Kansas 11 grandchildren grand Irand children and eight great great- great Friends may may- call at 36 East Seventh South street treet Sunday and Monday prior to 10 services Burial will sybIl be In Huntington city cemetery S LeRoi Bentley PRICE PRICE Services Services for LeRol Bentley 1 year old of Wellington who died October 9 9 will be conducted Sunday at 1 30 p p. p m. m In the Price L D s 5 chapel The baby was born August AUKUst 31 1940 at Price Surviving are his Ills parents Clarence Clarence Clar Clar- ence L Labial LeRol Rol and Sarah Mae Hall Bentley two sisters Elizabeth and Edith and his Mr and Mrs Henry Bentley Bent- Bent ley Icy Wellington and Mr and Mrs Henry Hall Pleasant Grove Burial will b be In itt the Wellington ten tery I Mrs David Davis MONTPELIER MO Idaho Mrs David Davis 65 born In Pittsburgh Pa FL December December Decem Decem- ber 9 1875 died In a R. local hospital Thurs Thura day Mrs Davis a time long resident of of I Montpelier was a da daughter of Mr and Sirs Mrs 1 Jacob b Williams s December beo 30 18 1807 7 i she he was waa married to Mr Davis who recently was wa retired lre by the u Union n Pacific IlI railroad lIr I ro iv Other l survivors u are four sons o and daughters daughter Jay Davis of Twin Falls alls Mahon Stab Mah- Mah-j Mah Ion on Davis and Sirs Mrs J. J D. D DeWitt of Pocatello Poca tello Cello and Mrs Theo Merrill of Salt Lake City three sisters and a brother Mrs SIrs Allda Alida French and Wilbert Williams of Alhambra Cal Mrs Sirs Matt Douglass of North Jorth Hollywood Cal Cat and Mrs Mn Jesse Jese Dunn of Montpelier also alo 13 grandchildren Funeral services will be conducted Saturday Sat In the L D S First ward chapel with interment n in t the cemetery directed by y Irhe the F. F M St Williams mortuary tJi Frank Landy Frank Landy 50 59 76 West Second South street died In a local hospital at 6 S a. a m. m Friday of a stomach ailment Mr Landy Is survived by three daughters daugh tern tera of Salt Lake City Al AI Luke Preston An autopsy was Will being arranged Saturday Satur Satur- day after l' l the death al h of Al Luke Preston fe feoni oni 48 of n r In a local 1 hospital Il at i 1 p. p m. m of an abdominal ailment aliment Sarah McElroy Sarah Sarab McElroy 86 dl died d at her home borne South Eighth h East street a at t noon Saturday of a heart ailment aliment A fire department de squad quad called when she ahe was wu stricken was wu unable to revive her L Leo E. E Woodruff 1 I BLACKFOOT AC O Idaho Leo E s W 59 of manager the Blackfoot Blackf the Mountain States Statu Telephone O Ok k graph company since 8 In T 1920 1020 died late 01 Thursday rd In h his I a ahome W home of h heart rt din dis ease case Mr Woodruff known for his hI prom iF In civic activities ac ae I had been on sick leave ave since Ince last x spring r n I Born 1 March 15 ii 1882 In Salt Lake Lak City a son on of Wilford Wil- Wil W ford Woodruff Jr t tand and Julia Spencer Woodruff y og he spent t g his boyhood od In Utah and was In Switzer land a and Germany e from m 1902 1002 ut untIl Wi l 1905 1005 on OD an L D S mission He moved fro from m Rexburg to toI B I a c k f 0 0 t 0 three I yea years rs later He was waa a member of S' S t the ft e Blackfoot Sw Mr lr W school board several everal years and nd ii itt Scout 0 ol various tar work r capacities in In haf ler M Mr Woodruff rl eA married Ed da II A April 4 1906 iTs In the Salt Lake LakeL DO pIe She died July 4 4 1938 I In Bl I I-fe I married Minnie Ann Hobb 22 1940 In Blackfoot n I Besides his widow 10 sons san i Ind da tern tera survive Paul A. A t D Lake a e City l Lg Lb Leo c and George W 0 San DIeZ Cal l. l Samuel fe Tens Tenn III Boise Boine MIf of Mrs lire Blackfoot Melva ha M Mrs W Wilma of ef Wa I rk II Lucille Woodruff of Preston PreMon Ed Edl EdlI Woodruff of Pocatello r and Margaret et t Woodruff of Blackfoot five sisters William Ellas and Ez Ezon Ezra w az t Mrs ra Harry Hanson a and Mrs Mu Hal W W. of Salt Lake City r IIa Funeral will be Conducted day a at 2 p. p m. m in the he Blackfoot L D 0 arS' rS' rS hi hey oL i 8 s on war ward chapel e y with Bishop c Lov Loveland eland officiating Burial will b be i. i In L Lake Lak e City where brief MS wi WIlli 1 t conducted a J din Friends may a call i at th Sn Eldredge mortuary In f t an day at 10 a am m. m Graveside services will wID be conduct Salt Lake City cemetery lj atI Temple emple p. p m. m Fl Friends street tS 0 Monday may call from r at 2 11 a ss s a s 1 m. m p. p John h Hansen I RICHFIELD RICHFIELD F fL Funeral a ee for J Ha Hansen 71 71 who died at his tons bom o to of Thursday several at 11 weeks week a a. a k m. m following an as lire duration W will I be conducted conducted con con- f ebeR ducted In the Richfield Rich field Third L LOS D S Sward ward chapel under the d direction Ire c t Ion of Bishop Alex Jensen Sunday at 2 p p. m. m He was born at Big Cottonwood Salt Lake county April 1 13 1870 a son Ion of Lars Lan O. O Hansen and Bertha k so Sophia a am Hen Hen- d I n. n He lie moved m to Richfield at the 4 age aKe of 1 year but hut buthis buthis his parents w were e ere r a driven away by Indians In 5 and did not return until one year later He had resided resided re sided here ever since Ince and had been engaged en in h farming rm ac ar fl f I He married Minnie B B. Hansen Manners February 17 1907 1901 Mr Kr fir tonics Hwel at Provo f He is survived by his widow a t darp ter Mrs Virginia Anderson Anderon of ef Mt ill ant four brothers brother L. L P. P Senses Hansen Syria Hansen Joseph Masses Hansen and CharM X S f. f Hansen all of Richfield a ln ibis Sarah H. H Gardner of Richfield a a- Burial will be at the Richfield under the direction of Warner Friends may call at the lam family r bo tea 1102 from 9 a. a m. m until service time sundar Leland Stanford PARK CITY Leland CITY Leland Stanford i. i about 52 a bar bartender lender In Park ClIp Is fI five ve years was found dead In is bed W bl U tI landlady Mrs John CatniP morning He apparently had died about 3 t I. n. n of a heart attack said Coroner Genie CI m Mr r Phee had lived In is Park fill H Ctt II his life with the exception ot of 10 run In Salt Lake City He served ai II a J- J apprentice in railroad loos ISalt i II iSalt Salt Lake City He had been benz mutt mechanic at the QuIncy and mines In Park City f He was a son on of John Into and andRe Re Survivors tl Include r de a former forme wife if Jf Nell one son on William 8 S. Men three daughters Mrs Charles Lam and Mrs T Theodore d an SI o ci 1 W t Lake e City my and Mrs Mg Frank e M hit City City- one sister Iter Sirs Mrs Flora i Carthage N. N Y V. Ora Bartlett Bean 1 VAN NUYS NUTS Cal Cat Mrs Ora EnlIst t Be Bean 62 wife if of Burton ll J. J Bees Bean art former resident of Utah and Idaho tH J here T Thursday of an extended IUn i R heart t ailments She was born In Buffalo Valley county Tennessee N November er 11 ii I I tt Bl Henry e V and McKee e Bartlett J t moved to Utah with her fa falSer Iller la is 15 us settling e at Richfield Utah I She WU u 1 tied to Mr Sir Bean In Is the MM Manti n tt fU fUL J 22 1897 1891 is December L D S temple band moved J The to e 1 Manard couple moved Idaho Oto ts to w with yes Van n hJ Mr item Sirs tm t tS' tS ft I 1920 1020 and had resided here hert since sines P. P She had been active In L I. D C ch affa affairs 1 Surviving besides the husband iI 52 t sisters Mrs Annie B. B Bean of ef Ai Cat Cal t rsM Mrs Ht Hattie Hattle Bean nB and SIrs Mn ra J Beal Beat of Richfield Utah a brother S St n Bartlett of Tennessee and an 55 aa 11 Zellmar et ft f daughter ter Mrs Ora B. B Nuys Funeral services will be conducted I P 8 day afternoon In Van NH'S burial In a Van Nuys Nuy cemetery J Pattie H. H H B. B Doherty J I I OGDEN OGDEN OGDEN-A A Science J. 5 41 ohe for Mrs Pattie Holmes Holme Blake I. I will I until recently n l a resident d nt of oin Owen Ogden conducted g u Sunday n at 2 p. p ro Ps in Darling mortuary chapel chapet with Ith SIrS Irs u Lc Sk Broadie as reader a r. r Mrs fr Doherty g died I In Sin Fra October 1 1 of in n acute acutt toxic II Following cremation l her ashel ui io brought An Ano to o Ogden to be Interred err In is 11 tal lain Cain View r cemetery cemetery- terl If She was born In it fy-it JJ n fI gust fust Henry 2 2 and nl 1898 Blanche a Kelly daughter b BlaM l k or we Ibe educated led In Texas Tuu and ond nd OklahOma rating P r- r C from Kiefer Hiefer Okla OIls high his Thorns Thomas She was married to nIT Doherty h at Drumright Okla a InBe m In n f g 1 Mo He Be died l in Kansas City P j after if ter which she he and her ber J i II IIo Went t to c California I ni and later It Ogden gen n to o ma make their home r o 5 several 1931 She was employed In is stores as a a. millinery Layer buyer ancl and I arly employed In San Fr raD u. u aJo she he e had gone le less tItan than n two r th Of In n Ogden she e was a member m Church of Christ Scientist g pa path Surviving are her daughter sad nd Doherty of Ogden a foster JOlt O II Dobert of daughter laughter William 5 Watson U of PIedmont I e and ind Mrs Helen Iwo wo sisters ie Mrs Blanche a che Tulsa Pulsa Okla OkIa and Mrs Mr f- f liP t. t H. H w BUti T. T Mon Montreal treal a and nd a brother J ShIdler Okla Okill 1 I Glen R. R McLaws J I II TOOELE TOOELE Glen Glen R el ef old son O of Robert O Glen J f and andI s 's W e 1 McLaws r died e Friday a at 1 J P I Salt Lake hO hospital of pneumonia been ill I a b week ai born 8 The baby WaS a Tooele Surviving are the Ille l I tel MarjorIe I t o bOth n 1 Robert and Eugene Sir U. U B grandparents Mr ad a Jesse I Lawn Law and Mr and sirs JUs I of Tooele IJ I I I James Elias I I COALVILLE Elas Funeral o died si I I James Ella Ellas 6 65 jno 10 to e O w ef Friday I Coalville early early- FIday home in I bore earlY conducted w In t ailment aliment wilt will be wi at 2 P. P i J I Monday d school a auditorium I Bishop k A. A JN S. S Gardner r m In falloW hf 0 In Coalville cemetery 7 wIll 11 is lf Mr was born of t tAnnIe 1876 a son Ion 12 a iad Annie Christensen setU ei aei He 1 firt 15 America in ill 1883 I Creek Cat then moved to y when he began h er L lumber limb In is the ba became interested i f fand operated Md and 0 and had d owned n Ik creeK v fO t tt t In East fork O of Chalk 35 years yeara 1 1 lie He married vember marIed 17 1897 Mal In the Sat temple 50 lIfe is survived by two Ferral FerrIO on and nd M Roanoke Ala two daughters dau Vel WI Lemb and r. r I Lindsay 1 Cal a iJ ister sers fir f sI p-sI iga and tead JYRe Idaho children w If h nunn Duos r the st 51 Friends may snag call 0 f evening and at the th Jf Sunday r of 01 se W Wendell Monday until time um |