Show NAZIS NAilS REPORT PATH OPEN TO RICH CAUCASIA Hitler Command Boasts Huge Victory at By Associated Press Adolf Hitler's high command declared late Saturday that the battle along the tLe Sea of was ended with the bulk of the Russian Russian Rus Rus- RUS-I RUS sian Ninth and Eighteenth armies destroyed and red army prisoners captured This would mean that the Cerman German German Ger Ger- man southern armies driving into the lower Ukraine would be in a position to make a frontal assault on key to the great Caucasian Caucasian Caucasian Cau Cau- casian oil fields and possibly later come to grips with British middie middle middle mid mid- dle die east armies Unofficial reports have indicated indicated indi indi- that General Sir Archibald P P. Wavell commander in chief for India might speed part of the to British imperial imperial im im- Im- Im penal troops in the middle east to support the Russians in the Caucasus Turkish reports report recently said British troops and supplies were moving up in that direction On the central front before Moscow great masses of Russian reserves were reported streaming toward the front warmly dressed for winter action as General Fedor Fedor Fedor Fe- Fe dor von Bocks Bock's German armies surged yer ver nearer the soviet capItal capital capital cap cap- ital over soaked blood battlefields As the Russian war ended its its' sixteenth week the Russians appealed appealed appealed ap ap- ap- ap pealed more urgently to Great Brit Britain in to create a diversion by invading western Europe Thus Red Star the soviet army newspaper newspaper newspaper news news- paper declared Now the main forces of the German army are chained in the east creating most favorable rable conditions conditions conditions con con- for of other fronts of the German anti-German coalition tion Afield Russia's sorely pressed armies fell back to a shorter defense defense defense de de- de- de front in the night and were reported to have slowed down the old day German drive on Moscow Moscow Moscow Mos Mos- cow but soviet dispatches admitted admitted ad ad- admitted a grave new danger had arisen in the sector miles west of the U USSR S S R capital The danger is great said Red Continued on Page Two Column Two GERMANS DRIVE AT BIG OIL AREA Continued from Put Pare On One star tar conceding for the moment at least east that the Germans had numerical nu- nu merical superiority in the all important im- im conflict on the central front German reports asserted that hundreds of thousands of Russian corpses lined the battlefields around round miles mUes southwest south south- west est of Moscow Red troops attempting to escape encirclement by creeping through German Jerman lines at night were said saido to o have been mowed down in great numbers umbers A A. bulletin from Adolf Hitler's field headquarters reported that huge luge scale slaughter of Russian forces trapped In the and sectors was proceeding rapidly On the southern Ukraine front the high command com com- nand mand said annihilation of soviet troops north of the Sea of was as approaching completion If true this would pave the theay way ay for tor a II direct German assault on n the Don river port of gateway to the vital Caucasian oil fields elds In the north around Leningrad the le German high command said 11 Russian attempts to break out of the old czarist capital failed Friday and that 28 super heavy soviet oviet tanks were destroyed in three days of fighting Fighting Intensified Soviet line front-line dispatches said the he bloody struggle on the central front was mounting in intensity with fresh German divisions attacking attacking at- at tacking incessantly in three m main in sectors sectors- sectors and andrel Orel rel miles south of Moscow I Unconfirmed B Berlin e r I II I n reports said aid the Germans were also driving driving ing ng on the Volga river city of miles northeast of Moscow and had captured Tula railway ailway junction miles due south of the soviet Thus capital capital Thus drawing a complete half circle around round Moscow Thousands of red army reserves were reported moving up to the front in a steady stream but the maae mace made no attempt to to con- con maae mace made no attempt to to con- con coneal conceal conceal ceal eal the darkness of the hour After initial success in stemming stemming stem- stem ming ning German attacks around inflicting heavy losses on the invaders the Russians conceded conceded con- con ceded eded their lines had been tornby torn tornby torny by y deep wedges in that defense zone one In the sector where the he Russians said Friday that the nazis azis were advancing over mountains moun- moun thins ains of German corpses outflanked outflanked out- out flanked red divisions withdrew to new ew positions in the night under undercover undercover cover over of heavy rearguard actions The depth of the soviet withdrawal withdrawal with- with was not disclosed but presumably presumably pre- pre they fell back to a shorter straighter line between and Tula along the Oka and rivers Face Winter at War German newspapers told the people eople that the men at the front would not be home this winter which seem seemed d to indicate that Hiter's Hitler's Hit Hit- ers er's description of the Moscow offensive as the last great decisive decisive deci- deci sive ive battle this year did not mean an n end to the war with Russia Meanwhile P Prime rl ri m e Minister Churchill received a demand by bya a group of British students for immediate armed action to relieve relieve re- re lieve pressure on our Russian al- al lies ics There was still no hint of a British expeditionary force going to o Invade the continent but restless restless rest- rest less ess Britons were encouraged by a war office announcement of the formation of a corps of shock troops skilled in sea landings landings- called ailed commandos commandos and and London newspapers freely asserted they would one day storm enemy beaches |