Show Fire Prevention Week Brings Safety Gain ain Officers Carry Cany Message of Caution to Scores Of H Homes mes I Inspect Hous Houses s for H Hazards Fire Prevention week came to to toa a close in Salt Lake City Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- with word ward by Fire Chief LaVere Hanson that prevention preventions is s a job for we weeks ks of f the ye year r not just one rie 1 I H Chief Hanson Hanson said that during the week the h message of fire prevention prevention pre pre- i was va C carried widely by means of house inspections forI for I possible hazards and programs at schools theaters hospitals business business business' firms and Fort Port Fort Douglas The department has offered to answer all requests of citizens for inspections at their homes Chief Hanson Hanson said the old saw about an ounce of prevention et etc is especially true in fire prevention Ten thousand Americans Americans' died through fires last year including three in Salt Lake City and and andt t another another another an an- other three els elsewhere where in Utah Utah Utah- he pointed out All AIlS Alli Were Needless a Almost all were needless and could have been prevented with education and forethought That's our aim aim to to end the needless tragedy and waste caused by fire he said With Miss Alene Houskeeper 19 First avenue as the subject subject subject sub sub- The Telegram has illustrated some Chief Hanson has observed during the week These he says form a basic part of the fire prevention educational cam cam- For instance Don't Dont substitute a lighted match for foi an electric light in a closet More than your best hat might go up in smoke Dont Don't store papers and other rubbish under stairs In closets or other places where a conflagration zion tion might result Paint rags and certain chemicals sometimes take tako takeoff takeoff off through spontaneous combus combus- tion Dont Don't put a penny or other fuse substitute into a fuse plug The fuse is supposed to be the weakest place in the elec electrical circuit and you'd rather have a short circuit there than under the eaves or between the floors Don Smoke In Bed Dont Don't smoke in bed or on a couch or chair where you might fall asleep Along this same line dont don't flip lighted or cigars or dump tobacco ashes where a afire afire afire fire might result And dont don't an electrical rix fixture while any any part of the body is is' wet especially while climbing in or out of the bathtub unless you want to get the shock of your life A t |