Show Dusky Fighter Day CHICAGO Oct Oct 11 UP Bob P-Bob Bob Montgomery punching hard-punching Philadelphia Philadelphia Phia- Phia Phila Phila- delphia negro sounded the death knell to Davey Days Day's Days ring career last night night The aggressive easterner topflight topflight top top- flight Contender for the lightweight lightweight light light- weight championship knocked out Day in the first round rund of their scheduled rounder 10 before spectators in the Chicago stadiums stadium's stadiums stadium's um's urns first indoor fight of the seaSon sea sea- son The victory was Montgomery's eleventh in a row and further emphasized emphasized emphasized em em- his eligibility for a fight with the winner of the Low Lew Lw Jen Jen- Sammy kins-Sammy Angott title tte fight Jenkins is recognized as the champion champion champion cham cham- pion in New York and Angott is the titleholder of the National Boring Boxing Boxing Box Box- ing association Montgomery floored Day with a left hook to the body and a right cross to the jaw the end coming after two minutes and 59 seconds of the round round |