Show vw I. I v. v H up Uj J t AD MANAGERS OPEN CONCLAVE I Th Three ay ree ay Session j Starts Saturday Fifty delegates Saturday opened annual convention of the Utah- Utah i I Idaho d a h 0 Newspaper Advertising I Managers' Managers association in Salt Lake City Business sessions and headquarters r- r are at the Newhouse hotel Social activities occupied Saturdays Saturday's Saturdays Saturday's Saturdays Saturday's Satur Satur- days day's program del delegates gates holding a golf tournament while their wives were entertained at a bridge luncheon at the Hotel Utah under undercharge undercharge undercharge charge of Mrs Amos B. B Jenkins Mrs LeRoy D. D Simmons and Mrs A. A A. A Campbell A dinner amner meeting will win be oe De held nela A dinner amner meeting will win be oe De held nela at the Newhouse hotel at 8 p. p m. m Saturday sponsored by Salt Lake newspapers Robert Warner Twin Falls Idaho association president will be in charge A business session will be held at the Newhouse hotel at 11 a. a m. m Sunday at which speakers will be LeRoy D. D Simmons SimmonS' promotion manager of The Tribune Telegram Mark E. E Petersen general manager manager manager man man- ager of the Deseret News News Amos Amos B. B Jenkins advertising manager of the Deseret News and Heyden Heitz Idaho Falls Idaho Sessions will continue Monday |