Show Students Hold Plaza Rally A blaze of lights lights lights-a a fat bonfire bonfire bonfire bon bon- fire and mobs and mobs of people jammed the Park plaza in front of the Park building on the University of Utah campus Friday nighta night night- a riot Well WelI almost It was just a a. rampaging rally and plaza dance to cheer the Redskin before Saturdays Saturday's Saturdays Saturday's Saturdays Saturday's Sat Sat- fray with Wyoming Freshman Queen Gloria Greene and her attendants were there ther the Utes' Utes gridiron gridiron gridiron grid grid- iron stars were introduced and yells and songs filled the night The plaza dance dance dance-an an outdoor affair which calls calIs out throngs of students clad cladIn cladIn cladin In levis and boomed rooting spirit News were the huge stag lines both gals and fellas and everyone was dancing with everyone else to add to the excitement Queen Greene dancing lots with Bob Poulton and we also noted those two cute gals Mary and Peggy Chase Pat Swaner caused a near- near riot with her long pointed Neapolitan cap of red jersey wool that dangled tantalizingly tantalizingly tantalizingly down her back Hunter duke for the IKs IK's and Betty Jean Christensen Christensen Christensen Chris- Chris did a twin act with reversible coats just alike Phyl Larsen in one of those n new nw w plaid sweaters and Jordy Jordy Jor Jor- dy Stevenson were swinging it out while student body Val Sheffield and Hope Darton were dancing together when we glimpsed them Burton Brasher yearbook editor could be seen gathering gathering gathering gather gather- ing notes and pix for the book the book the lights were that good Mary Skidmore was seen in the huddle too June Grant looked really in her Glen plaid coat and Carl Sandburg with her struck an amazing note by appearing in a tux tux tux- he was on his way to a dance band engagement Dorothy Hansen her own cute self in a bright plaid suit and brogues was seen with Bob Woolf Marjie Sutherland in a red red suit seemed to be danch dancing with everyone her long hair and full skirt swinging out in ingrand ingrand ingrand grand style Oh there were gobs more people but we had such a good time ourselves that we couldn't write em all down |