Show STOCKS STEADY ON SL S S. S L L. L BOARD Stocks steadied on the Salt Lake I Istock stock exchange Saturday In a fairly heavy week-end week trading ses ses- ses- ses sion slon Despite a downtrend that developed the two preceding days two issues gained six held steady and four dropped fractionally Volume Volume Vol Vol- ume totaled shares Horn Silver led the advance with a 4 cent gain at 8 cents Ohio was up scent cent at 6 cents Crescent Eagle agle Oil dropped 1 cent to 9 cents Tintic Standard was off 2 cents at Walker Mining slipped sUpped 1 cent to 52 cents and New Park odd lot was off cent at 31 cents Bingham Metals at 3 34 cents Bristol Silver at 8 cents Chief Consolidated at 21 cents Combined Metals at 10 cents Park City Consolidated at 6 6 cents and Wyoming Utah-Wyoming Oil odd lot at 6 cents held steady The exchange will ill be closed Monday in observance of Columbus Columbus Colum Colum- bus day |