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Show i THE DOME lCENDS ilay fT THEY PLAY ArtD K.J if 1 IMW s TriumPhs Reach Beyond the Seas. I ' IJ?CAPITAL INVESTED, $3,500,0001 I! wmM!12SO PERSONS, 700 HORSESp l2 ffwPPiiil 100 CACES and DENS of W,LD ANIMALS, 40 ELEPHANT8 fjSS DC DOUBLE LENGTH inn ACTS. FEATURES AND ASSjTm HTTai RAILROAD CARS IUU EUROPEAN SENS ATION3 j3 li yclf Tf,G Man,i,(e BicycB Ri(lin c,liniPanzeoii pi WSlTHE GREATEST TRAINED ANIMALS EVER SEEN ji' WaSffiLQEE: THE PONIES ON THE REVOLVINQ TABLES ytS m& EJk Ci. C0 AEniALISTS AtiD THE 81 E C R I 8T-B 1 L B O N B 3 IP ffiClffiik 60 ACROAT8 AND THE PATTY F R A N K BVq9 W rVW6 RIDERS, THE GREATEST In tho WORLD M Vfxlm.30 CLOWNS, THE WORLD'S FUNNY M E n Jff)k, W gfiM? I SjfrJ B&'T&ils. OHLYAUtBICM DOUR BA1 CJOAVfr. 1000 Won-XJS&f fi. f ' THR1 lTeR Jr -Jslifs tovs m V 11 SUPnEM,E FKEE STREET PARADE M t 1 Admission tickets and reserved scats will bo on aale day m I at THE SMITH DRUG CO. ("Tho BuBy Oornor ), at exactly W f Bam prlcoa charged at tho rogular circus tickot wag"' 1 UTAH BIUPOST1NG GO H i J.)fAnt!enson. yes. m- R Lio JS'nf Sr-Jr p H p 1 Cards IrWjB lL JlWB Walls OT Y ft Muslin BWjSH Bulletins . Glass KSBSS Fosters gj T.C.ttORRlS, foreman 4 'Sofia 'for tHave you ever stopped to think of the money yw are losing ovary day by not turning your Blow ac- counts Into cash? Do you rcallzo that they aro the IH VAMPIRE that SUCKB the LIFE BLOOD out of your buslnens7 The WALLACE SCIENTIFIC collection IH system "will protect your Interests perhaps SAVE IH YOUR BUSINESS. TRY IT. DO IT NOW. jH ''we get" theu' 10NBY" H WALLACE LAW & ADJUSTMENT CO. H JOHN J. WALLACE, Manager. jH 323-4-5 D. F. Walker bids. Phones 1069. Salt Lake City, Utah. Established 1899. WE MAKE NO CHARGE UNLESS WE COLLECT. Tribune Want Ads Pull I if if if if ififnffifnrff3f5flfjf.lf3fif3f I jjj See Blanket Summer Sale Advertisement on Page 7 fjrjj II if' Snftotfe hmttt 651trtlt:a f0tA jf I trifltlcs goocl news. juMJ A couple of years ago, at a sale of infants' wear, a lady came into this store and spent about half JUf an hour looking around. To one of the salesladies she said she didn't want to bivy just wanted to ifl look over the infants' wear on the tables. "I have no little ones; but I dearly love them and the things jUU they wear." The saleslady had feeling. She showed the goods. What an interesting story might Wo have been told! A story of a little one who had cooed into a mother's face, and then the jour2iejr from A which there is no return; no other child to take its place and a mother's yearning heart; on the other Trfh juIB hand passing years and motherhood uncrowned! WP so How lucky we were to get tkis sample line ! B j(0j) We tried for three years to get a complete line of samples of infants' dresses, etc. Ali the big stores were after it, jUjjj V too. When a sample line is genuine it goes to only one store. Tt is sort of a treat one store gets it one season and another store next time. All the big Western stores vied with Keith-O'Brien. But it was our turn. The samples had been used ''H all spring. Stores everywhere made selection from these samples. And having served their purpose they were shipped Ak to us at a price which enables us to sell them at half. InfatV wear at half-prices is so unusual tnat L JVUh the sale will prove a feature of a whole year jvul? 1 It is a complete line and samples are the choicest of a factory's output each garment perfect for the scrutiny of -H L experienced buyers would readil1- reveal flaws. , ir?h 'H lull Come and see the samples. Every garment is beautiful each one at half price. TyJu CHILDEEN'S SHORT PIQUE COATS Embroidery BOX PLEATED DBESSES India lihon and 'pique; 'M and lace trimmed coats, box and Mother Hubbard styles; embroidery trimmed, low and high neck and long and short ; I regular prices range from $3.50 to $12.00. Half of these sleeves. $2.50 to $6.00. Half of these prices. jL 'H Wu PliCeS' LITTLE FRENCH DRESSES Lingerie and India liu- jttjjj f INFANTS' LONG COATS Bedford cords, cashmere on; lingerie and lace trimmed; high and low neck; long p and silk; trimmed with lace and silk braid ; regular prices and short sleeves; regular $2.00 to $12,00. Half of these lVta - range from $2.50 to. $25.00. Half Prices. prices. Mfvk WU INFANTS' LONG DRESSES Lingerie, lace and em- CHILDREN'S COLORED DRESSES Some princess, Juff IJ broidery trimmed; cluster of tucks, embroidery insertion some French styles; box plait, ginghams, linens, eham- IH 71 and embroidery edge. Regular $1.00 to $12.00. Half of these brays and dimities. Regular $2.25 to $3.50. Half of these lVim Prces- prices. ltlfn CHILDREN'S SHORT MOTHER HUBBARDS Lin- CHILDREN'S SHORT SKIRTS Lingerie and India f gcric and India iinon ; lace and embroidery trimmed yokes ; Jinons, long and short waisted. flounces are tucks, lace and o lmi ruffles with lace and embroidery and also plain hemstitched, embroidery trimmed. Regular $1.00 to $5.00. Half of these MH) 50c to $8.00. Half of these prices. prices. Jun) IH INFANTS' BONNETS Complete stock; straw, lingerie and embroidory. Regular prices from 50c to $7.50. lfifififiifififf3fiflfififif3fjfiff I |