Show Sarah W WI Greene GreeneS Dies at Payson S PAYSON June 4 4 1 Mrs Sarah Wright Greene 84 a resident of Payton raysOn died early Saturday morn morn- ing at ing-at at her home after an illness of two weeks She was vas as born on April 7 1844 at Nauvoo III Ill The family S came to Utah in 1855 and on July 1 1 1860 she was married to Henry X N Greene After living In iii various part Jart of the west they located at Payson in 1880 Mr Greene died many years ears ago Six of their e eleven even children survive They are Henry Greene Kingston Cal Mrs Lydia LydiaS S A. A Watts Moab loab Mrs Effie Effle Taylor 1 Provo Mrs Emma Rupert Rupert Ru Ru- 1 pert Ida and andr Mrs Mary A A. Barney and J. J C. C Gre Greene ne Payson Fun Funeral al cervices will be held Tuesday at 2 |